Hunyuan Pearl Umbrella, Wind Fire Green Pipa, Qingyun Sword, and Flower Fox Mink all contain the four elements of earth, water, fire, and wind, which are four super magic weapons. They mean that they activate the fire elements with a radius of one hundred thousand miles to form A 'Sun True Fire Hunyuan Formation', and then melt Xiqi City into soup.

In modern times, a sword fairy can condense the aura within a radius of [-] miles, the Yuanying stage can be a thousand miles away, and the level of an earth immortal can reach about [-] miles.But here, with a wave of the immortal's hand, coupled with the power of a magic weapon, he can easily gather spiritual energy within a radius of one hundred thousand miles.

Jinxian, let alone Daluo Jinxian.

Among the flames of Taoism orthodoxy, the real sun fire ranks fourth from weak to strong, followed by the real fire of Samadhi, Nanmingli fire, and Ziwei sky fire, and then the real fire of the sun.At that time, the Ice Heart Demon Fire sent by Jia Luo belonged to the fire of the magic way, so it was not included in it, but its power was only equivalent to that of Ziwei Sky Fire, and it was still a primary version. It can be seen that the great array of real sun fire sent by Shangxian to the limit , to what extent will it be strong.

It is estimated that once the formation is formed, the entire Haojing with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles will immediately turn into soup, or desert or something.Lin Qiang estimated this way.

But he knew it wasn't going to work out.

The key problem is that there is no one to mobilize this big formation at all. The brothers of the Mo family have done a good job of researching this and that, but they will not talk for a while. The plan is very good, but no one is mobilizing the magic weapon. What to do?In the end, everyone discussed, let's just do it this way, let the highest Taoist Master Wen erase the spiritual branding formations on the Hunyuan Pearl Umbrella and Pipa, and then Lin Qiang and he will personally command these two treasures.

The Mo family brothers originally didn't want the magic weapon that their brothers have practiced for thousands of years to fall into the hands of others, but there is no way. .Then Grand Master Wen made a move, erased the formation, and asked Lin Qiang to refine the Hunyuan Pearl Umbrella, while he himself went to refine the Fenghuolu Pipa.

Lin Qiang's primordial spirit is really too weak. It would be nice to be able to lift the Hunyuan Pearl Umbrella, but also offering sacrifices and directing, isn't that pure nonsense.Fortunately, there was someone to help, Wen Taishi was guiding, helping to write the formations again and again, and passing some branding formations taught by Jie to Lin Qiang by the way.

Lin Qiang succeeded in getting the Hunyuan Pearl Umbrella, but it was still useless, because his soul was too weak, too weak. Even though he took pills every day and practiced spells to supplement him, he could only upgrade the Hunyuan Pearl Umbrella. Standing more than one foot high, it is too far from the requirements of a large formation that must exert its power at a height of [-] meters.

Immediately, the Mo family brothers also felt a little nonsense.

"Without the Hunyuan Pearl Umbrella, the earth, water, fire, and wind cannot gather together, and the four magic weapons are indispensable. What can we do?" Mo Liqing said so, but he has no chance of changing people. Lin Qiang has the highest official position here. Xin Huan was overwhelmed by him, and it was not his turn to show it.

"I have a Nine-Turn Golden Elixir here, which was given by the leader back then. I have been reluctant to eat it. After eating it, it is enough to be worth thousands of years of skill. I can't take care of it for revenge." Mo Liqing gritted his teeth and held Tongtian Take out a nine-turn gold elixir refined by the leader. The elixir is multicolored, with a thousand streams of auspicious energy and aura, shaking the world of heaven and earth. It is indeed a panacea refined by the patriarch of Taoism.

This made Lin Qiang a little moved. It is said that when the master of Tongtian gave medicine, Mo Liqing made seven great achievements for Jiejiao, and tested him three difficult problems. It was intended to be taken at the critical moment of becoming a golden immortal, but now it is cheaper for Lin Qiang.

This thing is extremely precious, it takes a thousand years to make one, and there are not many Taishang Laojun, so I can enjoy one, which is really a great fortune.He was afraid that Mo Liqing would repent, so he didn't say a word of kindness, and even snatched it from Mo Liqing's trembling fingers, and stuffed it into his mouth.

"One hour, refining it, I will empower him with the vitality of the whole body, help him turn nine yuanshen, and refine the golden elixir!" Mo Liqing almost cried, this is too much to treat himself as an outsider, that is not Calcium tablets are Nine-Turn Golden Elixir, big brother, it is difficult for us to see them, let alone eat them.

How could Lin Qiang control so much, he was relieved to eat it in his stomach, and he didn't believe you asked me to pull it out again.In fact, they didn't mean that, and immediately cast their mana, hitting his acupoints from front, back, left, and right, and then poured the power of true essence into Lin Qiangde's body at no cost.

The true energy is different from the spiritual energy, it comes from the primordial spirit and is withdrawn from the primordial spirit.That is to say, once you reach the top of the Earth Immortal, your own spiritual power will take a back seat, and you will mainly rely on your true energy to exert your power.If the primordial spirit is strong, the true primordial force will be strong, and this is the reason.Lin Qiang also understood.

So no matter whether he has a physical body now, he will undoubtedly be a strong man when he returns.

