
Because Qin Feng and others have already found the jade characters on the floor.

So although the floor under the feet of several people has changed an angle.

But the two still quickly found the place where the jade character was.

And the next thing is to look for the characters "Yang" and "Huai" in these characters.


Zhang Qilin's eyes quickly searched for a line of text in the forbidden area.

He held his breath without blinking his eyes.

And soon, in the opposite direction to Qin Feng.

He finally found Yang Zi.

It only took the two of them nearly 5 minutes to successfully find the two words.

And at this time, they just remembered that Yang Huaiyu is a total of three words.

That is to say, one person needs to stretch out his foot to step on the other word "Huai".

However, it is impossible for such a low-level mistake to occur. Blame Qin Feng and Zhang Qilin.

Including Wu Tianzhen, Fatty Wang, Heixiazi, Master Huaer, Li Xia, Boss Chen, and the professor with the gray beard, none of them noticed this little mistake.

Because everyone has not completely calmed down from the sudden rotation of the floor just now.

You must know that if you are a little careless, you will die.

Fortunately, this problem did not cause much trouble to Qin Feng's expedition team.

After all, the skills of the blind man in black are there.

Hei Xiazi also stood up after haggling with Master Hua'er.

But this time it was the word "Huai" that Hei Xiazi was looking for, but it was not so easy to find.

But in the end it was just a gap of a little more time.

The three people who broke the mechanism are also ready.

Qin Feng glanced at Zhang Qilin, then at Heixiazi, and then started counting down.


After the countdown ended, the three of them stepped on the corresponding text with a tacit understanding.


It was still that crisp voice.

The only difference is that after the creaking sound appeared, there was a "boom" immediately.

The floor where several people were standing unexpectedly dropped a few inches.

And that height seems to be more than double that just now.

Everyone sighed a little, except Qin Feng.

He looked at the few people in front of him and tried his best to suppress the unrest in his heart.

"I've calculated it. If I'm still wrong this time, according to the height of the descent, our bodies will inevitably touch the sharp blade below..."

But who would have thought that his words were not finished yet.

The floor that several people stepped on unexpectedly started to spin again.

"Is this fucking wrong too?..."

Fatty Wang cursed before falling over.

Then his body involuntarily slid towards the middle.


Fatty Wang and Wu Tianzhen guessed the wrong direction of the floor rotation again.

The floor continued to rotate clockwise, and after rotating counterclockwise, it quickly slid to the middle and became a vertical three-dimensional!
Then start spinning like a big turntable!

The blind man couldn't help but cursed.

Because the "Huaizi" he was looking for was on the other side of the floor.

I thought I was very safe.

But who would have thought that now it would be the most dangerous one.

Because if the mechanism rotates according to the method, he will be the first to touch the sharp blades under the ground.

So assuming that what Qin Feng said is true, the current height has made it possible for everyone to touch the sharp edge.

Then wouldn't I be the first to be trapped into a hornet's nest?
The blind man broke out in a cold sweat.

But the body did not give up struggling.

He struggled to grab the edge of the floor.

Then I began to pray that I would not be so lucky.


A gust of wind generated by the rotating floor blew past Heixiazi's body.

His body trembled...one of them lost his grip.

The body slides down unconsciously.

And now the black blind man is closer to those sharp blades than before...

【Fuck!so close?It's dangerous to wear glasses. 】

【yes!Originally, I thought he had a chance of life, but who would have thought that he would fall again at a critical moment. 】

【ah!It's so scary, so scary, I can't watch it.If he turns again, his head will be gone...]

[Is this too cruel?What is the correct password?Why did I make a mistake twice...]

Outside the forbidden area, everyone's attention suddenly shifted from Qin Feng and Zhang Qilin to the blind man who was closest to the sharp blade.

At this time, although the black blind man was still pretending to be calm, his hands began to sweat.

What other people can see, of course he is also clear.

But now besides praying to Jesus, is there any other way for him?


The turntable turned.

And at this moment, Hei Xiazi's body was infinitely close to those sharp blades!
"Ah! I can't take it anymore, it's too fucking scary, Jesus help!"

The black blind man suddenly shouted.

And at the same time his body...


The blade slashed across the face of the blind man.

He turned out to be safe and sound!
"Jesus is awesome! Jesus I love you."

The black blind man yelled while clutching the floor with his hands.

But at this moment, he heard a chuckle in his ear.

"Blind man...Could it be, have you ever seen such a handsome Jesus?"

The blind man took a closer look.

Unexpectedly, he found that his body was being held by a pair of slightly fair and thin hands.

And this person is Qin Feng.

It was Qin Feng who sighed at the last second when Hei Xiazi's body was about to touch those things, and grabbed Hei Xiazi.

Due to the sudden erection of the floor, Qin Feng's body was completely under the floor at this time.

However, he wasn't worried at all.

Because there is a person who is holding on to his feet firmly.

And those hands, even when he himself was in danger, would not let go.

"... "

Heixiazi looked at Qin Feng and didn't know what to say for a moment.

He never thought that one day he would be saved by Xiao Fengfeng.

But at this time, he didn't have time to express his feelings, so he just thanked Qin Feng.


Soon, 5 minutes passed, and the floor returned to its original state.

And several members of Qin Feng's expedition team, including Heixiazi, Fatty Wang, Li Xia, and Wu Tianzhen, all experienced a scene that was not dangerous.

Especially Fatty Wang, because of his weight, he really almost fell off.

So now, although a few people survived this calamity without any danger, they all sat paralyzed on the ground.

Because they all know that there are not many opportunities left for them.

If you enter the wrong name and password again.

causing the floor to drop again.

So even if a few people have great abilities, it won't help...

There is only a dead end waiting for them.

……… (the dividing line of evil)

I just mentioned this one yesterday, and then the daily income has more than doubled, so it can be seen that many people who read this book are prostitutes...

The author feels that I don't need to eat instant noodles every day.

Because, the author's daily traffic is actually not bad, as long as everyone donates the reminders in their hands, generating electricity for love or a gift of one or two yuan is enough to get the author out of poverty.

It may only take 1 minute to update the advertisement and send a message for love, but it is enough for the author to eat.

Thank you so much everyone!
(e mmmm... If you have spare money, you can also send a capsule, reminders, etc., don't just send a message for love.)

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