After Fang Huizhen heard the voice, she instinctively approached Ye Kang.

Eyes tense.

Netizens immediately tensed up when they heard the strange voice.

"This sound is wrong, what is this sound of eating?"

"It sounds like I'm eating potato chips, why is there the sound of potato chips here?"

"Is there anything else going on?"

"Based on past events, something must have happened."


In forbidden land.

The little brother moved his ears and pulled out the ancient black gold knife from his body.

A state of vigilance occurs.

Wu Xie wiped his hands on his waist, and took out the pistol in his hand.

Load directly.

Ye Kang took out the dragon head whip in his hand.

With a movement of his ears, the dragon whip in his hand flicked heavily.

Throw it to the side of the mound.

Immediately, several mice with red fur appeared.

He fell to the ground and twitched continuously.

Ye Kang and the others looked at the red mouse, the white bones were exposed from the tail.

His teeth were sharp, his eyes were red, and he was looking at Ye Kang and the others viciously.

Looking at the red mouse in front of him, Wu Xie couldn't help but gasped.


Wu Xie couldn't help being surprised. It was said in the notes that this fire rat is a very rare rat.

The fur on their bodies is full of flames, and wherever they go, they will definitely start a fire.

How could it be in this glacier?
And why won't the snow here be melted.

What exactly is going on?

"These snows are not ordinary snows."

Ye Kang narrowed his eyes, and saw that something was wrong with the snow here.

But now is not the time to study this, fire rats are pack animals.

You must find the Mouse King.

The Qiankun pen cannot be used, otherwise these creatures will be taken away, or the Fire Mouse King will not be found.

"Mr. Ye Kang... shall we go?"

Fang Huizhen was trembling all over, looking at him in fear.

Ye Kang looked back and stared at Fang Huizhen for a long time.

"Can't go."

It took a while to speak.

Fang Huizhen looked at Ye Kang's eyes, and her heart didn't miss a few beats.

Netizens looked at the scene in front of them, anxious.

"Oh my god, what time is this, why are you still looking at each other, you can see the flowers."

"No, the fire rats have already come out, this situation is not right."

"Women are troublesome."


In forbidden land.

The little brother moved his ears, and the ancient black gold knife in his hand slashed towards the right.

Seeing Bai Xue's bulge seemed to have a breakthrough.

One after another, red mice came out of the ground and rushed towards Ye Kang.

Then watched the fire mouse rush out from other places.

They were rushing towards Ye Kang and the other three on the opposite side.

It was as if a thousand troops and horses were coming head-on.

The dragon head whip in Ye Kang's hand was raised violently.

The dragon balls in the eyes are emitting a long and cold light.

The mirror-smooth whip has a light blue halo.

Waved towards the opposite Fire Rat.

The firerats were whipped, and finally lay motionless on the ground.

After Wu Xie and the younger brother saw this.

Wu Xie took out the grenade in his hand and threw it in the direction of the fire mouse.

The little brother took out the ancient black gold knife with cold eyes, and swung the knife in his hand very fluently.

Even the sycamore bird on Ye Kang's shoulders enlarged its body and flapped its wings.

Fan these fire rats 20 meters away.

One person, one mouse, stalemate for a while.

Ye Kang saw that the surrounding environment was covered in red, and he felt more worried.

In this way, their physical strength will also be consumed.

But the Fire Rat King has not been found yet.

Seeing that these fire rats are gradually approaching.

His face was solemn.

The whip in his hand swung even harder.

Netizens in the live broadcast room looked at the scene in front of them and gasped in unison.

"How can there be so many of them? It won't work if it goes on like this, won't they be surrounded sooner or later?"

"It's not sooner or later, it's surrounded now, I'm really worried about big brother and them."

"What should I do? Brother's temper will not save you. I have already prepared the medicine. Brother will not let me down."

"That's right, I'd better be prepared to watch the thrilling moment of big brother."


The high-level meeting room of the program group.

Jin Yan saw that several people on the big screen were surrounded.

Some can't sit still.

"What about the rescue team? Should we just leave it alone?"

"Professor Jin, when the participants do not take the initiative to seek rescue, they cannot participate in the rescue. When should the rescue button be pressed to call the rescue team to rescue."

Mr. Fang looked at this Jin Yan who was really noisy, and opened his mouth in displeasure.

The same professor, why is there such a big difference.

Elder Lin and Elder Guo stared intently at the big screen in front of them.

With a solemn face, he automatically shields himself from interference around him.


In forbidden land.

"Ye Kang, there are too many, we can't control it."

Wu Xie's face was serious, and he shouted hastily.

When Ye Kang lost his mind, he saw one of the mice suddenly jump up from the ground.

Hitting in his direction.

The scarlet eyes were full of malice at the moment.

Ye Kang's eyes froze, and he couldn't help but dodge back.

But Fang Huizhen behind him was out of luck.

Hit by a fire mouse, the clothes on his body were ignited by the flames.

He was yelling at the moment.

He also kept patting the burning flames on his body with his hands.

"Ah... help me, help me."

Fang Huizhen screamed and shouted.

Fang Huizhen extinguished the flames on her body amid screams.

After Ye Kang saw this situation, his eyes froze.

The flame of the fire mouse is not an ordinary flame, although it is not as good as the true fire of Samadhi, it will not be extinguished easily.

Only natural enemies can destroy the flames.

Thinking of this.

The whip in Ye Kang's hand turned into a flower, and the sound of dragon chant came out from the shape of the whip.

Finally, I watched the white dragon flashing back and forth under the whip.


Long Yin roared, and a road appeared in front of Fire Rat.

"Wu Xie, little brother, Wutong bird."

After Ye Kang saw this, he pulled Fang Huizhen and shouted at Wu Xie and his brother.

The younger brother and Wu Xie understood immediately.

Hastily followed behind Ye Kang.

The Fire Rats behind them were constantly gathering.

Ye Kang calculated while running.

Find the location of the Fire Rat King.

But I can't find it anywhere.

In this case, don't blame him for being rude.

Ye Kang's eyes froze, and he took out the Soul Requiem Drum.

While reciting the formula, he beat the soul drum.

Boom boom boom! ! !
The sound of the soul drum stunned the fire rats.

He was lying motionless on the ground at the moment.

But the breath is still there.

After the little brother saw this, he was a little puzzled.

The power of the Soul Requiem Drum is obviously not like this.


What to do
The netizens in the live broadcast room laughed.

"After my eldest brother's tempering, I turned off the sound when my eldest brother took out the soul drum, otherwise I would have to go to the hospital."

"Yes, I did the same, luckily."

"But... why didn't big brother kill the fire rat?"

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