But the Nine-Turn Golden Pill is the refining achievement of Hunyuan Taoist Ancestor. Although it is said that humanity is good at alchemy, teaching is good at refining tools, and teaching is good at formation, each has its own strengths.The nine-turn golden elixir refined by Master Tongtian is not as pure as the one refined by Taishang Laojun, but it is not much worse, so refining it is not easy.

Ordinarily, it takes one day and one night to become an immortal.

However, under Lin Qiang's reasonable urging of the true energy by the three great immortals, without the help of the capital, within an hour, the golden core shattered, and the true energy filled his limbs and bones, and then entered the dantian, rushed to the twelve Chonglou, open the door of life and death, and enter the Primordial Spirit of Zifu.

"We can only pass on the first three levels of the Zifu magical skills of the Jiejiao. Now that you have figured out the context, I will tell you the formula. You are my adopted son, and I am not considered apostate!" Wen Zhong said. He kept on doing nothing, and directly told Lin Qiang about the Zifu magical skills, one of the fundamentals of cutting off education and establishing education.

But they are all disciples of the third generation of Jiejiao, so they can't get all the formulas at all, and the magic of Zifu has reached the third level. If they become golden immortals, the Master Tongtian has another course arrangement. There is no right to open classes on the island, and attendance is not allowed.

"Huh!" From Lin Qiang's mouth, a small flame as thick as a steel needle slowly spewed out, and then it gradually became bigger and thicker, and finally it was like a chopstick.This is the pitiful Sun's True Fire that he refined with the full help of the elixir and the three great immortals.

"The real fire of the sun as big as a grain of sand can turn thousands of miles of icebergs into magma. You are doing well now, but the power of this big formation is a bit weak." Mo Liqing sighed.

Wen Zhong is unwilling because Lin Qiang is his adopted son, ah, what do you mean, can you blame him, if your brother is not dead, can such a thing happen?So Mo Liqing also felt that he should not be like this to the deputy marshal, and apologized again and again, I was wrong, I was guilty, and I will never do this again.

How magnanimous Lin Qiang is, he waved his hand coquettishly: "Forget it, it's true to work together to kill the enemy. I don't blame you." I was so angry with Mo Liqing, this kid not only didn't thank me, To still have this kind of attitude, it is really crushing people at the top of the official rank, and even if you die, you have to nod your head.

The deputy marshal said yes.However, they were not dissatisfied in their hearts. In terms of commanding a large army to fight, they could not compare to Lin Qiang in flattering horses.

The big formation was finally about to start. The Qingyun Sword, Fenghuolu Pipa, and Yinyang Flower Fox Mink all flew up to an altitude of 23 meters. Only Lin Qiang was dragging his feet, a dozen or 6, [-], [-] minutes slower than others, and then the Turtle speed up to the altitude of [-] meters, Mo Lishou sighed in his heart, brothers, if he fails, it will be his responsibility, this buddy is a bit too watery.

In an instant, the big formation unfolded, and the four of them each commanded their own magic weapons with their primordial spirits, and arranged righteousness according to the order of the four elements of the universe, earth, water, fire, wind, presenting four diagonal corners, and then stimulated each other. , The black smoke billowed, and the real fire aura burned so that the sky was dim and the earth was dark, the sun and the moon were dark, and even the moon was almost blown up.

With a shake, the city of hundreds of thousands of miles vibrated, and with a turn, the mountains and rivers also shook.Then, the four magic weapons, like a sponge absorbing water, absorbed enough spiritual energy, and began to turn red and transparent. Mo Liqing yelled: "Master Taoist, protect the disciples, the real fire formation, send it to me!"

"Boom!" There was a huge thunder in the sky, Gululu, the sky fell apart, and countless huge fireballs fell towards Xiqi City.The fireballs are small with a radius of [-] feet and large with a radius of about ten miles. They are like small meteorites, passing through the atmosphere and landing. If modern people see it with an astronomical telescope, they will definitely think that Jupiter may have exploded. Bar.

"Boom boom boom!" There was a burst of landmines on the ground, like a carpet bombing, and nothing could be seen. When the flames came out, there was black smoke. It seemed that Xiqi City was over.

"Swish, swish, swish!" After Lin Qiang, a useless guy, couldn't hold back the first one to take back the Hunyuan Pearl Umbrella, the other three also took back the magic weapon together.Then each hid in the primordial spirit.

Originally, Lin Qiang planned to go and have a look, but Mo Liqing suddenly became arrogant again: "The Hunyuan Sun True Fire Formation is a large formation I taught, it is quite powerful, as long as it is sent out, everything will be destroyed, there is no need Miracles, let alone miracles, so go back to sleep."

Lin Qiang thought to himself, I am too troubled, knowing that it is impossible to succeed, what to look at, but I am not at a disadvantage.


After he went back, he worked all night. He continued to refine the residual energy of the golden elixir in the first half of the night, and sacrificed the Hunyuan Pearl Umbrella again in the second half of the night. With his own knowledge, he added a few more big formations to connect with his own life. Because he was afraid that the formation would not be solid, would be erased by others, and lost again after gaining it.

If this thing is Magic Ritual Red, it will be useless to erase his brand. This level of magic weapon has spirituality, and his natal soul must have been added when refining it, so I went back with a single thought.But he's dead, so whoever gets it belongs to him. Can Lin Qiang be a little more careful.

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