"Did I read it wrong??? Why do I always feel something is wrong?"

In forbidden land.

When everyone's eyes were on the coffin on the palace, the boss of the seafood shop beside him touched his beard.

In fact, he was fine before this, but as soon as he entered this palace, he felt inexplicably cold.

An indescribable strange feeling filled his whole body.

What made him feel weird the most was the light in this secret room.

When they first entered the forbidden area, the eternal lamp was turned on, and the whole secret room was brightly lit.

It has a flavor of the prosperous Tang Dynasty, but for some reason at the second coffin, the light gradually dimmed.

Of course, this is only caused by his psychological factors. In fact, there is nothing serious about the lighting here, and it can still be illuminated normally.

The reason for all this was simply the psychological impact he had after entering a palace blocked by walls from the very bright lobby just now.



A gust of wind carried the smell of mercury, which made him yawn uncontrollably.

He just wanted to take a closer look at the layout of the room.

But suddenly I felt a chill down my back...

Immediately, Boss Chen of the seafood shop broke out in a cold sweat, and his body began to tremble non-stop!

Because in his opinion, these hands are so cold.

Could it be that he ran into the headless female corpse that ran away just now?

Boss Chen of the seafood shop just thought of Na Lixia's name subconsciously,

But when he turned around, he realized that it turned out to be his closest relative... little brother.

"Damn it! Kiss...kiss...brother, you scared me to death."

Boss Chen of the seafood shop quickly wiped off his sweat!

"What are you looking at furtively!" Qin Feng asked with a calm face.

In fact, Qin Feng has been paying attention to this guy for a long time.

He has been thinking about it for a long time, although he is not afraid that the three guys in front of him will cause trouble.

But I don't want some people to make trouble when I and my brother are cracking the mechanism and solving troubles.

"Nothing, how dare I have any bad thoughts."

Seeing that Qin Feng had misunderstood him, Boss Chen of the seafood shop quickly explained.

"It's just that as soon as I entered here, I felt a faint feeling of uneasiness in my heart..."

"What's wrong?" Qin Feng asked.

"..." Boss Chen of the seafood shop glanced at Qin Feng, and then at his surroundings.

With that treacherous look, it felt as if someone had heard his words.

"Speak up if you have something to say..." Qin Feng was a little overwhelmed by his appearance.

So, after experiencing repeated entanglements and struggles in his heart, the boss Chen of the seafood shop heaved a sigh of relief and acted like he was going all out.

At this time, Qin Feng finally understood what was wrong with what he said.

It is a layout of this palace.

Because when entering the palace, everyone's focus was on the other three coffins of Zaona.

Therefore, except for the boss of the seafood shop, Chen, no one discovered that the layout of this palace is actually very strange.

The palace as a whole sits facing east and west, and after entering, it extends on two sides, and the shape is like the thighs in the entire space of the secret room.

"You mean that all the palaces in the entire forbidden area are actually a decoration of one person?"

"That's right." Boss Chen of the seafood shop nodded, and then continued, "And his orientation is very strange. The earth we live in is actually a magnetic field, so in Feng Shui, the orientation of the house needs to be very particular of…"


If it were Qin Feng who accepted the glory of the party and the country in the previous life, he would definitely have kicked out the boss of the seafood shop Chen as a gangster.

But now in this new parallel world, he has seen so many weird things, he didn't even dare to deny him for a while.

Besides!Among the older generation, there is really such a saying, so Qin Feng wants to hear him continue.

"So? Are you saying that there is something wrong with the Feng Shui layout of this palace?"

"It's not just a problem! It's a big problem." Boss Chen of the seafood shop almost jumped up.

This movement even caused Wu Tianzhen, who was about to get the coffin down, and Fatty Wang and others on the other side to look at him and Qin Feng.

Under the signal of Qin Feng's eyes, several people continued to deal with the coffin hanging on the beam.

At the same time, Boss Chen continued to speak.

"Dear... dear brother, look at the layout of the coffin. Does it face north and feet south?"

"The layout of this house should conform to the magnetic field, facing north and south, but he chose to sit east and west, and what's more! Although the "bed" is arranged to face south, it can't be arranged like this!"

Qin Feng naturally heard that his bed refers to the coffin.

But the latter sentence completely confused Qin Feng.

And the owner of the seafood shop, Chen, also saw Qin Feng's confusion, and continued, "I don't know dear...have you ever seen the mourning hall? The one who released the dead body."

Qin Feng shook his head, expressing that he did not know.

What a joke, no one pays attention to this thing, it's not bad if you don't get scared to death.

At this time, the owner of the seafood shop Chen also continued to talk.

"In the mourning hall, when a person dies, when they put him in the mourning hall, his head faces north and his feet face south..."

Hearing this, Qin Feng suddenly realized.

Hurry up and remind the little brother and the others.

"Brother, be careful, there may be a dead body."

After hearing Qin Feng's words, Zhang Qilin nodded, but Fatty Wang, who opened the coffin together, turned pale.

Although he knew that Zhang Qilin might be able to deal with the zongzi here, but in case... what if he suddenly choked himself and burped his fart like the female corpse just now dealt with Qin Feng.

But at this moment, the critical moment to get the coffin down with ropes, Fatty Wang couldn't retreat.

I had to grit my teeth and insist.

At this time, the boss of the seafood shop next to Qin Feng, Chen, also continued to speak.

"Besides, dear...brother, the thing that confuses me the most belongs to this."

After saying this, he pointed his hand in one direction.

"Huh?" Qin Feng looked in the direction of his finger.

It turned out that what he was talking about was actually the faint blue will-o'-the-wisp outside.

What's so strange about this?

Since Qin Feng and Zhang Qilin had already checked those will-o'-the-wisps, they didn't take it seriously.

Just as he was about to tell him that those things were dead bodies and they couldn't survive, the boss of the seafood shop, Chen, spoke first.

"Kiss, dear...brother, I don't know if you have noticed that we are standing in this palace, no matter which direction we look outside, we will always see six will-o'-the-wisps."

"For some reason, I always feel that these will-o'-the-wisps are implying something..."


"Dear dear... dear brother, today's two chapters of tasks have been completed, why are you still frowning?"

Qin Feng glanced at it, then Boss Chen said, "Oh...because I didn't kiss you today...brother!"

"?" Boss Chen was full of doubts.

"Ham, you don't know, how difficult it is to write a novel and ask for a gift. Today, I don't have a dear brother, so it is very difficult to ask for a gift!" Qin Feng said helplessly.

"No, no. The people who read your novels are all beauties and handsome guys. They are handsome and beautiful, and they speak nicely. Why don't they give you gifts..."

"And wait a little longer, wait a little longer, don't you and the little brother have a big event!"

"You can also threaten them with this! No gift, no writing."

"Is it really possible?" Qin Feng couldn't believe it, but he took notes in his heart.

[Please ask for a gift!Never threaten everyone! 】

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