Ye Kang had a hexagram in his mind, but this hexagram was very strange.

There is danger ahead, but there is joy in the danger.

this happy event...

It was still on Wu Xie's body.

Is he going to get married?
No, there are women in this forbidden area who like Wu Xie?
Ye Kang looked at Wu Xie with strange eyes.

Wu Xie's scalp tingled from being watched.

"What are you doing?"

Wu Xie was puzzled.

Ye Kang shook his head after a long time, it's better not to rush to tell Wu Xie about this for now.


At this moment, the voice of the system came from his mind.

[Host, do you want to start a side mission to find the tears of the glacier? 】

Ye Kang was so angry that he was cursing his mother.

I said before that I was looking for the Fire Mouse Bead, but now that I have found it, I have to start a mission.

Reward for one not seen.

"How about no meeting?"

Ye Kang questioned in his heart.

【Host, if it doesn't bloom, you won't be able to find the glacier flower. 】

The meaning is very simple, you have to open it or not.

"what is the benefit?"

Ye Kang choked for a moment, and asked angrily.

[Host, you can choose items within [-] discussion points. 】

After the system finished speaking, Ye Kang's heart suddenly brightened, and he hurriedly checked the page.


In this black-hearted system, there are only a few simple things on the page bar with [-] comments.

In terms of specific functions, it is not as good as that pink box that looks useful.

I couldn't help being speechless to the limit.

Everything within [-] was good before, but now I see that my discussion value is high.

Even raising prices, this system is also a profiteer, a proper profiteer.

Netizens in the live broadcast looked at Ye Kang like a rainbow.

"Brother, what's wrong? Didn't you figure it out? Didn't you figure it out?"

"No way, it was shock before, then it was gloomy at the end, and now it's helpless, right? How did it turn into gnashing of teeth in the end?"

"Damn, you can't figure out something bad, right?"

"No way?"


The high-level meeting room of the program group.

Guo Lao and the others kept watching the situation of Ye Kang and the others after eating.

When seeing Ye Kang's expression, everyone was a little confused.

not understand well.

But what is the situation with this gnashing of teeth now?
"Isn't it because I didn't sleep well? In a bad mood?"

Boss Fang suddenly thought of this.

Mr. Guo, Mr. Lin, and several other professors looked at him in unison.

It seems to be looking at a fool.

How did this kid get to the position of president?

In forbidden land.

"Ye Kang, Ye Kang? What's wrong with you?"

Wu Xie couldn't bear it anymore and pushed him.

"It's okay, let's go."

Ye Kang looked at Wu Xie, hesitant to speak.

In the end, without saying anything, he turned around and walked towards the top of the snow mountain.

On the way, Ye Kang kept testing Wu Xie if he had someone he liked.

In the end, the younger brother really couldn't listen anymore.

"What the hell are you going to say?"

The little brother asked coldly.

"Yeah, why are you so concerned about my life's event?"

Wu Xie was also puzzled.

"I just made a fortune. There is danger ahead, but there is a happy event. As for this happy event..."

Before finishing the following words, his eyes stopped on Wu Xie.

The meaning is obvious.

"You mean I'm getting married?"

Wu Xie thought this was absurd, even if he wanted to get married, he had to agree, right?
No no no.

But Ye Kang's hexagrams have always been very accurate and will not make mistakes.

Netizens in the live broadcast room were shocked by these remarks.

"I don't understand why. Isn't this marriage supposed to be a man and a woman together? How can there be a woman here? Isn't the only woman dead?"

"Forget it, unless there is a female ghost here, there will never be a happy event."

"But you all know the hexagram of big brother, who dares to say for sure?"

"There really isn't a female ghost, is there?"


In forbidden land.

"Let's go, what should come will still come."

Ye Kang could understand Wu Xie's mood, and suddenly said a happy event, who can stand it?
And the other party is not necessarily a living person.

The three of them walked halfway up the mountain when it suddenly began to snow heavily.

Coupled with the surprise attack of the cold wind, it was almost impossible to walk.

Ye Kang pushed his fingers back and forth, and finally stopped.

"Don't go, we can't get out, wait here, someone will come to us later."

Ye Kang pulled Wu Xie and his brother to prevent them from taking a step forward.

Now the snow is too heavy, if you leave rashly, something will happen.

It's better to wait, someone will find you after a while.

This is also safe.

Hearing the sound, the two stood in place, waiting for the heavy snow to pass.

Netizens in the live broadcast room were a little nervous looking at the white snow.

"Such a heavy snow, how can there be people coming?"

"I thought of a possibility, would you wait for Wu Xie's future wife to come?"

"Damn, it's really possible for you to say that, it's hard to say."

"No way, this heavy snow will only bring snow, how could it bring Wu Xie's wife? You are thinking too much."


The high-level meeting room of the program group.

Faced with all kinds of guesses from netizens, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and finally he couldn't help but sigh at the thinking of these netizens.

It's amazing.

Mr. Fang has some small expectations in his heart, whether Wu Xie's wife will really appear.

The assistant behind him answered the phone at this moment, and looked at Boss Fang with some embarrassment.

"Mr. Fang, someone from the technical department asked you if they could contact you through other channels."

"The operating platform in the background is about to collapse, and the channel needs to be opened as soon as possible."

The assistant was a little surprised.

For this event this time, five channels were specially opened for the smooth viewing of netizens.

But now there are too many people.

"Huh? Why would it collapse?"

Mr. Fang didn't understand. After preparing so many channels, how could there be a freeze.

"Now the number of people has suddenly risen to 12 billion, and it is almost out of control."

"According to the technical department, these netizens came to see who Wu Xie's wife is, and they rushed up after Mr. Ye Kang said those words."

The assistant was also speechless to the extreme.

Mr. Fang's helplessness was caused by Ye Kang's hexagram.

In forbidden land.

The heavy snow gradually became smaller and finally disappeared.

Ye Kang watched the heavy snow fall down to his knees, his face was cold.

Inexplicably thought of the name Xuenv.

Isn't this a monster that only exists in Sakura Country?

No way?
Then he raised his hand and counted.

The corner of his mouth twitched, fortunately not.


The little brother looked sharply at the position on the right, and there was a sound of footsteps.

Step by step on the snow.

Netizens in the live broadcast room looked at the screen expectantly.

"I'm so nervous, will I be able to see Wu Xie's wife later?"

"Really, why is this step so steady? I can't hurry up. I've been waiting for a long time. I'm looking forward to it."

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