"Open the coffin?"

Hearing Heixiazi's words, Fatty Wang hesitated for a while.

But he shook his head until the unbearable itching symptoms came again.

"What coffin to open? It's important to find a way to get out..."

But at this moment, at this moment, everyone's curiosity has already come up.

How could he listen to Fatty Wang?

At this moment, Zhang Qilin who was on the side spoke.

"Perhaps opening the coffin can provide clues."

Zhang Qilin's moderate voice affirmed Heixiazi's desire to open the coffin and take a look.

At the same time, the coffin just happened to wander around several people.

Qin Feng exhaled lightly, and then everyone surrounded the coffin wandering in the water.

"What kind of wood is this?"

When Qin Feng surrounded the coffin, he found the purple wood on the coffin.

But for the purple wood, Fatty Wang couldn't help but gasped.

No one expected to encounter such a coffin.

Fatty Wang glanced at Wu Tianzhen next to him and asked, "Tianzhen, is this something weirder than Yinzi's coffin?"

"..." Wu Tianzhen naturally noticed the unusual thing on the coffin and was about to reply.

But the black blind man beside him waved his hand and interrupted him, "What's the matter? Fatty, did you get scared when you saw the coffin board?"

Fatty Wang shook his head, saying that was not what he meant.

He glanced at the purple coffin floating on the water, and then at the black blind man.

Although he had known the blind man for so many years, he didn't know whether the blind man knew about a tomb-robbing commandment of his northern sect.

"... "

Heixiazi was also a little confused by Fatty Wang's inexplicable eyes, "Speak up if you have something to say, and walk away if you are afraid."

"This..." Fatty Wang still hesitated, looked at the purple coffin floating in the water again and again, and then said.

"There has always been an iron rule in the precept of touching gold. There is a saying that the scorpion coffin and the bronze coffin are not hard, so don't approach them."

Hei Xiazi was completely interested, so how could he listen to Fatty Wang's words.

"How can there be such a statement?" Heixia retorted.

But at this time, Fatty Wang continued to say, "You don't need to believe in your ancestors, but you have to believe in this innocent man, right?
This evil emperor, as long as he goes to the tomb, there will be troubles. I didn’t understand it at first, until the master once tested his horoscope, and it turned out that his horoscope is not strong enough..."

"It turned out to be like this?"

When Fatty Wang finished speaking, Qin Feng suddenly realized something.

Have you misunderstood the evil emperor for so many years?
Is it a question of horoscopes?


"So what."

Hei Xiazi still wanted to pretend that there was nothing wrong with opening the coffin in his tone.

But when his eyes turned towards Wu Tianzhen, his eyes changed obviously, and his tone became a little unconfident.

Because Heixiazi and Wu Tianzhen have experienced certain things together.

At this time, Master Hua'er also said, "The precepts you mentioned did exist before.

But now we have stepped over the bridge of Naihe, met Po Meng, and passed the soul-inducing ladder.

Even after crossing the underworld and finding this place, it shows that the lives of a few people are definitely hard enough! "

"Besides... the little brother also said that there may be clues here."

Qin Feng stood up and interjected at this time.

At this time, Fatty Wang was a little scared when he saw the blind man, but he laughed, "Joke, when was my fat grandpa scared? It's just that this coffin is different from Yinzi coffin and bronze coffin. It is a purple coffin. River cart stuff."

"I haven't opened this thing before. Now Fat Grandpa and I are like a tiger biting a hedgehog. I just don't know how to bite."

"open it."

Seeing Fatty Wang, he might still be babbling a lot, and Zhang Qilin on the side said a few words.

And this sentence is like an order.

Hei Xiazi, Fatty Wang, Zhang Qilin, and Master Hua'er each took out their tools.

They came to the four corners of the coffin respectively, and pushed up the military shovel used to open the coffin, as if they wanted to pry open the coffin in this way.

And when they were preparing to open the coffin, Qin Feng and the others were watching.

From the bright lights in the forbidden area, it can be seen that the purple coffin has a layer of bright luster.

Coupled with the engraved cloud dragon and phoenix on it, it is very beautiful and compelling.

"Dong dong dong..."

Next to Qin Feng, Wu Tianzhen walked over suddenly, and began to knock on the coffin lid with his hands, and suddenly, a "empty" sound came out.

Although the entire forbidden area is gorgeous, it is quiet.

At this moment, this voice is particularly loud and deep in the entire forbidden area.

"Naive, get out of the way, we are going to open the coffin."

Fatty Wang yelled at Wu Tianzhen,
Wu Tianzhen retreated back.

Then he glanced at Qin Feng.

"I know what this thing is made of."


Qin Feng cast a curious look at him.

Boss Chen of the seafood shop who had been silent at the side also leaned over, obviously interested.

Only Li Xia, the woman with a green snake hidden in her body, kept staring at the coffin, wondering what she was thinking.

"This kind of coffin is completely different from the cellar coffin.

The cellar coffin was born in the sewer ditch in the deep mountains and old forests, where there is no sunshine all the year round
And this kind of purple wood grows in places with very strong sunlight density. "

"Although trees do not have the nourishment and moisture that flowers need.

But everyone knows the truth that when the water is full, it overflows, right? "

"So the only thing the two types of wood have in common is that whether it's the cellar coffin or the Ziche River, they both have completely different growth rings from ordinary trees."

"Ordinary trees grow one ring a year, but this kind of Ziche River, which is exposed to sunlight, needs tens or hundreds of years to grow one ring."

Hearing this, the owner of the seafood shop, Chen, was also a little tongue-tied.

"Things are rare and expensive, so this thing is worth more than the same amount of gold, right?"

Fatty Wang, who was about to open the coffin, smiled, "How can gold compare to this?"

"Even a hundred coffins can't replace this kind of coffin. The yinzi coffin is already weird. Back then, it was hard for the Empress Dowager Cixi of the Tartars to spend a lot of money to find a piece of wood, let alone the purple yinzi coffin, which is even rarer than the yinzi wood. The car is in the river."

"Fatty, open the coffin, don't be poor." Master Hua'er said.

Fatty Wang nodded.

But just as Fatty Wang and the others were getting ready.

It's time to work together to open the coffin!

The coffin floating on the water suddenly vibrated.

Everyone was taken aback and quickly backed away.

Only Zhang Qilin was left standing there alone.

He still held the ancient black gold knife tightly in his hand.

The purple coffin kept shaking violently!

But just when a few people thought that something was going to come out of it.

The thing stopped,

Immediately afterwards, a large amount of black mist overflowed from the gaps in the coffin.

Floating above the coffin, it looked very strange.

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