"Chang'e, Master Chiyou did not misunderstand you. It turns out that you were really defeated in the eternal love calamity, but you were confused by Houyi. Do you know what will happen to you!" At this time, the window of the villa Suddenly it was blown away by a gust of wind, and then a woman appeared in front of the two of them.

Mo Xiaoran!
"After Master Chi You was resurrected, I also woke up. It is only now that I understand that everything in the world does not exist by chance, it is a cycle of cause and effect. Hou Yi, we meet again, but this time, you will die It's in my hands. But now you give way first, let me abolish this traitor first."

"Are you the Black Wind God?"

Mo Xiaoran grinned grimly, and a jade tablet appeared in his hand: "You should know that your primordial spirit has been restricted, as long as I activate it, you will have no hope of surviving. I'm sorry, go die now."

"Whoosh!" A sword light came out from under the floor of the first floor, splitting Mo Xiaoran in two. However, it was just a phantom. Once again, he laughed arrogantly.Lin Qiang commanded the Zhuxian Sword to attack continuously, and his speed surpassed that of Da Luo Jinxian. Of course, this was only due to the power of the Zhuxian Sword itself, and he had already committed a foul.

"I think if you can block me for a few minutes, the Zhu Xian Sword will leave you." Mo Xiaoran seemed to know everything.

Lin Qiang suddenly sneered: "Damn it, even if I am in love with you, it's not just a matter of one finger to kill a caterpillar like you, you dare to come." There was only a click, and then Suddenly a huge purple thunder struck the roof, and the roof of the entire villa was blown into flying ash.

Lin Qiang had disappeared.

Just now at the most critical moment, he combined the four Heavenly Books, and a force that was extremely powerful than that of Da Luo Jinxian was quickly injected into his body, and then he was thrown into the void by a black storm.Taking advantage of Lin Qiang's condensed heavenly scriptures, the Black Wind God gathered a gust of black wind and pushed him into the void, trying to forcibly stop Lin Qiang's rear Yi.

"What is the Son of Heaven? Hold the power of heaven in your hand, control the avenue, hold the secrets of heaven in your mouth, and the birth and death of one thought, all dharmas follow your heart, and canonize the gods. You are the Son of Heaven! Sacrifice the heavenly talisman, and you are ordered by the sky. Your generation, how dare you make mistakes. I use the Yuanshen of the Yellow Emperor, the god of Houyi, to give you a death penalty, and you will be relegated to Jiuyou, and you will never be reborn forever." A flash of lightning stood out from the black wind, hit Mo Xiaoran's heart, and instantly She turned to ashes.

Lin Qiang stood in the air, dressed in black animal skin, with a sun-shooting bow on his back, and a ten-meter-long saber in his hand. With bare feet and long hair, he landed in front of Fang Muyue.

"Chang'e, you really didn't lie to me."

"Houyi!" Fang Muyue shouted in surprise and joy.

Lin Qiang walked back to the villa, and with a wave of his hand, the villa was back to its original shape, and sighed: "Chi You has returned, and the demons have awakened, I must summon the dragon warriors as soon as possible, put on the strong and stick, and defeat the powerful enemy together, thank you for being lenient , to end a period of karma between you and me. From then on, the fate between you and me is over, and we must never meet again in this life, otherwise, I will not be able to become Xuanyuan, let alone summon the dragon elite to return."

"No!" Fang Muyue shook her head again and again: "I have already surrendered, you have defeated me in this life, since you have already won, why did you abandon me?"

"Because we are not the original match, I, I still have a fate. I was tempted by Chi You back then, which caused me to lose my mind, forget to make a wife, and violate the law of heaven. In the end, not only the husband and wife turned against each other, but also ended up with Chi You The fate of falling together, you don’t know these things, do you?”

"I know, but—"

"You stole the heavenly book, which made me distraught and violated the way of the emperor, so I couldn't use the "Sacred Talisman Edict" to restore the real body of the Yellow Emperor. , Why don't we make a break today." Lin Qiang sighed.

"You want to be with Leizu?"


"But you can't find her at all." Fang Muyue said in a trembling voice.

"How could she leave me, and how could she turn her back on me? Our fate, especially Chi You and you, can be severed. She is by my side, always there, but I don't feel it. But now , I understand and see through, you should know what I mean."

