"Bang!" In Masao Murayama's office, the four head-down masters standing in front of them lay on the ground holding their heads, and began to spit out pieces of worms and green liquid from their mouths, and died after a few strokes.Masao Murayama's expression changed drastically in fright, and he ran out quickly.

"Blood Shura!" Wearing a mask, the handsome Xue Shura came in and took a look, then quickly closed the door: "Sir, a person with powerful mana returned the spell and poison of the head drop technique to the head drop master intact." This person, this person is terrible, I, I want to report to the suzerain."

"Baga, it's Lin Qiang!" Masao Murayama roared angrily.

Blood Shura belongs to the Jiahe faction, they are relatively unprincipled, they will work for whoever pays them, and after finishing a job, they will change their boss.So she followed Mieko for a while, and Masao Murayama for a while.According to Lin Qiang's deduction, the ninja lineage of the island country is actually the same as the head-down technique of the Tai country, which is the inheritance of the Wumen.

For example, their Iga sect's god control technique, Koga's curse technique, and Jiuju's puppet technique all use witchcraft to manipulate the human spirit. This is the iconic symbol of witchcraft.However, Lin Qiang still doesn't know how the Wumen passed on, but he estimated that before the war between the five sect masters, there might only be one country in the world, that is, the Shang Dynasty and the wild grassland.

After the war of the five great leaders, the conflicts and disputes among the three religions continued, the size of the earth shrank, the immortals returned to the mountains, the gods returned to their thrones, the rulers of the Zhou Dynasty were no longer able to rule some of the surrounding vassal states, and the immortal law blasted the entire land , Some are isolated by the sea, forming countless island countries.

Due to the loss of Taoism, the ruler's technological level is underdeveloped, so it is impossible to achieve long-distance rule. Therefore, these remnants of the witch sect took the opportunity to develop instead.This is why the head-down masters of Taiguo and the ninjas of the island nation are stronger than the wizards of China.Because there were still some earth immortals active in Huaxia during the Han, Tang and Song Dynasties, the Wumen could not be suppressed.

The Taiguo Islands are different, they are much freer.

"I summoned four masters here today, for no other purpose. I know that our 'Ninja Gate' has already split into four different branches. Not only do you have no contact with each other, but you are attacking each other. But it can't work now, I don't know if you can understand me, because we have a common enemy in front of us, a powerful enemy, so we must unite."

Kojima Taro, the head of the Changli Sword Art in the country, has white hair hanging down his shoulders, and a white ceramic mask on his face. He sits cross-legged on the ground. It looks like his upper body is longer than his two legs. He has four Japanese swords in front, back, left, and right Insert it on the ground to surround him, four blue rays of light, connected with four steel knives, forming a formation, known as: four souls lore!

"Your four major sects are Iga, Koga, Jiuju, and Liuying. Among them, Liuying is the strongest and the most low-key. This time, I'm looking for you to come here. I hope you can understand our painstaking efforts and fight together. enemy, otherwise that Chinese man will kill us all, because I have already calculated that he is our nemesis."

Ding Chong didn't speak, just sat silently.

On the other hand, a woman from the Jiuju school, eighteen or nineteen years old, full of youth, wearing a white skirt, like a pure natural flower petal, nodded indifferently: "Hayi, Your Excellency, I have a question, the way of that Chinese person Fa, I have heard about it, I think we should not provoke him, because our ninjutsu is not his opponent, we avoid it, but why did you make such a decision?"

The Jiahe faction is an old man with white hair and chicken skin. His face is haggard, pale and bloodless, but his lips are completely red, as if he just drank blood. His white hair hangs down to his waist and his fingers are like eagle claws: "That man is a businessman. He is also a businessman, at worst we will not do his business in the future, why should we offend such a powerful enemy?"

Because the country's Changli Shendao Liu has a hereditary title in the island country, and has been a national teacher for generations, so let alone his magic power, even if he has no magic power, these people must respect him.Therefore, the four great masters were very polite and respectful in front of him.

The suzerain of the Liuying sect was wearing a black kimono and a black veil, holding two black leg bones in his hand, a cane made of splicing together, listening to the voice, she should be a young woman, she said very gently: " My real body can only stay for a while, so please explain as soon as possible, because we Liuying faction don't want to get involved in this matter, the cherry blossoms are blooming just right outside, why don't we go to fight again .”

"Hitch, if you pretend enough, you can go back with your real body. I have something to say." Kojima Taro suddenly sneered, and his whole body was immediately surrounded by a layer of green phosphorous fire, which made the air crackle , the woman known as a hag immediately bowed her head: "Hay, congratulations, Your Excellency has mastered Netherfire!" Then that body suddenly disintegrated into a cloud of black mist and disappeared.

But a small ceramic doll from an island country appeared on the ground, and it was still saying the voice of a hag: "Your Excellency, please speak, I will listen."

