The tomb robbery technique is too skillful, the little brother and old Wu are confused

Chapter 130 The Spider and the Spirit Wing Fall in Love and Kill Each Other

Ye Kang suddenly shouted.

He swung the whip, tied it towards one of the legs, and pulled it hard.

The little brother keenly noticed that the two legs around him rotated 360 degrees without dead ends.

The sharp spider legs are like bayonets, aiming at the little brother.

The little brother's palm was swiped forcefully.

He slashed at the spider's leg that was stabbing him in the face.

The little brother was shocked that the spider legs still have such abilities.

The strength in his hands continued to increase.

The spider's leg was chopped off by the little brother.

The red liquid came oncoming, and the little brother jumped up from his back with all his strength, and landed firmly on the ground.

Wu Xie was a little shocked, this spider leg can also rotate 360 ​​degrees without dead ends.

Can you still play like this?
Netizens in the live broadcast room were also stunned.

"Can anyone tell me what's going on here? Why is the spider's legs spinning like this? Is this reasonable?"

"What do you think? This is a sea spider. Whose spider have you seen survive in the sea? That's all, but it can still be as soft as an octopus?"

"I really don't know how to describe this thing. It doesn't conform to common sense or normal laws."


In forbidden land.

Ye Kang knew that his brother was safe, so he began to calculate with his hands.

A hexagram image appeared in the mind.

This sea spider...

It is unkillable on land, but in water? ?

Ye Kang was silent for a while, and made up his mind to get it into the water.

Think about this.

"Wu Xie, brother, go!"

With sharp eyes, Ye Kang held up the whip in his hand, and whipped it on the sea spider indiscriminately.

It doesn't matter what the location is.

Wu Xie was a little confused, didn't he say he was waiting for the opportunity?
Did Ye Kang's complexion change so quickly?

Think about it once.

The little brother acted immediately when he heard the order.

He jumped up from the ground suddenly, intending to cut off the sea spider's spider legs.

When it was about to rush up, its mouth opened wide, and a bunch of spider silk spewed out from it.

The little brother avoided the spider silk and dodged suddenly.

The sea spider moved at the same time.

Suddenly another pile of spider silk spewed out from the ass.

Old Wu didn't expect the sea spider to have such a hand.

And there is...

How can this spider's spider silk spin on both sides?

"Brother, pay attention!"

Old Wu watched as the spider was about to turn its butt back, aiming the pistol in his hand at the spider's butt.

Ye Kang saw that the little brother was too late, so he held up the whip in his hand.

Just when the spider silk was about to touch the little brother, a swift whip wrapped around the little brother's ankle.

The whole person is falling rapidly.

Ye Kang pulled hard.

And Wu Xie on the other side also moved, he took out his big pistol!
After a gunshot, the scream of the sea spider followed.

The spider legs were still waving continuously, as if the pain was unbearable.

Netizens couldn't help clicking their tongues when they saw the familiar scene.

It's a familiar recipe, and it's a familiar taste.

"I don't know if the larks and this sea spider feel the same way. They were all blown up. Hey, this is too scary. I've grown up so much, but I've never seen a gun that can be used so handsomely?"

"Let's not talk about whether it's wicked or not, but I look very wicked. I think the picture is a bit exciting when I look at it. My heart is so tight that I have cancer."

"Isn't that great? I have hemorrhoids, so I can save surgery, but this lark is the most knowledgeable. It's a pity that I don't have a chance to share my experience."


The high-level meeting room of the program group.

Seeing the same operation, Elder Lin and Elder Guo twitched their mouths.

There is something about something Wu Xie likes!
Is this bad fun, or a hobby?
"This... I really don't know how to describe this act."

Seth didn't know how to describe his heart at this moment.

It looks nasty, but it works.

"Ahem... This sea spider is really different from ordinary spiders. After all, the spiders we see are not those that can eject spider silk from their mouths and butts at the same time."

Lin Lao coughed a few times to cover up his embarrassment.

Guo Lao looked at this spider, his eyes sank, this spider's thinking is really...

A little too sharp.

In forbidden land.

Ye Kang helped his little brother up, looked at the sea spider, seemed annoyed, but kept his eyes on Wu Xie.

He didn't seem to care about the younger brother's attack, Wu Xie was the only one in his eyes.

Can't help but think of the snake gall of the female snake king.

At that time, only Wu Xie would touch the snake gall with him.

Why is Wu Xie the only target?

Could it be Wu Xie because he is easy to clean up?Or because of Wu Xie's marksmanship, did he hold grudges?

The sea spider regained its momentum after a while, and the target rushed straight in Wu Xie's direction.

Wu Xie didn't panic at all. ,

Take out the pistol in your hand and aim at the eyes of the sea spider.

Ye Kang and his younger brother shot at the same time.

Ye Kang's whip slammed on the spider's legs, and the eight legs were tied together.

The sea spider didn't expect Ye Kang to make a sudden move, and fell to one side uncontrollably.

Seeing this opportunity, the little brother held up the ancient black gold knife in his hand, the unicorn blood on it was very rich.

Qiqi cut off the sea spider's legs.

Wu Xie fired a pistol into the eye, and the sea spider was in unbearable pain for a while.

Those who struggle will get up and go back to the sea.

The spider's feet had been chopped off neatly.

There was still bright red blood on it, but when the blood fell on the ground, it was still emitting white smoke and bubbles.

Netizens couldn't help feeling shocked when they saw this scene.

"There's something wrong with this spider's silk, and even this blood is poisonous."

"I really think this spider is very unlucky to meet such a terrifying trio."

"I thought so too, so this spider decided that it couldn't be beaten, and went home?"

"But why didn't big brother stop it? What's the situation?"


Netizens were so suspicious that the question appeared on the barrage.

In the conference room of the program group.

The rest of the professors didn't quite understand why Ye Kang didn't stop him.

"I saw Mr. Ye Kang start to calculate before. Could it be because the result of the calculation needs to do so?"

Mr. Fang was silent. At that time, he saw Ye Kang's fingers moving.

"It's very likely, we'll just have to wait and see."

Guo Lao also added on the side.

He kept his eyes on Ye Kang for a moment.

In forbidden land.

Wu Xie and the younger brother were about to go, but were stopped by Ye Kang.

"The only real thing in this kind of space is this spider. If you want to break the space, you have to kill it. You can't kill it on land."

Ye Kang watched as the sea spider was walking towards the lake in a slow pace.

Leave a trace.

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