The female president's personal soldier

Chapter 811 3 billion in hand

After Lin Qiang went to hunt down Li Jingyan, a green ball of light suddenly floated in from the broken roof, and then the surveillance camera in the corridor captured Wang Jiayao, who was disabled with both legs, coming out and appearing in the corridor again.At that time, he should have put on the invisibility suit placed in the room, so that's why Biaozi saw the door open by himself.

Because there is no monitoring in the room, there are in the roof and corridors, so I can only see these, and no one knows the specific situation.

Then Wang Jiayao walked out of the villa, passed through all the bodyguards, walked out of the gate, and headed south.No one found a trace of her in the middle.

"Zhang Man, send me all the surveillance videos of the road south of the villa on the day of the accident." Lin Qiang woke Zhang Man up in the middle of the night.

Zhang Man got up and turned on the computer, and passed the information to him.

So everyone saw Wang Jiayao got into a car, and then the car drove to the suburbs, and then there was no surveillance camera.

However, Zhang Man still had a way. He zoomed in on the car to see the people sitting inside and the license plate. He also located the car's driving record that day by invading the traffic network, and found that they had entered a remote village.And the person who drives this car is known to everyone——Wang Sansheng!

"It really is from the Wang family." Lin Qiang pondered for a moment: "Jia Yao left when I went out for half an hour. That stinky bitch Sun Ya said that the suicide note was found in my room, that is to say, she used During this period of time, I wrote a suicide note, and then I can walk, or I was taken away!"

Xu Guoyang and monk Yun Biaozi looked at each other!

"You don't understand. In Taoist theory, you use your spiritual consciousness to enter another person's brain to control this person, and then gradually eat away at this person's spiritual consciousness and occupy his body. This is called seizing the house!" Lin Qiang Further analysis: "That green ball of light must be someone's soul."

"Obviously this is a conspiracy. Someone is sowing discord between me and the Wang family, making us fight over the 300 billion property. After the house was seized, that person asked Jiayao to write a suicide note, put it in my room, and sent her Go to see Wang Sansheng. Wang Sansheng beat Jiayao severely and forced her to hand over her property, but Jiayao has already been taken away, maybe Wang Sansheng also fell into the trap, thinking that the trick was successful, so he faked the suicide scene and killed Jiayao."

"So, the culprit is not from the Wang family!" Biaozi said.

"It's all the same!" Lin Qiang snorted coldly and said, "Whether it's the house snatcher, Wang Sansheng, or someone else in the house, they are all murderers, and none of them want to escape. I just wonder who it is After seizing the house and destroying Jiayao's body, whose body did he get on?"

"Can I come on at will?"

"Three times, you can only seize the house three times in a lifetime, otherwise all Taoist priests can live forever as long as they have a little bit of Taoism. The third time the soul will disappear inexplicably. No one knows the reason. It is probably a kind of punishment from heaven." Lin Qiang learned all the knowledge from books.

"Hate me, and have the strength to deal with me. Judging from the situation at the time, Qingqiu Mountain is the most likely. Maybe when I went out to chase Li Jingyan, there were still masters hiding nearby."

"Let Su Rui take the police to that village to search and have a look. Let the police get the superficial evidence, and then I'll go there." Lin Qiang reasoned the case step by step, and then made such a decision.It was broad daylight at this time, and Su Rui got up too.

After Lin Qiang finished talking to her, she went to work and took people to the place called Panzhuang.

"Master, this is Pan Xiaolian's hometown. The head of the household is Pan Xiaolian's father. No one lives here now because she got rich and took her parents away. We recovered some things from the ground, including ropes, whips and bloody clothes. or something, but no stealth suits!"

"Have you asked the neighbors nearby, have you collected any blood samples?"

"Everything that should be done has been done. The bloodstains are Jiayao's bloodstains. Wang Sansheng and Pan Xiaolian will definitely sue. However, it seems that Wang Shensi is also there. Someone recognized his photo!"

"I knew that Wang Sansheng didn't have such courage."

