The tomb robbery technique is too skillful, the little brother and old Wu are confused

Chapter 75 Ye Kang, there are no dark clouds, are you sure there will be a storm later?

Although I disagree with this idea in my heart, I have no room for rejection.

I can only bite the bullet and agree.

"Everyone, the rules are still the same, as long as you stay in the glacier for more than ten days."

"Wish you guys good luck."

After the staff finished speaking, they got in the car and left.

Only rescue teams and paramedics are guarding the entrance.

The three of Ye Kang and Wu Xie looked sadly at the people from North Xiong Kingdom and Siam Kingdom who had left first.

Wu Xie was a little anxious.

"Let's go too."

Wu Xie was about to take a step when Ye Kang stopped him.

"Wait a minute."

Ye Kang's fingers were calculating back and forth.

"Think of humiliation when you win glory, think of danger when you are in peace, when the world changes, look for a good place, good luck."

A hexagram image appeared in the mind.

This hexagram symbolizes danger, and you have to hide after entering.

Can only hide.

Ye Kang frowned, and finally raised his eyes to look at the sky.

If it is a monster, it is not that there is no chance at all, but now it is said that it cannot be solved.

Then there is only extreme weather.

"We're going to find a place to stay now."

Ye Kang looked sideways at Wu Xie and his brother.

The two of them almost never doubted each other.

As long as he said, they just had to sit.

Sakura Country and Pretty Country were right behind Ye Kang and the others, and there was a fork in the road before them.

Pretty Country decided to go alone, holding a compass in his hand.

Easy to determine the direction.

"Park Hanshin, why are we walking this snow field? Isn't it good to walk on a good road?"

Fang Huizhen from the beautiful country asked aloud.

The only female participant in Pretty Country who survived the forbidden area.

He is a professor of geology, and his only advantage is that he is beautiful.

As long as it is a man, no one can refuse her request.

Park Hanshin is a boxer in the beautiful country. After retiring, his favorite thing is to take risks.

challenge the limit.

But he is also a thoughtful person, and his favorite is beautiful women.

Hearing Fang Huizhen's question, there was still a gentle smile on his face.

"I did a strategy before coming here. The glacier area here is very dangerous, and there is no road in front of it. We need to find a place now, and first determine the issue of accommodation for the night."

After Park Hanshin finished speaking, he continued to walk.

He has paid attention to the map here, and it is not impossible to find caves in the glacier.

Fang Huizhen and the shooter Li Xiaozheng behind him did not refuse either.

Li Xiao is the champion of the beautiful country, when he learned that Fang Huizhen participated in the expedition to the forbidden area.

I just don't want to join this show.

One is for money, and the other is to protect Fang Huizhen.

The netizens in the live broadcast room saw that the beautiful country team wanted to leave, and they didn't care.

The computer lens automatically splits into three screens.

"The girl from the beautiful country is gone, and the girl from the cherry blossom country has been following the elder brother. Why doesn't this look very friendly?"

"That's a good question. Maybe Hua Jiazi has some bad thoughts about Big Brother."

"I once watched Hua Jiazi's show. This man is very jealous. I guess this man is thinking about how to deal with his elder brother."

"Unless he is stronger than the Nielong of our Great Xia, the Nielong is no match, let alone a little Hua Jiazi. I am really curious about how the netizens in the Sakura Kingdom will see the big brother's performance."

"Does that even matter? It must have shocked everyone."

"I heard that this time, five countries will broadcast live together, but the netizens of each are in their own live broadcast rooms. The scene must be very exciting."

"So I built several trumpets, and they have already lurked in live broadcast rooms in various countries."

"Haha, I have the potential to be a traitor."

"Shit, that's called undercover."


Among the glaciers.

The further you go inside, the lower the temperature will be.

Ye Kang's cheeks were flushed, and his temples were covered with frost.

The exhaled breath forms a white mist.

"There's an ice cave here."

The little brother saw a cave appearing directly in front of him, and said coldly.

"Come on, let's stay here."

Ye Kang's fingers were moving back and forth.

Finally, he laughed and walked over quickly.

Hua Jiazi from Sakura Country behind her watched the three go to the cave.

The corner of the mouth hooked, it was more of a mockery.

"Are you people in Daxia all weak persimmons who are exhausted? Are you tired so quickly?"

Hua Jiazi couldn't help mocking.

The little brother's cold eyes swept away, even many times thicker than the frost around him.

Hua Jiazi, Matsushita Horiko, and Sada Jio unconsciously shuddered.

This gaze is really...

Kind of scary.


Wu Xie didn't want to talk nonsense, but just threw them a word.

Seeing the three leave with dark faces, he couldn't help looking at Ye Kang curiously.

"Ye Kang, is something going to happen later?"

Wu Xie asked in a low voice.

"Twenty to 10 minutes and there's going to be a blizzard."

Ye Kang's tone was very firm.

Wu Xie looked expectant when he heard the sound.

It's beautiful just thinking about it.

The netizens in the live broadcast room saw the attitude of the people in Sakura Country.

Just about to lose his temper, he heard Ye Kang's conversation.

The anger in my heart has calmed down a bit.

"I'm just waiting, waiting for them to fall into the snow shell and not get out, haha, it's funny to think about it."

"That's right, I'll just sit and wait. My eldest brother's calculation says that no one dares to be number one. I'll just sit and wait for God to clean them up."

"Haha, me too, wait, wait."

"I admit that I am looking forward to it. I really look forward to them being so arrogant after 10 minutes, haha."


The high-level meeting room of the program group.

Elder Lin and Elder Guo looked at Ye Kang and the three sitting there without changing their expressions.

I was still a little excited in my heart, waiting for Ye Kang's Qihuang technique to become famous internationally.

The professor Baitian Hehui of Sakura Country was not happy seeing the people in Daxia being so impolite.

But it's not easy to say directly.

"Professor Guo, Professor Lin, the participants in your Great Xia are really interesting. You are a magic stick, and you still believe in feudal superstition?"

Bai Tianhe said with a smile on his face.

Why don't you reach out and hit the smiling face?

"Professor Baitian, what are you in a hurry for? What you see in my big summer is just the tip of the iceberg. Is it a feudal superstition? You will know when the time comes. It's only 10 minutes. Just wait."

It is this Professor Baitian that Mr. Guo dislikes the most.

It's ridiculous that he has the nerve to criticize Ye Kang here.

Upon hearing this, Professor Baitian raised his brows slightly, leaned back on the chair and waited.

The most prestigious biologist in the Cherry Blossom Country pays attention to dialectics, and these things are just unrefined things.

Not enough to be afraid of.

Mr. Fang looked at Baitian Hehui with a chuckle, and mourned for him in his heart.

Later you will know what slapping is.

Time passed by minute by minute.

10 minutes passed quickly.

In forbidden land.

Ye Kang and Wu Xie are hiding in the cave.

"Ye Kang, there are no dark clouds, are you sure there will be a storm later?"

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