Lin Qiang must be careful. He is afraid that Mrs. Tianhu will play some tricks. According to her level, it is too easy to say any tricks, and this Tianhu Ling does have very powerful magic power, so he released a set of tricks in advance. A large area of ​​runes sealed off the nearby Baili area with the Great Town Killing Curse, making it impossible for her to rush out.

Then he handed the Tianhu Ling to her, and nodded gratefully towards Su Daji.But Su Daji sighed deeply, as if very helpless and painful.Lin Qiang could understand her mood, but the one in front of him was still Liu Sijia's real body, not Su Daji's.

Where is Su Daji's real body? In fact, Lin Qiang is not completely clueless. According to his estimation, he might still be staying in the Nuwa Palace, so he doesn't want to reveal it.

But I didn't expect Mrs. Tianhu's eyes to become murderous once she got the Tianhu Ling, and she suddenly roared: "Go to hell!" Before Lin Qiang understood what was going on, he suddenly felt an explosive force spreading around He really didn't expect Mrs. Tianhu's soul to be locked by the sky-shaking arrow, and she still had the strength to blow up Tianhu Ling.

Hearing a bang, although the main body of Tianhu Ling did not explode, all the primordial spirits inside rushed out. A total of [-] million handsome and beautiful primordial spirits flew around like stars, but luckily they were all killed by Dazhen. It was enveloped and could not fly out.But this is even scarier.

Even Lin Qiang had to admire Mrs. Tianhu for her high IQ. She deliberately released all her souls in order to let them hit the big town with the killing curse, and then be wiped out by them all. Fang Muyue was naturally among them.

"Big samsara disk, suck it for me!" Lin Qiang hurriedly abandoned Mrs. Tianhu and released the six-path reincarnation disk, because the six-path reincarnation disk had already locked Fang Muyue's primordial spirit. When Yuanshen comes to urge her, she will definitely be able to pull her back quickly.

"Whoosh!" I saw a green light rushing towards the six reincarnation disks, with a miserable cry: "Honey, save me, save me, save me quickly."

"Muyue!" Lin Qiang frantically poured vitality into the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk, and at the same time reached out to grab the primordial spirit. When he came out, he came first and broke through the rune of the Dazhen Killing Curse in one fell swoop, grabbed Fang Muyue in his hand with a snap, and quickly retracted.

Lin Qiang put on the Xuanyuan battle armor and chased at the fastest speed, but he was still a step behind. He had almost released all the magic weapons, but he was still a step too late, the big hand had disappeared into the void.What's more, the visitor deliberately hid his whereabouts. He didn't know what kind of magic he used to reverse the yin and yang, leaving Lin Qiang nowhere to look, not even a clue.

"Lin Qiang, if you want Fang Muyue, you can pick it up at the Golden Summit of Mount Emei on August [-]th. I will wait for you there, haha, hahahaha."

"Lu Ya!" Lin Qiang gritted his teeth angrily: "Lu Ya, you dare to hurt a single hair of her hair, I swear that in this life, in this life, in three lives and three lives, I will also wipe out your Chi You family, and kill not a single one!"

"Hahahaha, just brag. I'm too lazy to talk to you. Come if you have the ability. I'll wait for you on Mount Emei. When the time comes, I'll let you husband and wife die together, haha." Lu Ya laughed wildly.Then Lin Qiang's primordial spirit could no longer sense the slightest breath of Lu Ya.

"Damn it, it's all your fault, you dare to play me, I want to eat you." Lin Qiang stretched out his hand, pulled out the heart of Mrs. Tianhu, and turned her body into a troll body, yelling: " This is what you asked for, you can’t blame me, I want to fight Lu Ya, I need to replenish my physical strength, you are my sacrifice now, we, the witch clan, rely on devouring the flesh to strengthen our physique, you asked for it all .”

Lin Qiang stuffed the heart into his mouth, then tore Mrs. Tianhu into pieces like tearing up a roast chicken, then stuffed it into his mouth and ate it clean.All of a sudden, he felt the spiritual energy in his body wandering, and the flesh and blood of countless sky demons were absorbed. His skin alone was twice as thick as before, and his height also increased to a hundred feet.

Not only that, even his primordial spirit is expanding infinitely, the cultivation rules of Da Luo Jinxian are full of his mind, and he understands it in a flash, and comprehends the "Da Luo Jin Xian Shu" that he has no clue for a long time.

"So, so it turns out that devouring the body and soul can allow me to obtain the law of cultivation. This is a quick way to practice. It's great, it's great. Haha, it turns out that the cultivation method of the Wumen is so terrible and cruel. It’s so fast, it’s no wonder that the Three Sects couldn’t hold their heads up. You damn Tianhu, I just want to eat you, I want to take revenge on you, and I want to fight Luya, so you refine it for me.”

Lin Qiang's body twisted, and the layers of mana fluctuations hit the void like waves, shaking the entire Tianhu Palace down, and then transformed himself into a three-legged alchemy furnace with a height of one hundred feet, a blazing golden flame of the sun , with a trace of blue light, began to melt the rest of Mrs. Tianhu's body and soul.

After about two days, the three-legged alchemy furnace suddenly flew into the sky, and the golden flames of the big sun below gave out the final rage, as if more than a dozen suns were smashed at the same time, burning half of the sky red. The main body was burned and cracked, as if it was about to shatter.

"Om!" There was a loud noise, and Liu Sijia was shaken and flew tens of thousands of miles before she stabilized her body. Looking closely, Lin Qiang had turned into a huge demon god, with a dragon head and a human body covered with crystals like diamonds. He is 120 feet tall, holding a fox the size of a white elephant tightly in his hand, roaring ferociously.