Because Lin Qiang was speaking in a foreign voice, everyone could hear it. Feng Meilan immediately said that she was going to submit evidence to the court. Lin Qiang had already explained to her just now.

"Lu Yuanji and Chief Li Jinggang from the Dragon Group will go with you. They will tell the judge the importance of invisibility clothing and glasses, and they will also protect you along the way."

Lin Qiang said to Qingzi: "Don't meddle in this matter, go to hold a high-level meeting and ask everyone in the engineering department to go to the back of Qingcheng Mountain. The prefect of Dujiangyan City should be there to cooperate with them. Zhang Man went to call the bank. Greetings, let them prepare [-] billion, and you and Lu Yanping, you and the two doctors, go to prepare the factory building and buy equipment. No, no, this is very secret, just in the secret base of Pang Tianshu, and save the investment That's it, that's it."

After the order was finished, everyone went their separate ways.

Lin Qiang went to Yang Zhenwei to initially sign a contract, because the price has not been negotiated, but Yang Zhenwei said that before this technology is outdated, the imperial court is willing to spend 3000 billion yuan to buy stealth suits every year. As for the production quantity, That is, the more the better, this amount of money is nothing to military expenditures.

And you can prepay for a year of funds!

Lin Qiang returned to the villa with the initialed agreement based on this, handed a copy to Feng Meilan, locked a copy in the safe, and then drove to Panzhuang.

He knew that there were many things that the police couldn't find out, and they wouldn't even believe it.Of course he didn't expect the police to catch the house snatchers.

Pan Xiaolian's house can be described as a barren house, with snakes, insects, rats and ants, and the tables, chairs and benches are all products of the 90s.Lin Qiang thought to himself, what the hell is the kind of person who doesn't know his last name after the poor become rich.

All the evidence that should be taken away was taken away by the police. Lin Qiang only found some blood on the ground. He put a little bit of it under his nose and sniffed it. The brand of the giver, so Lin Qiang wanted to remember that taste.

That is a very coquettish primordial spirit, obscene and sinister.

Only a trace of it entered Lin Qiang's consciousness, and he felt that this was a coquettish slut, so he concluded that this person must be from Qingqiu Mountain.Using mana to seal up this remaining ray of energy in the depths of his soul, Lin Qiang's consciousness would immediately fluctuate as long as the person who snatched the house reappeared, allowing him to recognize him.

After doing all this, he drove back in his car.

Because the court will be held tomorrow, he has to hold a meeting with Feng Meilan.Feng Meilan told him that the court had accepted all the evidence, and that the invisibility suit and glasses would be guarded by members of the Dragon Team, so there would be no problem.Moreover, the police have submitted the criminal evidence of Wang Sansheng and Pan Xiaolian to the procuratorate, and the procuratorate has filed a case for prosecution.

"The person who snatched the house might belong to Pan Xiaolian, or it might be taken away by someone." Lin Qiang said to himself, so he planned to see Pan Xiaolian.

But the result disappointed him. Pan Xiaolian in the police station was extremely depressed and decadent, showing no signs of being taken away. Lin Qiang sneered a few times and came out.He will kill this person sooner or later, but now is not the time.At present, it seems that the soul of the person who seized the house was taken away by someone.

The next day the court held a court session, and Lin Qiang was acquitted in court. Wang Jiayao's will came into effect, and the property of 20.00 billion yuan, including 300% of the shares of Wang Group, was all owned by Lin Qiang.Moreover, in view of the fact that members of the Wang family were suspected of murdering their relative Wang Jiayao and had a bad attitude, this judgment is final.

No appeal.

"My surname is Lin, don't be complacent, things from the Wang family are not so easy to get." Wang Shensi's face had turned into a liver-colored face, as if he was about to vomit blood in a fit of rage.

"If it's not easy to take, I'll take it too. 20.00% of Wu's shares. Huh, if you get some more shares, I can be your chairman. Just wait, I will definitely own [-]% of the shares of the Wang Group. By then, I will appear in front of you, you can't stop it, yes, this is a threat."

"Bah. It's nothing short of whimsical." Wang Shensi gritted his teeth and spit on the ground, then got into the car and drove away.

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