Adventure in Forbidden Land: Unlock the National Style Playing Box at the beginning

Chapter 132: "The book of life and death, wandering souls live, get rid of life, and get eterna

Underworld judge?

The appearance of this stone sculpture not only changed the eyes of the nine people in the forbidden area.

Even the audience in the live broadcast room felt a little unbelievable.

Because the statues in front of me are so realistic.

Or to be precise, it's not just the realistic stone sculptures in front of them.

Since the few of them came to the gate of the underworld.

Whether it's the bull's head and horse face or the messenger Bodhisattvas carved in the grottoes, they are all very realistic.

And the weirdest thing is how did they move these stone sculptures here?

Looking at the sculptures in front of him, Qin Feng couldn't say anything except admiring the wisdom of the ancients.

And at this time!
Fatty Wang and the others had already arrived at the side of the judge they had seen before.

Obviously looking for an exit.

Fatty Wang looked pretty good, the main reason was because he had not been in this forbidden area for a long time, and he didn't eat well, nor did he sleep well.

But now that he has come to the forbidden area of ​​the last level, as long as he passes through this level, he will successfully win the forbidden area prize. Who would be unhappy?

But Wu Tianzhen on the side started to feel a little unhappy.

Because he didn't know if Zhang Qilin would return to that place again if he really succeeded in breaking through the barrier.

If this is true, then he is willing to stay here forever if he succeeds or fails.

"What's the matter? Naive."

Just when the fat man looked at the sculpture of the judge in front of him with a flashlight, and then wanted to touch it with his hands.

Turning around inadvertently, he saw Wu Tianzhen's slightly melancholy expression.


Years of experience not only allowed him to learn a lot of skills, but also made it difficult for him to return to the innocent little third master who couldn't hide things.

He smiled at Fatty Wang.

Then he inadvertently glanced at Zhang Qiling beside him.

With just one glance, he turned his head.

He had already worn the human skin mask.

Only this time it wasn't Wu Sansheng's.

It was himself Wu Tianzhen.

Some masks cannot be removed after being worn on the body for a long time.

Even if the mask is your own.

Zhang Qilin also looked back at Wu Tianzhen.

But after reading it, his eyes quickly turned to Qin Feng behind him.

For Wu Tianzhen, he is a kind of subconscious protection.

And driven by the mission of the sense of historical responsibility.

But for Qin Feng behind him,
Imagine how Qin Feng once stood in front of him to protect everyone.

He seemed to see himself from Qin Feng.

I saw the kind of loneliness that only I can experience.

The feeling in Zhang Qilin's heart is actually indescribable.

And often that kind of unspeakable feeling is the most terrible thing for people.

It's a pity that the current Qin Feng is completely unaware of Zhang Qilin's mood that has quietly changed.

He just caught Zhang Qilin's eyes and felt a little belated blush.

That's right!

At this time, Qin Feng remembered the illusion that Xie Zhixi had shown him at that time.

For some reason, he always felt this way after the incident of the false church visit.

Plus the song I sang just now—囍, happened to be about the love between men and women.

Qin Feng's face turned even redder,

From his point of view, Zhang Qilin looked at him inadvertently just now, and was still laughing at the national style song he sang.

How could one have imagined that a tree would quietly bloom?

"look here."

The black blind man was quite serious, and had been watching this judge of life and death with a flashlight, which was about six or seven meters tall.

In addition to discovering that this judge is very tall, with big eyes, high nose, big face and ugly mouth, which is unusually scary.

He also discovered that in addition to these three prominent characters in the book of life and death in his hand, there was a line of small characters around him.

Master Hua'er was the first to be attracted by the voice of the black blind man.

He quickly looked in the direction pointed by the black blind man.

Then subconsciously read those few words.

"The book of life and death, wandering souls live, get rid of life, and get eternal life."


Master Hua'er's voice also made Fatty Wang and Wu Tianzhen around him realize that something was wrong.

Fatty Wang's reaction was relatively quick, and he immediately connected this line of how to crack the mechanism.

"You said, have we still not reached the lowest forbidden area? Instead, we have to crack these organs one after another to get there?"

Fatty Wang's words also made Qin Feng react, but he had a more accurate answer in his heart.

Because he knows that the map given by his system will not make mistakes.

Then the most likely thing is that whether it was the yin soldiers above who opened the way before, or the judge who judged life and death now, they are all some kind of mechanism belonging to the last forbidden area.

And the reason for proving my own thinking is that I have reminded myself that this last layer of forbidden land is more dangerous than the previous ones combined.

He was about to express this conclusion, but Master Hua'er at the side spoke up.

"No matter in that forbidden area, all we can do is escape."

Master Hua'er's words successfully blocked Qin Feng's thoughts.

Yes, Master Huaer was right.

Instead of spending time discussing which forbidden area you are still in, it is better to think about how to break through the level.

But how should these things in front of them escape?

Qin Feng was in a bit of trouble.

But after going through several previous baptisms, Qin Feng at this time has gradually learned to be as happy and angry as the Iron Triangle.

He just calmly shone the flashlight to other places to see if there was anything that could provide clues.

And with just such a photo, he took a complete photo of the space he was in now.

In the space where a few people are now, except for the judge of life and death that they obviously found.

There are also some uneven stone walls around.

It is obvious that the location where several people are now is in a stone cave.

And under the stone caves around them, there are layers of delicate and small buildings.

These buildings are strange and weird, and most of them are similar to the decoration of the temple outside.

The only thing that can make people's eyes shine is that under these temples, there are still the various venerable bodhisattvas and evil spirits that Qin Feng saw in the grottoes before entering the underworld.

But other than that there is nothing else.

So what does that sentence mean?

"The book of life and death, wandering souls live, get rid of life, and get eternal life."

Qin Feng couldn't figure it out.

At this time, Zhang Qilin walked towards Qin Feng.

And one of his actions awakened Qin Feng.

You have to admire Zhang Qilin's brain hole and subtlety.

Just when everyone's eyes were on the judge and the majestic buildings around him.

Zhang Qilin's eyes were on the feet of several people.

And here is where the mystery lies.

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