Unlimited Enhancement System of Special Forces

Chapter 26 Sniping, Assault and Assassination

Su Tian led Xiaozhuang into the dense forest and wandered around.

He took out the map in the data, compared the map while observing the environment, and marked a few points on the map.

"These are the key points for defending the dense forest. They are easy to defend but difficult to attack. There are quite a few bunkers nearby."

"At that time, you will wander around these places and wipe out all the enemies who sneak into the dense forest!"

Xiao Zhuang kept the location he marked in mind, and immediately ran out to inspect his combat location.

Su Tian continued wandering in the dense forest.

As the captain of the special operations team, he must know all the details related to the mission like the back of his hand.

After all, I am the trump card of the team, and I am invincible with a saber, so I probably need to fight with my own hands.

But the saber must not be used, after all, this is a confrontation exercise, not a life-and-death fight, and the one fighting against oneself is also a comrade-in-arms.

According to his idea, the ostrich hid itself and sniped the enemy on the cliff, completely cutting off the enemy's way.

Therefore, the enemy can only forcibly pass through the dense forest. Xiao Zhuang acts as an assaulter to cover fire, while he shuttles through the dense forest to assassinate.

Since it is an assassination, it is necessary to be thoroughly familiar with the surrounding environment, so as to maximize the success rate.

Su Tian's assassination of [-] armed drug lords in the primeval jungle was actually an encounter, and the risk was not small if you think about it carefully.

If there is a sharpshooter comparable to the white wolf among the drug lords, then Su Tian might also encounter great risks.

Now that we have enough time to prepare this time, we must not be careless, which will increase the risk of mission failure.

Su Tian was full of energy, like a silly roe deer, looking left and right in the dense forest, familiarizing himself with every plant and tree.

Night fell quickly.

Su Tian and the others have already stood at their respective posts, taking strict precautions against sticking to their posts.

He kept an eye on the time, and once it passed midnight, the confrontation exercise would officially begin!
Special fighters from Tiger Brigade may attack at any time!

Time passed by every minute and every second, and in the defense of the three people, it finally passed 12 o'clock.

At this moment, the voice of the system in Su Tian's head sounded again:
New missions unlocked!
Wait for the arrival of the Cobra Squad of the Tiger Brigade in the dense forest and wipe them out!
(Hint: In the next 2 hours, the Cobra team will reach the jungle.)
Su Tian immediately became serious, thinking to himself: The team that was originally sent was called the Cobra team, and it really came fast enough. If it wasn't for the early defense, they would have taken advantage of the loophole!
The system reminded that there will be a battle in 2 hours, which made Su Tian a little excited.

This was his first actual combat with special forces, and Xia Guo's special forces were outstanding in the world. Defeating this cobra team meant that his strength could already be called the top in the world.

Su Tian hurriedly used the radio to inform Xiaozhuang and the ostrich who had already ambushed that the enemy was coming, so get ready to fight immediately!

1 hours……

2 hours……

The night was dark and windy, and the woods were quiet, with the occasional hooting of an owl being heard.

Su Tian closed his eyes, but his consciousness was very clear. He activated his special ability of divine hearing to listen to everything around him.

Whether it was a small wild animal running past in the forest, or the faint sound of a bird singing in the distance, none of them could escape Su Tian's divine hearing.

He did this all to keep abreast of every move in this dense forest.

The special combat members of the Cobra Squad are all elites of the Tiger Brigade and are good at stealth.

But no matter how careful they are, they will still make a little sound when they march, which is enough for Su Tian to find out their approximate location.

Suddenly, Su Tian noticed a rustling sound coming from the other side of the dense forest.

finally reached!

Su Tian opened his eyes suddenly, and whispered through the radio to remind Ostrich and Xiaozhuang that the enemy was approaching.

He glanced at the direction of the cliff again.

The moonlight is like water, sprinkled on the cliff, and the scenery there can be seen clearly. It seems that the ostrich's snipe is not a problem.

After a while, the ostrich's sniper rifle fired, and the enemies who tried to cross the cliff would be forced into the dense forest again.

At that time, it will be a full-scale war with the Cobra team!
Su Tian was very excited even though he was slightly nervous. He was very much looking forward to this battle.


The gunshots rang out fiercely!

Su Tian looked towards the cliff, and red smoke rose from the body of a special combat member of the Cobra team, indicating that he was dead.

Before the special forces member had time to start crossing the cliff, he was shot and killed. He obviously hadn't reacted yet, and stood there in a daze.

The special fighters beside him reacted very quickly, turned around and ran away quickly.

The ostrich's gunshots sounded again, and the special forces team member also smoked.

The two men who died in battle were very angry, threw their rucksacks on the ground, and waved their hands to signal that they were killed in battle.

After seeing that no one dared to cross the cliff again, Su Tian stood up with a lipstick in his hand.

This is a prop used to replace the saber. A touch on the opponent's neck means that the enemy's throat will be cut in close combat.

With the blessing of divine hearing skills, Su Tian sensed the sound of six or seven footsteps resounding in the dense forest, two of whom were himself and Xiaozhuang.

Then there are four enemies left in the woods!
"Bang bang bang!"

A burst of flames suddenly lit up, and it was Xiao Zhuang who fired the gun.

Immediately afterwards, the enemy counterattacked, and the muzzle of the gun was faintly revealed in the dense forest!

Relying on the position of the fire, Su Tian captured the exact position of the enemy, and rushed over quickly and quietly.

He avoided the area where Xiaozhuang and the enemy exchanged fire, and walked around the enemy.

The enemy was concentrating on fighting Xiaozhuang, but Su Tian didn't expect Su Tian to approach him quietly, and suddenly felt an unknown object across his neck.

"There is no need to continue, you are already dead."

Behind the special fighter, Su Tian's voice suddenly sounded, which made the special fighter turn around in a hurry.

He subconsciously wanted to shoot, but when he heard Su Tian's words, he forcibly held back the desire to shoot.

"What's going on! How did you get close to me?"

The special forces member asked in frustration.

"You're dead, and I won't waste my time talking to the dead."

Su Tian said this coldly, and soon disappeared into the dense forest under the night.

In the dense forest, the battle between Xiaozhuang and the Cobra team continued.

Flames came on one after another, and gunshots came and went.

The ostrich also joined the fight at this time, and although he had no vision to speak of, he still shot as best he could.

Su Tian's divine hearing skills are extremely sensitive, coupled with the firelight in the forest.

He quickly locked on to the target, and the remaining three kept changing positions, but they couldn't escape Su Tian's pursuit.

A special combat member of the Cobra team was hiding behind a tree, secretly observing Xiaozhuang's position, and took out a grenade from his bag.

He confirmed Xiaozhuang's position over and over again, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he put his finger into the ring of the grenade!

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