The Nanming Lihuo Sword in Lin Qiang's hand was burning wildly, and he caught the Heisha Fangtian Halberd as soon as he raised his hand, but he didn't expect Lu Sha's power to be so powerful and violent, he smashed Lin Qiang's body into the ground, and hit his waist. Then he hit Lin Qiang again, leaving only one head exposed.

At this moment, he was already six feet tall, his whole body was red, his muscles were wrapped around his body like steel bars, and circles of black evil spirit were wrapped around Fang Tianji. The head is inserted.Suddenly, a snow-white child like a lotus root popped out from the top of Lin Qiang's head. With only one finger, he pressed the Heisha Fang Tianji, and Lin Qiang jumped out with a whoosh.

"Competing strength with monsters, I'm too stupid, let's fight again." When Lin Qiang took back the Nascent Soul, Lu Sha suddenly shivered all over his body, his fiery red hair was dyed black, and he immediately trembled. Immediately, his hair color recovered: "He even practiced our Qingqiu Mountain's great poison technique, hehe, I know who you are now, you are Lin Qiang."

"I didn't want to care about your shit, as long as you retreat now, we'll be fine." Lin Qiang felt that the opportunity for negotiation had finally come.

"It's fine to retreat, the beauty will hand it over." Lu Sha proudly stretched out his huge fox paws, the nails were like silver iron hooks.

"Bah!" Pan'er spat at him.

"Beauty, you still don't know my benefits. If you knew, you wouldn't—" Before Lu Sha finished speaking, Lin Qiang suddenly soared into the air, spinning at high speed, sending out gold, wood, water, fire, earth and five thunders from his palm, and opened his mouth to spray , Hundreds of sword lights burst out, splitting light into shadows, and attacking all the different positions of Lu Sha's body.

As soon as the five thunders were sent out, a puff of black smoke rose from Lu Sha's body, forming a close-fitting shield.I only heard five loud bangs of bang bang bang bang, gold, wood, water, fire, earth and five thunders, none of which hit Lu Sha's body. broke up.

But immediately after hundreds of sword lights were approaching, Lu Sha was beaten to the ground, with dozens of transparent holes pierced through his body.Lin Qiang could see that it was impossible for such a powerful monster to cause real harm to him if he didn't destroy his primordial spirit demon core.

"You actually used tricks, and I was so angry. I fought against you, otherwise I would have no face! How should a beauty look at me?" Up to now, he still only has beauty in his heart.

Even Lingfengzi couldn't stand it anymore, and yelled: "I'm so stupid, the demon fox army behind you is going to die, you are still here to grab beauties, you are too tasteless, a marshal like you How to convince the public, let's go back quickly." He was looking forward to leaving this place of right and wrong as soon as possible.

"You know what a fart, in our fox family, hunting beauty is the main priority, and life is second. As long as I can hug a beauty, it is my greatest honor. How many people die is justified!" The black air radiated out in circles in a vortex shape, and instantly clamped on the retreating demon foxes. The demon foxes immediately launched a counterattack as if beaten with chicken blood, and Shushan was a little bit unable to withstand it.

"Brothers, stand up, stand up for me, the brothers from the Emei Sect are coming, and these monsters will be doomed in the end!" Someone shouted loudly in the chaos.

"Emei faction, they won't come." Lu Sha's black energy drilled fiercely into Fang Tian's painted halberd, and suddenly launched an attack on Lin Qiang again. The black evil Fang Tian's halberd formed a series of turbines, extremely fast , can attack tens of thousands of times in the blink of an eye, and is flexible and changeable, combining hardness and softness, fierce as a tiger, soft as running water, heavy as Mount Tai, light as a feather, changing into various shapes, and launched an attack on Lin Qiang.

The three layers of protection on Lin Qiang's body were constantly being broken and condensed, and then broken and condensed again. The flames on Nanming's Lihuo sword were also eroded by black smoke and emitted white air, as if a little overwhelmed. It seems that these black smoke It's not ordinary either, it seems to be carrying countless evil spirits, deadly spirits and evil spirits, and it can be evenly matched with Nanming Lihuo, hard to distinguish.

Who said that evil can prevail over good, if the evil is strong enough to a certain height, righteousness will also be paralyzed!

Lin Qiang suddenly raised his arms and shouted, there was a meteorite thunderstorm coming, but this time it was a particularly huge meteorite with a radius of more than ten feet, and it aimed at only one target, and that was Lu Sha himself.

Hearing the whistling of thunder and lightning above his head, he felt the air tighten and the pressure suddenly increased. Lu Sha, who had been through battles for a long time, knew in his heart that Lin Qiang was using tricks again. Bite, and raised the Heisha Fangtian Halberd above his head with both hands. With a bang, he actually blocked the huge meteorite, but killed many Shushan disciples and Yaohu.However, he himself was so shocked by the lightning carried on it that his body shrank to a size of three feet.

"What the hell are you, that you can know Western magic? I'm mad, I'm mad!" Lu Sha used too much force just now, and was caught off guard, and suddenly opened his mouth to spit out two mouthfuls of blood.