"Yes, is it Qingzi?"

"Yes." Lin Qiang said: "From the day I became a Daluo Jinxian, I have doubts about Qingzi's identity. There is my fate in her, and it is a great fate. This fate made us three Personal constant entanglement, you will not forget it."

"I should have thought it was her, and I should have gotten rid of her." Fang Muyue regretted it. In fact, when she left Chi You, she had a plan in mind. Hou Yi was always hurting each other, no one took advantage of it, every life was full of love and hate, constant sorrow and joy, pain and embarrassment, but this life was different, Fang Muyue really felt deeply rooted in love, so in Knowing that she would end up miserable for disobeying Chi You, she still didn't put the love of ten thousand calamities into the book of heaven.This made Lin Qiang successfully condense the four heavenly books into Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor's "Sacrifice to Heaven Talisman" and restored Hou Yi's body of great witch.

The heaven-sacrificing talisman is actually a square seal, a little bigger than a slap, with the words on it--ordered by the sky, life will last forever.Eight characters.

She had also thought that she and Hou Yi had a bad relationship and could not compare to Lei Zu's uprightness, so the best way to get a better understanding in this life was to get rid of Lei Zu.However, because Lei Zu was born in the heaven and earth, she has the queen's talisman to protect her body, her luck is great, and it covers all eyes, so she can't see or feel it at all.

Of course, you can guess if you don’t feel it. She also guessed that Lei Zu, as Xuanyuan’s original wife, cannot be too far away from him. , that is, Qingzi, so she is the most likely.Moreover, Qingzi has a gentle temperament and looks like a queen, so she almost wants to strike.

But it's best not to be cruel.

I'm dying of regret now.

"That's not the case. Heaven is reincarnated and ever-changing. You not only have a destiny with Leizu, but also with Su Daji, with the Madonna of Red Light, and even with Empress Yunxiao. These people and I have all been entangled with you for thousands of years." In this world, there has never been an absolute winner, so this matter is not over. And I, I, I helped you, if you give up on me now, I will be killed by Chi You, how can you cross the river and tear down the bridge? Is it your way of the Son of Heaven?"

"Okay, what you said is right. I'm going to Kunlun Yuxu to ask the sage to release Yunxiao, so you follow me." Lin Qiang's face was calm, but it was definitely not the appearance of the emperor, at most it was the posture of a titan , so he is not Xuanyuan now, but Houyi.

Lin Qiang raised the Immortal Execution Sword and said, "Brother Tongtian Dao, I will return the Immortal Execution Sword because I have become a Taoist. Thank you for your help, please take it back!"

"Brother Dao is serious. In fact, you have not yet attained enlightenment, so you need not only Zhuxian Sword, but also Zhuxian Sword Formation. It is not convenient for outsiders to intervene in the matter between you and Chi You, but this Zhuxian Sword Formation is to help you become enlightened." Second Dharma Gate, you should close it first." In the sky, lightning flashed, and three long swords suddenly fell in front of Lin Qiang.

"Thank you. It's just that one is missing!"

"East Emperor Tai Yijian, I don't know where it is, you can find it yourself."

"I know!" Fang Muyue suddenly smiled with tears in her eyes: "I have felt that sword for a long time, and you once owned it. You said that whoever you love, who loves you, will be reincarnated even after thousands of generations of reincarnation. , and will not leave you, so, in fact, it is by your side, have you forgotten?"

"Xinghua Chunyu Sword!" Lin Qiang nodded: "Is our fate really not broken?" Fang Muyue choked up and said, "At least you are still mine now. If Xuanyuan doesn't come back, how can Leizu wake up?" , you are Houyi, my real husband, she is not worthy to fight with me now."

"The so-called Four Swords of Immortal Execution, together with the Xinghua Chunyu Sword, are actually the Holy Sword of Xuanyuan that I entrust my magic power to. As long as I get the Holy Sword of Xuanyuan, everything will be settled, and you will not be with me for too long. "Lin Qiang felt that his mood fluctuated a lot. It seemed that Zu Wu's heart was not as calm as that of a Qi refiner.

"Let's talk about it later." Fang Muyue burst into tears.

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