Then I saw Ye Kang coming out of it.

Seeing that the octopus's feet have been cut into sections, I can't help but sigh.

Brother is really a man who doesn't talk too much.

"Brother, go out."

Ye Kang suddenly spoke.

Wu Xie was waiting for Ye Kang and his little brother with the sycamore bird on the shore.

Fortunately, the sycamore bird flew to Ye Kang's side just before he entered the water.

Otherwise, you will become a drowned bird.

Seeing two figures suddenly appear on the lake.

Wu Xie was overjoyed, and watched the two people in front of him approaching each other.

"Wu Xie, let's go."

After Ye Kang and his brother landed.

Said to Wu Xie, pulled him and rushed towards the straight ahead.

Only a few seconds behind the three of them, they heard the sound of an explosion behind them.


There was a loud noise and water splashed everywhere.

And the stumps of sea spiders are all on the ground.

Netizens feel relieved when they see Ye Kang and his younger brother come out of the water.

"Brother does this kind of stimulating thing every time? The stomach acid before, and the explosion now."

"Don't say it, the stimulation is dead, it is really stimulating to death, I haven't had a heart attack for many years, and now this is the rhythm of rising."

"I'm even more curious, what is the little spider that big brother was holding in his hand?"

"I'm just as curious."


The high-level meeting room of the program group.

Seeing that the three of Ye Kang were out of danger, Lester and Seth couldn't help feeling relieved.

"Old man, what is the little spider in Ye Kang's hand for? Why is there a spider in the sea spider's body?"

Mr. Lin still couldn't figure it out, and Ye Kang communicated with the little spider before.

He didn't understand at all.

"Old guy, have you forgotten, I don't understand."

Guo Lao looked at him speechlessly.

He doesn't know as much about sea spiders as Ye Kangshen, and he doesn't know anything now.

Elder Lin choked for a moment, he had indeed forgotten.

Mr. Fang was still worried that these two old things would quarrel.

Fortunately, I did not suffer in front of professors from other countries.

In forbidden land.

Wu Xie didn't know why.

"What happened to you in there?"

Looking at the blood stains on the water before, I was worried that they would encounter some danger.

Or he was injured, and now it seems that he is thinking too much.

Ye Kang briefly explained, and finally took out the little spider from his pocket.

"This is the body of the sea spider, but it is a body with a failed consciousness, and the right to use the body was taken away by the octopus."

Ye Kang explained lightly, and finally looked at the little spider in his palm.

Ye Kang: "You promise me something and fulfill your promise."

Although the little spider was not convinced, there was nothing he could do.

Originally, he wanted to refuse, but he looked at the sycamore bird on Ye Kang's shoulder.

He is staring at himself covetously.

There is a kind of eyes staring at it if you don't obey it.

I can't say anything if I want to say no.

In the end, the body can only gradually become larger.

up to a meter or so.

A huge spider web spewed out from its stomach.

When the spider web hangs in the air and disappears, a stone door appears.

Sea Spider: "This is the exit, you guys go out, don't come here again."

After speaking, the sea spider returned to the previous lake.

Ye Kang, Wu Xie, and the younger brother packed up their things, opened the door and left.

The moment he stepped out, the door behind him was closed, and finally disappeared.

Wu Xie couldn't help sighing, the awesomeness of this space distortion.

Ye Kang could only see that the space in front of him was not wide, but it was pitch black inside, so he decided to stand still for the time being.

"Ye Kang, what happened to that sea spider?"

Wu Xie was full of questions.

Ye Kang relayed the story of the sea spider.

At first he also guessed, but when he saw the little spider, he realized it.

This creature may not be so simple.

After all, they are all creatures from many years ago. Who would go out of their way to find out the origin of such things.

Ye Kangtai raised his hand and began to calculate, the front is safe for the time being.

Decided to rest for a while.

Only then did Wu Xie understand the origin of this sea spider.

Netizens did not expect this sea spider to be a combination of an octopus and a spider.

No wonder it will be a spider, and it will look like an octopus.

"Is it possible for octopuses to marry spiders these days? Were marriages so complicated many years ago?"

"I have to say, upstairs, you have a lot of ideas. Marriage is no longer based on race. Listening to what you say now, this kind of cognition has already advanced, and it has advanced many years ago."

"Marriage that transcends species now is nothing. It doesn't distinguish between races, men and women. I see that there are still people who don't distinguish between life and death. If you enter the door, you will be a widow. Maybe there are also those who are buried with you."

"Damn, upstairs, you're so cruel."


The high-level meeting room of the program group.

Mr. Lin and Mr. Guo never thought that the origin of the sea spider was that it merged with an octopus.

But how to fit together is a problem.

"It's unexpected that species that have been extinct many years ago have such a way of living. The creatures in nature are really amazing."

Lester couldn't help sighing.

"This kind of creature can only be recorded in a notebook now, and it is impossible to see the real thing."

It is rare for Baitian Hehui to say a word.

"This real object is not easy to touch. It will weave a space with spider webs. If you don't have Ye Kang's ability, you should not touch it, or you will be killed in the space at any time."

Lin Lao said that it is better not to be born for such creatures beyond the scope of human control.

Otherwise there will be trouble.

In forbidden land.

The three of Ye Kang rested for a while, got up and walked towards the dark corridor ahead.

Brother and Ye Kang couldn't help but look at each other.

Their eyes are different from ordinary people, even in the dark it is like day.

But here...

Why can't I see anything?why is that?
Netizens in the live broadcast room looked at the pitch-black screen, not a bullet screen flashed for a long time.

It took a long time before a barrage appeared.

"anyone there?"

"Someone, I thought I had a power outage, why is it so dark?"

"It shouldn't be. The big brother's equipment is advanced equipment. Even at night, you can see clearly. There is no reason why it is dark here."

"Could it be that there is something wrong with the space here?"


Senior program group.

"Mr. Lin, our equipment seems to be affected by something, and now their location can't be found even with the sky."

Mr. Fang saw that the big screen was dark, so he asked his assistant to check why he couldn't see it.

When the result comes out, it means that the device is abnormal.

"Just wait."

Mr. Guo expressed his understanding of this. After all, many things cannot be controlled by machines.

Even if you can't see it, you can always hear it.

In forbidden land.

Ye Kang counted back and forth with his fingers, and just took a few steps.


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