"Then what should we do? Shall we rush in again and rescue the little brother with Qin Feng?"

Fatty Wang glanced at the water surface and asked.

Wu Tianzhen also glanced at the surface of the water, staring fixedly at where Zhang Qilin was.

But at this time, the blind man said abruptly, "Fatty, don't you worry about your Phoenix boy?"

Fatty Wang hurriedly shook his head and denied it. "Who's worried about that thing..."

"Heh." The blind man chuckled lightly, "You just didn't look like this."

"... "

The expression on Fatty Wang's face changed.

"Don't talk about this matter anymore. If my little brother disappears because of my impulse, I, Fatty Wang, will blame myself to death...."

Then he glanced at the water again.

"I'll go! Don't worry about it, I'll bring my little brother up even if I die."

But at this moment, Master Hua shook his head.

"No need, fat man. Little brother, they will come up soon. What we have to do now is to think about it and stop those red bugs that will follow later!"


After Master Hua'er finished speaking, Wu Tianzhen, Wang Fatty, and Hei Xiazi all thought about it.

It was then that Master Hua'er was right.

"Use a torch!"

Wu Tianzhen suggested.

After saying these words, he hurried towards the direction he came from.

He clearly remembered that there were many torches that could be burned at the entrance of the previous cave.

Although knowing that it may not have any effect, at least it can buy some time for a few people to escape.

It wasn't until Wu Tianzhen successfully returned to the original cave entrance and lit the torch that he discovered it.

It turns out that the cave has been weird and scary from the very beginning.

These white caves are like an evil ghost with its mouth open.

Wu Tianzhen didn't dare to stay longer, but quickly rushed towards the place where Heixiazi and Fatty Wang were.

I don't know if it's because of the icy lake water I experienced just now.

At this moment, Wu Tianzhen felt his feet were cold as he stepped on the somewhat discolored cave water.

And this made Wu Tianzhen involuntarily quicken his pace.

He saw Fatty Wang and the others again.

But the figure he wanted to see still did not appear.

"Brother and Qin Feng haven't come up yet?"

Looking at the few people standing on the stone blankly, Wu Tianzhen asked.

But a few people just shook their heads.

Master Hua'er stared at the water, but he didn't say what he was worried about.

"No! I want to go down."

Fatty Wang stood up suddenly!

Several people hurriedly grabbed him.

Just at this time.

The cave water suddenly started bubbling.

Immediately afterwards, two fair and slender figures appeared.

"Brother! Qin Feng."

Several people on the shore were ecstatic.

At this time, Zhang Qilin and Qin Feng didn't have time to talk to them.

Instead, he said to them, "Go."

After the two of them finished speaking, another large group of red came out abruptly.

Several people fled quickly.

Wu Tianzhen also threw out the torch in his hand.

In an instant, the spark ignited, and then quickly extinguished.

But it succeeded in delaying the time for several people.

The little phoenix in Zhang Qilin's hand started to scream again, and Qin Feng put his hand on it subconsciously.

That faint voice appeared again.

"thanks, thanks."

"Qin Feng, what's the matter with you? Can you still understand what this little thing is saying?"

The blind man running beside Qin Feng was a little curious when he saw this scene.

But Qin Feng didn't answer him, but smiled at the blind man.

As we continue to advance into the cave, the water becomes deeper and deeper.

Several people had to swim in the water.

Swim around the cave and disappear.

What appeared in front of several people was a fork in the road.

One leads to a secret room, while the other is a cliff, and there is an abyss at least 20 meters wide in the middle of the cliff!

The real abyss.

And it just so happened that the first choice for the few people was that cliff.

After stopping the bend, several people hurried to another cave entrance.

Although they were entangled by faster insects for a while, they did not cause much danger to the team members who were exploring the forbidden area.

At this time, Zhang Qilin suddenly thought about it when everyone in the expedition team returned to the fork.

"Go over there!"

Zhang Qilin gave instructions to several people.

Then, holding the little phoenix in his hand, he headed towards the cliff.

Brother, what are you doing here?
Several people didn't understand it yet, but they all obeyed his orders.

Immediately afterwards, the audience in the Forbidden Land Exploration live broadcast room saw Zhang Qilin, he hid the little phoenix in his arms, and then jumped up!
Zhang Qilin's body jumped towards the cliff.

But the imagined picture of Zhang Qilin grabbing the cliff did not appear!

Because Zhang Qilin was too far away from the direction of the cliff!
How can an ordinary person easily jump 20 meters away?

[Brother!you!Why are you so stupid! 】

Seeing that the camera could no longer capture Zhang Qilin's footage, the barrage in the live broadcast room began to go crazy.

[Zhang Qilin is really in danger this time!This is an abyss. 】

[Brother Zhang is all for everyone to escape safely]

[But what is his purpose for doing this? 】

[Look!Those bugs!They even jumped down with Zhang Qilin! 】

【ah!So is Zhang Qilin planning to end up with these things indefinitely? 】

【Qin Feng!Come and save Zhang Qilin. 】

The barrage in the live broadcast room frantically swiped the screen.

But in fact, Qin Feng was also very anxious in his heart.

He stood at the entrance of the cave, watching the bugs keep heading towards the cliff.

Finally, all the red wriggling bugs have passed.

Qin Feng, Wang Fatty, Hei Xiazi and others ran towards the cliff!
It happened to be a scene of swarms of bugs rushing down into the abyss one after another.

All the bugs fell cleanly into the abyss.

"I didn't expect that! Dumb Zhang actually solved these bugs in this way!"

The blind man was a little emotional.

But at this time, Qin Feng kept groping on the cliff over there with his eyes.

"Where's the little brother?"


Where is Zhang Qilin?
All of a sudden, it reminded the onlookers.

Almost took a flashlight to take a picture of the places that his eyes could see.

But he didn't even notice the shadow of Zhang Qiling.

"Could it be that?"

Fatty Wang thought of something bad.

Hastily used the flashlight to shine toward the abyss.

But at this moment, it happened to find that a thick rope was thrown up towards the cliff.

The rope just framed a raised stone, and then it was pulled like this again!
A natural lock is formed!

Then Zhang Qilin climbed up bit by bit with the black gold ancient knife like this.

When he felt that it was almost done, Zhang Qilin grabbed the rope with his hands and swung like this.

It landed directly and steadily in front of Qin Feng and others.

"Damn it! I really deserve to be a dumb Zhang!"

Seeing this scene, the blind man said with emotion.

The barrage in the live broadcast room also started to cheer.

[I was so fucking worried about Zhang Qilin just now!I really have a problem with my brain! 】

[Oh!Zhang Qilin is awesome! 】

[Zhang Qilin yyds! 】

[Oh my God!Now that I have thought about it, I just remembered, my brother is so smart!Actually used this method to force those bugs to jump down. 】

[Smart is smart, but only he can use this trick. Who dares to jump when a normal person sees such a wide place! 】

[This is really handsome!Especially the moment of swinging from the cliff, I would call him the most handsome action in human history. 】

【yes!Visually measuring the distance of 20 meters, he actually used this method to come over. 】

Everyone was cheering for Zhang Qilin's action.

But at this time, Qin Feng couldn't restrain his inner impulse!
Red eyes.

I wanted to say something, but I was so choked up that I couldn't make a sound, and I didn't say a word until the last time.

Instead, he hugged Zhang Qilin tightly.

"It won't be like this in the future..."

Zhang Qilin said subconsciously.

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