Although it was impossible for Ye Kang to see Wu Lingzhu's expression.

But from Wulingzhu's previous tone, Ye Kang can naturally understand that the Great Huoluo Pill in his hand is nothing special.

But come to think of it.

The value of this thing has clearly reached the point where it can be considered expensive.

If this thing is really just an ordinary thing.

I'm afraid I have to consider smashing the system.

Isn't this cheating? Isn't it?
But before Ye Kang asked Wu Lingzhu, what is the mystery of this Great Huoluo Pill.

There was a deafening roar.

"Old man! Let me just say how can this mere human being improve your skill so much!"

"It turns out that the treasure of Da Huo Luo Pill was used!"

The vicious voice of the virtual monster resounded in the space.

This time, the voice seemed clearer and clearer.

What's even weirder is that the sound seems to be coming from all directions in this space.

"The Da Huo Luo Dan does have a powerful effect of improving strength in a short period of time."

"If it's this treasure, it doesn't seem unreasonable that you can possess stronger power than me in an instant!"

"It's just that I didn't expect it."

"It is said that after Pangu opened up the world, the treasure that was personally refined will be on your body."

"I said you, isn't this on your territory?"

"Why are you hiding?"

"If you have the ability to stand up and speak!"

Ye Kang shouted vigilantly around.

"Aren't I always there?"

The virtual monster said with a sneer.

At the same time, Ye Kang felt a powerful force spreading around him.

That power has a very strong sense of oppression.

Just staying in this black air is enough to make people feel tight in the chest.

If it wasn't for Ye Kang's ability here.

It's not surprising that he just fell to the ground at this time.

"Are you kidding me? Is this thing still alive?"

Ye Kang slightly widened his eyes and said in surprise.

How powerful is the attack from the Five Spirit Orb just now?

Others don't know, but Ye Kang really knows it all too well.

If this attack falls on the three of them.

That's the minute you can blow yourself up to ashes.

Even if the fighting power of the virtual monster is indeed very strong.

But Ye Kang couldn't imagine it either.

After being hit by such a powerful attack, this thing can still be so energetic.

Immediately afterwards, the black air in front of their eyes gradually began to condense.

It's just a blink of an eye.

The virtual monsters that had already been defeated unexpectedly condensed again.

"Hey, it's true, why is this thing still there!"

"I'll go! Didn't the five spirit beads kill this thing just now?"

"That's right, and looking at the attitude of Wu Lingzhu and Big Brother just now, they definitely have no intention of showing mercy!"

"That's right, no matter what the attack falls on, it must be seriously injured."

"Even if he is made of black gas."

"It doesn't make sense to be hit by that kind of attack and still be safe!"

"That is to say, this, what the hell is going on!"

"Fuck! Is this thing so powerful!"

The audience watching the live broadcast could not help but exclaim.

Many of them are no longer through words.

Instead, he shouted directly at the scene.

Although it attracted a lot of suspicious eyes.

But the sight in front of them seemed to them.

Just shouting like this is not enough to reflect the astonishment in their hearts.

It's not just them, even Mr. Lin and the others are full of disbelief at this moment.

"Is there a mistake, this thing can be restored?"

Elder Lin was puzzled.

"No, this is no longer the level of recovery."

"Some things do have a very strong resilience."

"However, the premise of this so-called recovery ability is that the life is still alive."

"But just now this thing was defeated in front of us."

"Under the effect of that kind of attack, it doesn't make sense for this thing to still be alive!"

Guo Lao was also full of puzzlement.

"Hehe, it just means that the ability of this thing is stronger than your Ye Kang and Wulingzhu combined."

"So while we all felt like he was beaten, he wasn't beaten."

Jin Yan sneered.

Although he didn't understand the reason for the change in front of him at all.

But the question is not important.

The important thing is that Mr. Guo and Mr. Lin were confident enough to kill the things.

Now it suddenly popped out again.

And it doesn't seem to have suffered any obvious damage.

It was the same as the slap I received just now.

This fact at this time was like a loud slap on the two of them.

In such a scene, he just needs to be comfortable.

"It's really strange."

Lester was also puzzled:
"Everyone can see the power of the attack just now."

"Under the blessing of the Great Huoluo Pill, the strength of the Five Spirit Orbs has indeed improved by leaps and bounds."

"The monster has indeed been wiped out under the attack of the Five Spirit Orb after its strength has been improved."

"There shouldn't be any accidents."

"It's really strange, whether it's the incident itself or this virtual monster."

"Hehe, what is going on here, it seems that it is not so important now, right?"

Jin Yan coldly snorted again:
"The key is that Ye Kang, who they are proud of now, still has nothing to do with this monster."

"But this monster is coming for them."

"I was attacked again just now, and I must be in an extremely bad mood now."

"In this state."

"I don't think the revived monster will just let Ye Kang go."

"I don't know if this so-called young man who can perform miracles can also perform miracles?"

The sarcasm in Jin Yan's words.

Why can't Mr. Guo and Mr. Lin hear it?

It's just that they are more concerned about Ye Kang's situation than Jin Yan.

Although the two of them didn't see any changes on their faces, they were already burning with anxiety.

After all, something that should have been defeated smoothly.

Standing up again suddenly, this is a very bad thing in the first place.

Things that should have been resolved suddenly changed.

Who can say whether this kind of accident is good or bad?
It's just that the two of them didn't respond, and Jin Yan didn't intend to shut up either.

After another mouthful of gunfire.

Elder Lin, who had been suppressing his emotions, turned around and gave Jin Yan a fierce look:
"If I remember correctly, someone was so arrogant just now, and it ended up being slapped in the face?"

"If you don't want to get slapped a few more times, it's better to keep a low profile."

Jin Yan frowned slightly.

Although he wanted to refute immediately.

But as someone who just got slapped in the face.

He really can't say much.

He could only give up for the time being, and planned to wait until the battle was over before coming to mock the two of them to his heart's content.

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