Adventure in Forbidden Land: Unlock the National Style Playing Box at the beginning

Chapter 159: My little brother, is it you who can seduce?


Qin Feng was uncomfortable being caught, so he wanted to call the little brother next to him for help.

But when he turned around, the face he saw was that of Yuzhi, the daughter of the Queen Mother of Xi.

Yuzhi's five fingers are long and thin, and they don't have the slightest color of blood.But I don't know why the strength is amazing!
Could it be that this is where the bones of Yuzhi, the daughter of the Queen Mother of the West, are buried?
That sarcophagus is buried with Jade Gardenia?

No wonder it's so shabby.

In severe pain, Qin Feng stopped calling Zhang Qilin.

Enduring the severe pain by himself, he let out a breath, and then he wanted to use his other hand to raise the platinum ancient knife to chop her.

But before he picked up the knife, Qin Feng felt uncomfortable in his neck.

It turned out that another hand stretched out from the mural and grabbed his neck tightly.

Soon, the feeling of suffocation made Qin Feng's eyes darken, it was very difficult to breathe, and he couldn't use his strength.

But... Qin Feng didn't worry too much.

Because he believed that Zhang Qilin would definitely discover his anomaly.


Sure enough, after a few seconds, Qin Feng was patted from the back.

It was Zhang Qilin who saw the problem.

And it was this slap that made Qin Feng suddenly wake up from the feeling just now.

"Huhuhu..." Qin Feng took off his mask and exhaled loudly.

The pain in the wrist and neck is still there.

But the pair of Yuzhi's hands that pinched Qin Feng disappeared.

Zhang Qilin saw something was wrong, and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Qin Feng touched his neck that was still hurting, and after a while, he told Zhang Qilin and Master Huaer what he had just experienced.

After finishing speaking, she also showed him the pinched and bruised hands.

Zhang Qilin looked serious, and pulled Qin Feng behind him.

Then shine the flashlight on the wall where Qin Feng was in danger just now, and wipe off the dust.

Only then did I see clearly that there was actually a pair of murals hidden on the wall.

These murals are elegant in color, well-organized and exquisite.

But the characters in the painting are very strange and very rare.

But the only thing in common is that these things are the size of a normal person, and the eyeballs are very big.

They stared down, watching everything in the chamber.

And what's even more amazing is that as Zhang Qilin's position moves, the eyes of those portraits seem to move accordingly.

Master Hua'er was very depressed when he saw the characters in these paintings.

With a random knock, the eyes of several portraits were knocked out.

"Here, it should be the tomb of Queen Mother of the West."

"The characters in these murals should be from the Queen Mother of the West."

Zhang Qilin opened his mouth to explain.

But at this time, Qin Feng couldn't listen, his eyes were just staring at the front of himself.

That is the direction that Yuzhi came out just now.

The Jade Garden on the mural there is obviously much more protruding than other places.

It seems that there is a corpse hidden inside.

Did she really move just now?
"Don't look! Go up."

Zhang Qilin yelled at Qin Feng.

Qin Feng quickly reacted.

But when Master Hua pulled the rope and signaled Fatty Wang, Wu Tianzhen, and Master Hua to pull himself up.

Just found out!

The rope tied to the three of them actually broke.


Zhang Qilin was the first to react.

He hurriedly walked towards the entrance of the cave.

But when they got to the entrance of the cave, they realized that the entrance of the cave, which was still in good condition when they came down just now, was actually blocked by the bronze coffin.

"Fuck! Fatty, what are they doing?"

Master Hua'er cursed at this scene.

But after scolding, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

"Is there anything wrong with them?"

Zhang Qilin didn't reply, but he tried to jump up and use his hands to open the bronze coffin.

However, here comes the problem. You must know that even with Zhang Qilin's strength, it is possible to push open the bronze coffin with Qin Feng and Master Hua.

But now the few people are several meters below the sky, and they can't use their strength at all.

Even if there is a wooden beam supporting it, as mentioned earlier, the wooden beam itself has been flooded with water and is rotten.

With a little force, it will break.

This led to the fact that even Zhang Qilin could jump on it.

But he couldn't use his strength to push the bronze coffin open.

"Fatty, blind!"

Master Hua'er stood under the entrance of the cave and yelled at the people above.

But the people above seemed to be dumb.

How loudly Master Hua'er shouted, but no one answered?
"what happened?"

"Could it be that headless female corpse sneaking over?"

Master Hua'er couldn't figure it out.

Because although there is something blocking it here, he believes that through some cracks, the sound can still be transmitted to it.

But for some reason, I yelled for a long time, but no one responded.

And what's even more weird is, why did these three people seal the cave entrance inexplicably?

the other side.

Just when Master Hua'er was in a state of desperation, Qin Feng also felt very uncomfortable.

Because of the panting just now, he inhaled too much air in this secret room.

And there is no air circulation here.

I am afraid that no matter how much I stay inside, I will die within half an hour.

In a hurry, he thought of the six will-o'-the-wisps outside.

turn out to be!The six will-o'-the-wisps did not imply that the seafood shop owner Chen and his trio had an accident.

But three of us!


Master Hua'er and Qin Feng looked at Zhang Qilin at the side at the same time.

But who can think of it.

Zhang Qilin, who was about to turn around at this moment, suddenly felt a tightness in his neck.

Immediately afterwards, the same feeling as Qin Feng appeared on him.

At some point, Yuzhi suddenly appeared again, grabbing Zhang Qilin's neck.

And this power is ten times stronger than the one that pinched Qin Feng just now.

That is, when Qin Feng and Master Hua'er called him, Zhang Qilin couldn't make a sound at all.

Qin Feng and Master Hua'er saw that the little brother didn't speak, but showed a pensive expression.

The two of them, who were used to seeing the younger brother like this, thought the younger brother was meditating by himself.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Qilin was silently grabbed by that jade gardenia, and he didn't even notice it at all.

There were more and more beads of sweat on Zhang Qilin's face, because no matter how strong his body was, once his neck was pinched, his hands and feet would not be able to exert strength.

And that's why everyone sees a hanged person and kicks down the stool under their feet, so they can no longer use their hands to remove the rope.

Because at this time, your hands can't use any strength at all.

Zhang Qilin's mind was spinning rapidly.

Just at the moment when he was about to be pinched and lost consciousness.

Suddenly, the woman in front of him suddenly withdrew her hand.

Zhang Qilin also took advantage of this and kicked Yuzhi with his foot.

Immediately, the body returned to normal.

Everything in front of me is intact.

He was wondering why the woman let go suddenly.

Qin Feng's voice on the side said, "Fuck! My little brother, is it you who can seduce?"


Tomorrow I have to catch the high-speed train to go home for the New Year, so I will update it in advance as the author needs to tidy up the room today.

Asking for gifts every day...

Rest assured, when the author returns home, the small interactions between couples that everyone likes to watch will continue to be arranged.

[Quickly speaking, because the review was only approved at 23:[-] yesterday, there were very few gifts, so you won’t know it today, right? 】

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