"I'm married and my wish is fulfilled. There is a passage here. You should leave here and never come here again."

As soon as Bing Xin waved her hand, she saw a dark passage appeared on the stone wall of the room.

"What do you mean? My friend is still outside."

Wu Xie frowned.

Bing Xin can only explain the obsession to him.

"I will soon lose control of my obsession. Once I disappear, my obsession will completely replace me. At that time, you will not be able to leave even if you want to."

When Bing Xin said this, she was still reluctant.

"I'm going out to be with my friends."

Wu Xie said that he was about to leave here.

"Wu Xie, do you not believe me?"

Bing Xin thought he didn't believe him.

"Miss Bing Xin, I know you are a good girl, and I understand what you have gone through to become obsessed, but I can only appreciate your kindness."

"I can't let my friend die here."

After Wu Xie finished speaking, he turned and left.

Bing Xin couldn't help being moved when she saw the sincerity in Wu Xie's eyes.

"Wu Xie, why did you agree to marry me? Are you afraid of me, or are you trying to lie to me?"

Bing Xin hurriedly opened the mouth and said.

I really want to know his answer.

"I'm here for what's on you, and I really want to help you realize your long-cherished wish."

Wu Xie wanted to lie, but thought of what Ye Kang said.

Be sure to treat each other sincerely, and the words that come out of your mouth will become the truth.

Bing Xin looked at him for a long time, and finally laughed at herself.

"If he was as sincere as you back then, I wouldn't have fallen to this point."

When Bing Xin said this, her eyes turned red, and a tear rolled down her cheek.

It fell to the ground, forming a crystal clear crystal.

"This is what you want. Take it away. Even if I disappear, she won't get the tears of the glacier if you obsess over her."

Just as Bing Xin finished speaking, her body gradually became transparent.

Finally disappeared in front of Wu Xie.

Wu Xie stared blankly at the disappearing Bing Xin, and put away the tears of the glacier on the ground.

Push the door straight out and rush towards the front hall.

in the front hall.

The whip in Ye Kang's hand sent out black mist from his obsession to disperse it.




Three whips sounded, hitting the body of the obsession heavily.

Three welts were drawn on Zhuan Nian's body.

Every whip is very hard, wishing to break up the figure maintained by obsession.

At this moment, the obsession was dumbfounded.

He looked at himself in disbelief.

how come?how so?Obviously their sharp weapons cannot hurt her.

Why?Why is this happening?

Not to mention obsessed with obsession, even the little brother was slightly surprised.

A look of astonishment flashed in his cold eyes.

Before his knife...

Netizens in the live broadcast room haven't posted a barrage for a long time.

It was as if time stood still.

The last red barrage flashed across.

"How did the elder brother do it? The younger brother's knife didn't hurt a single bit, so why does the elder brother's whip work?"

"At this moment, I am suddenly impressed by the elder brother's ability, and it is still the kind that has risen to a higher level."

"Damn, you're right, me too, big brother is mighty, big brother is mighty."


The high-level meeting room of the program group.

"This... How did Mr. Ye Kang do it? Isn't it outside the Five Elements?"

Mr. Fang was also taken aback.

The little brother's weapon didn't hurt him before, as if he hit a phantom.

How come to Ye Kang, there is nothing left.

Elder Guo and Elder Lin were silent for a while, and finally their eyes fell on Dragon King Whip.

Seeing the Five Elements Bead above, I realized it immediately.

The two looked at each other, but neither said a word.

Jin Yan moved his mind to study beads, Ye Kang was carrying a rare treasure, it was better not to cause trouble for him.

Finally decided not to speak.

In forbidden land.

The obsession may have turned into anger from embarrassment, and the blackness on his face became even more intense.


The voice was loud, and the entire courtyard was enveloped in a black aura.

It's weird.

The head that had been cut in half by the little brother on the ground merged together again.

Continue to attack.

Seeing this, Ye Kang was annoyed, and took out the Qiankun pen.

Draw a circle in the air.

With a flash of golden light, these heads were sucked in.

It disappeared in an instant.

The golden light disappeared in an instant.

After Obsession saw it, he was not in a hurry, but just smiled sarcastically.

In the dark, the two heads are ready to go.

He rushed straight in the direction of Ye Kang and his brother.

Netizens in the live broadcast room just saw this scene.

"Ma Dan, this little trash, you can't afford it, can you? He even secretly hid two heads."

"Judging by the look and the ferocity in the eyes, this is going to solve the elder brother and the younger brother with one move."

"It's close, brother, will they know?"


Netizens couldn't sit still anymore, their eyes locked on the two heads tightly.

In forbidden land.

When he was about to get close to Ye Kang and his brother.

Two shots were heard behind him.

Gunshots echoed in the air.

When Ye Kang and his brother heard the sound, they turned around and saw Wu Xie standing behind them.

The pistol in his hand was still smoking, and his face was cold.

"Where's Bing Xin? Why did you come out?"

Looking at Wu Xie obsessively, a bad premonition filled his heart.

If he can come out, it means that Bing Xin has achieved her wish, but what about the things?

How can I feel nothing at all.

"Of course Bing Xin is gone, but it's a pity, I'm afraid you won't be able to get your things."

Wu Xie responded coldly.

Obsession fell silent for a while, as if he understood something.

There was a wry smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Bing Xin, Bing Xin, I have been with you for thousands of years, but you actually abandoned it for the sake of a man."

Obsession muttered to himself.

Ye Kang's hands are calculating.

When it stopped in the middle of the fingers, the brows were furrowed.

"Back, back immediately."

Ye Kang suddenly made a sound, and the younger brother and Wu Xie turned around and were about to retreat.

The figure of Obsession has begun to blur, and has been covered by black mist.

In the end it turned into a cloud of mist.

He rushed in the direction of the three of them.

"I want you to be my host."

The black mist rushed directly in the direction of Wu Xie and the younger brother.

Incredibly fast.

He was about to rush towards Ye Kang.

When he first came into contact with Ye Kang.

A phoenix cry sounded.


The voice was loud, and the obsession popped out.

The little brother looked at Wu Xie who was approaching him.

Pushing Wu Xie away, he let the mist of obsession fall on him.


The black light flashed, and the black mist popped out again.

Obsession did not expect the two of them to have the blood of ancient beasts in their bodies.

The last two strands of black air merged together, and finally rushed towards Wu Xie.

Ye Kang and his brother immediately understood the meaning of this obsession.

"Wu Xie, get out of the way..."

Ye Kang's eyes flashed with anxiety.

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