After intimidating the four great masters, Kojima Taro also took back the green Netherfire and nodded: "Let's make a long story short: Back then, the 'Emperor Ninja' was killed by a master from China, and when he was dying, all his mana , Yuanshen, stored in a jade stone, known as the "Jade of the Four Souls", it is said that whoever gets the jade of the Four Souls can get all the mana of the "Ninja Emperor", which caused a violent strangulation within the ninja group, and finally , the Jade of the Four Souls was shattered and taken by four people, and these four people later became independent, namely Iga, Koga, Jiuju, and Liuying, which are your ancestors."

That pure girl, Chrysanthemum, smiled sweetly and said softly: "Hay, what you said is not wrong, and these people all know that for so many years, our four sects have been in constant disputes, and it is also for the jade of the four souls to Reunion, I guess, what you mean by bringing us together is that you want us to take out the jade of the four souls in our respective hands, and then condense them together to restore the mana of the 'Emperor Ninja' to deal with that Huaxia man, right? ?”

"Chrysanthemum is really smart, that's what it means." Kojima Taro suddenly raised his head, and said in a high-key manner: "Since you have already guessed it, then take it all out."

"This, I'm sorry!" The four said together.

The hag suddenly chuckled: "Mr. Xiaodao, your joke is too big. Although your status is very high, you are the national teacher of the dynasty. We respect you very much. In addition, you have trained to restrain all kinds of patience." We dare not offend you even more, but you let us take out the jade of the four souls, which is a bit too much. You know, the jade of the four souls is the soul of the Ninja Emperor, and everyone wants to get it. Shall we take it out and give it to you?"

"I said that, didn't I?" Kojima Taro seemed to have expected this situation a long time ago, and suddenly smiled: "Grandmother, you Liuying sect are known for their cunning, and you are the most cunning one. Under your leadership for several years, you have developed the fastest, so you think you are the most likely to get four pieces of four soul jade?"

"Hay, yes, everyone here has the same idea, why can't I."

"Just now you deliberately used ghost escape and left your body, just because you were afraid that I would snatch the jade of the four souls, right? I'm going to do it!" Kojima Taro suddenly roared, and the scene was quickly filled with boundless green will-o'-the-wisps, the pure-looking Chrysanthemum was the first to be attacked, and a big hand grabbed her chest.

"Mr. Tsuruta, what are you doing?" Although Juzi had just taken over as the suzerain of the Jiuju faction, her skills were not weak. She suddenly spun around in the air, and suddenly there were people around her, all of them were big men with strong dragons and fierce tigers. One by one, the muscles were knotted like cast iron, and one of them recklessly lay across in front of Chrysanthemum, blocking Tsuruta Shiratori's claw.There was only a click sound, and the big man shattered like mercury pouring down the ground, falling all over the ground.

"Iga Dugong, it turns out this is a trap!"

Chrysanthemum was furious, and while panting, the room was full of gloom, as if there were countless souls crying and howling, and then got into the bodies of the remaining big men, arousing them to a complete rage, one of them , grabbed a maid, removed her hands, stuffed them in her mouth, ate them up, and then rushed towards Tsuruta Shiratori in a frantic manner.

"Nine Chrysanthemum Puppet Art, raised so many puppets." Tsuruta Shiratori chuckled and backed away suddenly.

The method of using puppetry is to cleanse the spirit of normal people first, and then use witchcraft to control the other party, making the other party a walking dead who obeys orders and commands. At the beginning, it was a primitive witchcraft used to deal with beasts.But later it was developed to be used on humans, and the Jiuju faction also added fierce ghosts and ghosts, as well as various highly poisonous elements, making these people even more violent when possessed by fierce ghosts. It is really a supreme weapon for killing people. .

As the suzerain of a faction, Juzi is of course familiar with this technique, and these puppets, which are harder than steel, are not refined by herself, but the three generations of suzerains of the Jiuju sect. It took 200 years to finally take shape, so she Confident to participate in this alliance.Although it has long been expected that it may be a trap.

At this time, the other three people were also attacked. The ghost woman was very clever, and sent her real body away with the ghost escape. This kept the soul in the porcelain doll, just to prevent them from plotting against her and snatching the jade of the four souls.As soon as something happened, she gave a hey laugh, ready to run away from Yuanshen.

But unexpectedly, Yuanshen couldn't move for some reason, as if being sucked by something.Looking carefully, it turns out that Taro Kojima used the Zhoutian teleportation technique to move himself into the 'Four Souls Killing Formation'. At this moment, four long knives are connected to the sky, and countless blue silk threads are wrapped around them, weaving together A cage, trapping his primordial spirit inside.

And her real body was falling on the window at this moment, and the pieces of the Jade of the Four Souls had already fallen into Kojima Taro's hands: "Haha, it's all your fault for being clever! Kill her for me!"

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