For Yang Huaiyu and Xie Zhixi, the love and hatred between these two people,
That is definitely not something that can be explained clearly in a day or two.

So Qin Feng didn't blame Yu, this Xie Zhixi had such an idea of ​​wanting to marry "Yang Huaiyu".

"Because of regret, you should cherish the present moment and the person in front of you, right?"

Thinking of the long story between Xie Zhixi and Yang Huaiyu, Qin Feng couldn't help saying it with emotion.


But as soon as he finished saying this sentence, he regretted it!

What does it mean to cherish the people in front of you?

Who is in front of me?

as predicted.

Hearing Qin Feng's inexplicable voice.

Zhang Qiling, who was standing there and stroking the puppet groom, turned his head.

He looked down at Qin Feng.


Looking at Zhang Qilin's eyes, Qin Feng felt a little guilty for no reason.

He looked at him, but what he thought of was the graceful movement of the fake Zhang Qilin kneeling on the ground with one leg.

What he was thinking was that the fake Zhang Qilin suddenly and violently pulled him up, and hugged him with a somewhat sluggish movement.

What he was thinking of was the words he said steamingly as he put those small mouths close to his ears.

What I thought was that after he finished saying that sentence, he smiled evilly.

This time, Qin Feng hated that Xie Zhixi a little bit.

Damn it, why did you pretend to be Zhang Qilin?
How should you let us look directly at this person in front of me now!

A little inattentive.

Memories of that part of worship flooded my mind...


Just when Qin Feng was still blaming Xie Zhixi in his heart.

The Qilin had already moved towards Qin Feng.

Step by step.

step by step...

In a trance!
When even Qin Feng didn't react.

Zhang Qilin, who was walking towards Qin Feng, suddenly took Qin Feng's hand and hugged him.

"be careful."

Zhang Qilin spoke in that emotionless voice.

Only then did Qin Feng realize that he was too absorbed in thinking about things.

He didn't even react when he accidentally fell to the ground.


Qin Feng kicked in his heart.

Really, what was I thinking.



Qin Feng nodded dully, not noticing that his face was suddenly flushed.

His mind was blank now, and he couldn't look directly at the person in front of him at all.

because!The hallucination of worshiping the hall was too real.

As for the small detail in front of Qin Feng's eyes, Zhang Qilin, who was like wood, didn't notice it, but there was a lot of discussion in the adventure live broadcast room that focused on the outside of their forbidden area.

[Hehehe... Qin Feng is shy. 】

[Why does Xiao Fengfeng's face flush when he is hugged by his brother Zhang Qilin like this?Can anyone explain. 】

【I blindly guess this wave is because of love~】

【Because of love, I will not be sad easily~】

[Oh!I will not really witness history!Qin Feng fell in love with the little brother? 】

【Harmful!Seeing these married puppets, I was a little intimidated at first, but because of the existence of the two of them, I suddenly didn't feel scared, and even felt a little scared. 】

[It's not just you!There are not a few people in this live broadcast room who wish they could press it down. 】

[Hey hey hey... Lingfeng cp! yyds! 】

"Brother! Qin Feng! Why did you come here..."

Fatty Wang's voice suddenly came from a distance.

Who would have thought!

After Fatty Wang walked in, he did see the dull Zhang Qilin hugging Qin Feng!

What are they two doing?

Fatty Wang immediately made a faceless expression.

Zhang Qilin suddenly felt that something was wrong, and immediately put Qin Feng down.

"Fatty, don't get me wrong."

The two people next to Wang Pangpang exited at the same time.

in unison!

And this time!
Fatty Wang stopped listening to their explanations.

There was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

"I understand, I understand, I understand."

" don't understand."

Zhang Qilin and Qin Feng spoke in unison again.

As for Fatty Wang and the little Phoenix beside him, the corners of their mouths curved even wider.

"Okay, don't talk about it. If you say I don't understand, I don't understand. Fatty, I want to take a good look at these mummy..."

After saying this, Fatty Wang approached Qin Feng by taking advantage of the kung fu of looking at the mummy.

When he was beside him, he lowered his voice and said softly.

"Sure, Qin Feng. Let the little brother take the initiative, awesome!"

"... "

Qin Feng's face turned darker.

Just getting ready to call back.

At this time, another male voice came from the darkness.

"Fatty, you are looking at the corpses! Obviously you are looking at the treasures on them!"

The male voice just finished speaking.

A figure in black leather clothes appeared in front of Qin Feng and Zhang Qilin.

It was the black blind man who had been staying with Master Hua'er before.

Fatty Wang didn't refute what the black blind man said, but just smiled.

After laughing, he said a word. "Just take it as it is."

Hei Xiazi was a little baffled by Fatty Wang's sudden laugh.

He glanced at Zhang Qilin and Qin Feng on the side.

Could it be that something happened to these two guys?
But how is it possible?
That dumb piece of wood...

"Blind man, what are you doing! Get out of the way!"

But before Hei Xiazi figured out the whole thing, someone urged him from behind.

That person is exactly Hua'er Ye, who is known as the friend of Yao Zai Huanxi.

Being urged like this, Heixiazi's thoughts were totally messed up.

As a result, Qin Feng and Zhang Qilin escaped a catastrophe at the scene of a social death.

After a while, all the people rushed here from the empty hanging coffin.

I saw at least a hundred mummies densely packed in front of me.

Everyone is a little emotional.

after all!

The degree of preservation of these corpses is really great!
If you put a dead body on the street, you will never be able to recognize it unless you look carefully, whether it is a living person or a dead body.

"How are these corpses preserved so well!"

Wu Tianzhen stretched out his hand to touch the arm of a female corpse, and he could even clearly see the veins and veins on the hand, which really made him feel too incredible.

It's just that no one can answer the question he asked, not only the few people in the forbidden area, but also the audience of the live broadcast all over the world.

Because people rot after death!This is common sense.

These things have completely exceeded their cognition.

At this time, the boss of the seafood shop beside him, Chen, was indeed muttering something.

Facing the Chinese-American professor with a gray beard.

Just because the content of their conversation is ancient Tibetan.

So no one can understand what they are saying.

It's just that a trace of discomfort flashed through the eyes of Li Xia, the woman with a snake hidden in her body.

You can feel that what they said is definitely not the usual chat content.

"Hey... what are they talking about?"

Wu Tianzhen looked at Na Lixia.

It's just that the woman closed her eyes with a cold expression.

Then, without knowing why, he suddenly opened his eyes.

"I won't say hello, if you say another word, I'll tell you to fall to the ground immediately..."

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