"Not only do I want to eat you, but I also want to refine a part of your body into a magic weapon. I want you to be my slave for the rest of your life, obey my commands, and submit to me. This is my endless punishment for you. You made a big mistake, and you really shouldn't have hurt my love." Lin Qiang opened his mouth and sprayed, and a huge chariot and a scorpion appeared in front of him, and then released the Sky Fox in his hand, and it obediently pulled up the battle The car and Bi An drove side by side and became Lin Qiang's mount.

"Come up." Lin Qiang called Liu Sijia with the body of a demon god, scaring Liu Sijia enough.But she was afraid that Lin Qiang would lose his mind, so she didn't dare to disobey and jumped into the chariot.But the bronze chariot was really too big, bigger than three aircraft carriers. After she got in, she immediately looked like an ant.

And Lin Qiang's demon god body stood on top of the chariot, his whole body was full of flames, and two iron chains protruded from each of them were tied around the necks of the two monsters. He shook the reins, and the huge wheel made an earth-shattering sound, and disappeared in a swish. In the sky above Tianhu Palace, he left Buzhou Mountain in an instant.

"Disk of Reincarnation, take us out." Lin Qiang's leader roared loudly.

"I can't do this." Liu Sijia couldn't bear it anymore, and suddenly stood up and shouted: "You can't appear in the world like this, it will cause the destruction of the world, you must recover your sanity. You know, Lu Ya arrested Fang Muyue, It’s nothing more than trying to force you to commit suicide, which means we still have a chance.”

When she said this, Lin Qiang really calmed down. After thinking about it for a while, his body and the chariot shrank to the size of his body at the same time, panting heavily, and his appearance returned to his original appearance.

"You're right, we still have a chance." Lin Qiang closed his eyes for a moment, then stood up again, just like an ancient warrior, driving a chariot under the guidance of the reincarnation disk, and space teleported back to the earth. In the sky, and then directly came to Feijian Palace.

Everything in Feijian Palace is good, all the demons surrendered to Lin Qiang, and no one dared to resist at all, but when they saw Lin Qiang's chariot galloping to the square, they were full of murderous aura and rushed straight into the sky. It increased again and I don't know how much, and the bloody aura on their bodies made them dizzy, and they were so frightened that they didn't dare to make a sound, and they all stood there motionless.

Lin Qiang hurried back to the alchemy room, leaving only Liu Sijia alone and no one else, and then scurrying on the ground like ants on a hot pot: "What to do, what to do, Lu Ya has great powers, Zhan Xianfei The power of the sword is infinite, I am not sure enough at all, he is also a Daluo Jinxian, but he is a middle-rank Daluo Jinxian, one level higher than Tianhu, and he has a witch treasure like a flying knife in his hand, if I What should I do if I lose the battle?"

"I can kill Mrs. Tianhu by crossing one level, and I can also kill the middle-rank Da Luo Jinxian who has no treasures, but it will be different if he has the Immortal Slaying Flying Knife."

"Report to the Great Demon Lord, the disciple asks to see you." A green-robed voice came from outside.

"Come in." Lin Qiang shouted.

Trembling, the green-robed patriarch clasped his hands and said, "Great Demon Venerable, I have set up the meeting place according to your instructions. There is no problem with the opening ceremony on August [-]th. The following is to spread the hero posts. I don't know if you Please show me what guests you want to invite."

"August [-]th—" Lin Qiang was stunned and suddenly remembered that August [-]th was the day when he held the ceremony of founding the school, and Lu Ya actually chose August [-]th to have a decisive battle with him in Mount Emei. Things, there is no such a coincidence in the world, there must be something famous here.

"What's the problem? This is the day you set." The green robe was stunned.

Lin Qiang squinted his eyes and smiled grimly: "Very well, it will be held as usual. I want to see what tricks Lu Ya is playing with me. You go down first."

"August 3000?" Liu Sijia rolled her eyes, "It goes without saying that Lu Ya is a supernatural being. He was a middle-rank Da Luo Jinxian [-] years ago, and now he may be a top-rank Da Luo Jinxian. He is three times taller than you." Level, I know that you have condensed into the body of an ancestor witch, and your strength is comparable to giants like Gong Gong, Zhu Rong, and Kua Fu back then, but are you really sure about fighting against Lu Ya, who is three levels higher than you? ?”

"Not at all." Lin Qiang also wanted to understand that the reason why Lu Ya was able to snatch Fang Muyue without any barriers in his hands was because this guy had been upgraded, and now he was a top-rank Da Luo Jinxian, even if it was Zhao Gongming Alive, not his opponent.Now he was even more anxious.

"Now there are only ten days until August [-]th. Although you devoured Mrs. Tianhu, you are still a top-ranking Golden Immortal. How could you be his opponent?"

Lin Qiang's eyes suddenly fell on the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk, and then he laughed loudly: "I have a solution, I have a solution. Although this big reincarnation disk has insufficient attack power, it can be regarded as exhaustive for the past and present of human beings. All sentient beings in the six realms cannot escape its calculations, so I will calculate Lu Ya's birth date now, and then I will use the nail-headed seven-arrow book on him, and I will make him behave insanely, and finally perish."

"Nailhead Seven Arrows Book, ah, is that Lu Ya's supernatural power?"

"That's right, an eye for an eye!" Lin Qiang suddenly stretched out his hand and took out a book as black as ink from his bosom. It was the book of Seven Arrows with Nailheads.

"Although this witch treasure is tainted, it is the best way to return it to another body. My master Zhao Gongming was about the same level as him back then. Since he can't escape, Lu Ya can't escape either. I want to lower his head and curse him so that he will never be reborn." Lin Qiang laughed wildly.

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