"My commander lost face. This commander wants to fight you desperately. The beauty is mine." He suddenly opened his mouth and spewed out a demon pill the size of a football, which turned into billowing black smoke and merged into the Heishi Fang Tianji. Then it hit Lin Qiang in the void, and it had the potential to sweep away thousands of troops.

A black light ball with a diameter of ten meters appeared in front of Lin Qiang's eyes. It was purely formed by the condensation of black smoke. He couldn't shake it after several stabs with his flying sword, so he quickly flew back, but the black smoke was not so simple. There were also bursts of howling sound waves from the sky fox, which not only made him dizzy, but also shocked the nearby Shushan disciples to death.

In a panic, he shot out a protective holy light to protect Lingfengzi and Pan'er. Even so, and Lingfengzi himself quickly set up a defensive circle, but he was still blasted by the sound wave of Tianhu. Bleeding out and fainting on the ground.But Pan'er was fine.

"Hey, I won't hurt my dearest beauty."

Lin Qiang was flying around in the air, but he still couldn't avoid the black smoke magic ball, and his head hurt more and more from Tianhu Yinbo, as if it was about to explode. Spread out, and expel all the sound waves of Tianhu that spread in a circle around it.

"It turns out that Longyin can deal with Tianhu, oops!" Lin Qiang was so dazed that the black smoke ball had already hit him, and he felt as if half of his body was going to explode, and he was directly thrown more than 100 kilometers by the ball , blood should not be sprayed out capitally.

But Lu Sha still refused to let him go, he came against the wind and straddled the void, Fang Tian painted a halberd across the sky for hundreds of feet, and hit Lin Qiang's head more than 1000 times, it seems that if he is not chopped into meat sauce, It was difficult to keep his marshal's face.The shield on Lin Qiang's body still exists. Although it has been hit more than 1000 times, it has not completely shattered. Even so, he is also a little exhausted. Moreover, with the speed of Lu Sha's moves, it is difficult for him to regain the opportunity and take the initiative. Fight back.

At present, only the power of parry is left.

"You fight with me, and I will fight with you." In order to regain the opportunity, Lin Qiang suddenly took back all the protection while sending out the Nascent Soul, and then had a giant black bow and arrow in his hand, only to feel, There was a clatter above his head like a thunderstorm, Yuan Ying's little hand and Heisha Fang Tianji fought recklessly dozens of times in an instant, sparks shot out in the air like a meteor shower.The baby's face turned from red to white, and from white to black, and it was about to vomit blood.

He vomited blood and Lin Qiang vomited blood. If he vomited, it would be the natal essence that he vomited back from penance.Lin Qiang didn't agree. Fortunately, taking advantage of this moment, he had already condensed the sun-shooting bow, and shot it with a whoosh.

"What the hell!" Lu Sha didn't know how powerful the Sun Shooting Bow was, so he immediately condensed a black smoke magic ball and blocked it head-on, but the Nanming Lihuo Sword fired from the Sun Shooting Bow pierced through it all at once. The fireball passed through his chest by the way, Lu Sha let out a scream, landed on the ground, opened his mouth to inhale, took back the demon pill, and stood up slowly.However, his body had recovered to the size of a human body at this moment, and it was obvious that his aura was exhausted too much, and he was already at the end of his strength.

Naturally, Lin Qiang refused to let him go. Suddenly, his body turned into a dragon shape, and he opened his mouth to groan repeatedly. All the low-level foxes who heard this voice immediately turned into flying ash. Lu Sha was shocked. If the whole army is really going to be wiped out, how will he explain to Patriarch Jia Luo at that time.

"Hoohoo!" Lu Sha shot three black smoke magic balls in a row, hitting Lin Qiang's dragon body in midair, but a strange thing happened, Lin Qiang opened his mouth and swallowed the magic balls.

Then he stared blankly at the top of his head!

As soon as he raised his head, he saw a half-red and half-purple bead appearing on top of his head, which was spinning slowly. After he smashed Fang Tian's painting halberd hard, purple thunder fell from inside like a waterfall. His body and spirit were all destroyed, leaving only a demon pill, which flew into the air.

Lin Qiang stretched out his dragon claws, grabbed the demon pill, hugged his belly, and fell to the ground, blood spurting wildly.

He didn't have the strength to swallow the black smoke orbs, but when the last few orbs hit, he suddenly felt that they were very weak, so he opened his mouth and swallowed them in order to protect himself.

The remaining Zixiao Shenlei stored in the Tianlong Yuanshen Orb could not eliminate the big monster in the Nascent Soul stage, but at that time Lu Sha had almost lost 80.00% of his skill, so he tried reluctantly, but he did not expect to succeed.

"Go!" Lin Qiang felt as if he had been poisoned, so he stood up with his stomach in his arms, and shouted loudly at his two subordinates.

At this moment, with the help of Lin Qiang, the Shushan disciples are about to win the final victory!

"I can't go anymore!" At this moment, Lin Qiang suddenly heard someone shouting in the air!

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