"Naive, brother! I..."

I saw that blood vessel in my body began to burst.

A stream of bright red blood continued to flow out.

Fatty Wang was at a loss for words for a while.

At this time, he subconsciously turned to himself, and his brother Wu Tianzhen, who was closer than his parents, looked over.

It turned out that with such a simple turn of the head, Fatty Wang broke his guard.

"Wu Tianzhen! You! His mother is actually laughing! And even laughing like this!"

When Fatty Wang saw Wu Tianzhen with a smirk at the corner of his mouth, he was so angry that he cursed.

Wu Tianzhen quickly explained, "It's not...fatty, I...you listen to me."

Wu Tianzhen tried his best to think of a reason why he laughed just now.

But at that moment, Wu Tianzhen's brain seemed to be short-circuited.

He really can't make it up!

He tried his best not to look at Fatty Wang's bulging stomach and the ruptured blood vessel.

But just because my eyes don't see it doesn't mean my brain won't imagine it!

How can a man have children!

Fatty Wang, what kind of fate did you cultivate with the things in your stomach in your previous life!

"Naive, if you can't hold it back, don't hold it back, it's so uncomfortable."

Master Hua'er looked at Wu Tianzhen, who was restraining himself as much as possible, and sighed.

And then after Master Hua'er finished saying this, his sighing face suddenly couldn't hold back, and he smiled... !

And the smile seemed contagious.

Wu Tianzhen couldn't help himself anymore, and burst into a belly laugh.

Even the most serious Qin Feng didn't understand why he felt something was wrong.

Isn't that a not-so-funny thing to do?

But in the end, the two of them messed around like this, why did I suddenly want to laugh?

"Plastic friendship, plastic friendship! Wu Tianzhen, Master Huaer, I remember you two, I remember you two."

Fatty Wang looked at Wu Tianzhen and Hua'er, who were laughing beside him, and got angry.

If he can still move, he must be severely...

Forget it, these two guys.

Fatty Wang thought about it for a while, not knowing how to punish Wu Tianzhen.

"Both of you are joking!"

Fatty Wang sighed, and then began to carefully put his chubby hand on the big bug that looked like a Bana flower.

But when he touched it, he felt life wriggling inside.

The expression on his face suddenly changed again.

At that moment, his eyebrows were almost wrinkled to the ground.

"What the hell did I do in my last life!"

Fatty Wang suddenly felt wronged.

He wanted someone to talk to about his feelings!
Then my best brother laughed at me because of this incident!
"Wait for me, Wu Tianzhen! When you give birth, see how I laugh at you." Fatty Wang was furious.

But as soon as these words came out, Wu Tianzhen and Master Hua'er laughed even more happily.

Because Wu Tianzhen, how could a man have children.

"Good! Good! Good! Good! Good! Good! Good!" Wu Tianzhen said seven good words in succession. "If I have a baby in the future..."


Wu Tianzhen still couldn't hold back.

Wait until you have had enough laughs before continuing.

"If I have a baby in the future, you can laugh as you like? But fat man, don't blame me for being unjust, can you let me finish laughing first?"

Seeing Wu Tianzhen laughed even harder, Fatty Wang only realized himself later.

What is the problem with what I just said!

How can a man have children?

Fuck me!
"I fucking don't want to live anymore!"

Fatty Wang yelled out.

Then I remembered that Qin Feng seemed to be the only one who didn't smile.

He was about to turn his head away.

Find Qin Feng for comfort.

And then…


When Fatty Wang looked at Qin Feng, Qin Feng couldn't hold back anymore.

Fatty Wang completely gave up hope.

The expression on his face was directly paralyzed.

Then Fatty Wang's face became numb.

Even though there are 1 grass Nimas in my heart, I can't tell them!

【Hahaha!But it made me laugh to death!The kind with the heart on the back! 】

【Well, I didn't want to laugh at first, but seeing Wu Tianzhen and that Xie Yuhua laughing there, I couldn't help it either. 】

[This was a very sad thing at first, why did it change without knowing it?It's really poisonous. 】

【sad?Fatty Wang is the only one who is sad! 】

【Harmful!Only Fatty Wang was injured in the world.But... thinking about it carefully, it seems really funny. 】

【yes!When a man gives birth, Fatty Wang is about to make history. 】

[emmm... From now on, the fat mother has become a real fat mother. 】

[This... I was very distressed about the fat mother, but when Qin Feng also suppressed a smile on his face, I couldn't help it. 】

[Fat mom, I'm sorry!But...let me finish laughing first! 】

at last!

5 minutes passed.

The world where only fat moms get hurt is back to normal.

Because of Fatty Wang's unlovely expression.

It still awakened the conscience of Wu Tianzhen, Master Huaer and Qin Feng.

"I feel that we still need to deal with this thing on Fatty Wang's stomach first!"

Wu Tianzhen looked at Fatty Wang lying there motionless and said.

"Yes." Qin Feng nodded.

Master Hua'er also returned to normal.

Then he began to use the flashlight in his hand to look at this blood vessel on Fatty Wang's body.

It only took a while, and a lot of blood has already flowed from this blood vessel.

Hit it with a flashlight, and suddenly a bloody blood vessel appeared in front of everyone.

I have to say, this blood vessel is still very disgusting!

Those who are usually disgusted with this kind of things may have passed out on the spot.

"Fatty, how are you feeling now?"

Wu Tianzhen also started to ask Fatty Wang seriously.

But Fatty Wang slowed down a bit, and then turned his head to Qin Feng and the others.

"I don't feel anything, I just feel my stomach is swollen, like the feeling of eating hot pot."

"You...don't it hurt?" Master Hua'er looked at the broken blood vessel on his body and asked.

"It hurts?" Fatty Wang hesitated, then shook his head.

"I didn't feel any pain, I just felt bloated in my stomach and couldn't stand up."

"How is this possible? Isn't it painful for a woman to give birth to a child? Why is it different if you change the man!"

Wu Tianzhen touched the things on Fatty Wang's stomach with his hand, his eyes were full of puzzlement.

"Stop!" Fatty Wang hurriedly interrupted him!He didn't want to hear any more about men being able to have children.

But at this time, an unbearable pain spread from Fatty Wang's stomach to Fatty Wang's lower body.

Then it spread from Fatty Wang's lower body to the surroundings.

First the thighs, then the limbs, followed by his own head and mouth.

Even Fatty Wang's brain began to ache in the end.

what happened?
Fatty Wang is also a man!
At the beginning, I didn't feel that it was difficult to persist because of the sudden pain!

So he gritted his teeth and didn't tell Wu Tianzhen and others.

But only a second passed!

The feeling of pain has increased by at least ten times!

"Hey hey!"

Fatty Wang couldn't bear the ten times the pain anymore, and cried out loudly.

"Does it hurt?" Qin Feng asked tentatively.

But it's not over yet.

Outside the door, a black shadow suddenly ran towards this side.

Immediately afterwards, there was a flash of swords and swords.

Qin Feng only saw the black gold ancient knife flash past suddenly.

And then!
The things on Fatty Wang were cut off and fell to the ground!

A black shadow appeared, and it was Zhang Qilin who was exercising outside.

He looked at the "fetus" on the ground, and explained to the crowd the reason why he shot just now.

"When these things are born, they will absorb the nutrients from the mother's body. If you don't stop him, Fatty Wang will be gone!"

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