Regarding the trial, Lin Qiang did not greet Yang Zhenwei in the end, because the old man was very upright and unwilling to interfere with judicial justice, and Mr. Feng also believed that there would be no major problems in the case itself. Disabled people will appear in the suburbs out of thin air, covered with scars.

If the mystery is solved, it will all be over and the court will immediately dismiss the prosecution's claim.But even if Lin Qiang couldn't explain all this, if the Wang family couldn't produce direct evidence, Lin Qiang would not lose the lawsuit. At most, he would change the will and get a little less.

Lin Qiang said absolutely not.

"I don't care about money, especially this kind of money, but Jiayao died too badly, and the Wang family has no humanity, so in their own words, even if I throw money into the sea, it is absolutely impossible to leave it to them. So I must win this case."

"The second court will be held in three days, but we haven't got any evidence, so what do you think we should do?" In fact, Teacher Feng was also quite puzzled about how Wang Jiayao got out of Lin's house.

"Unless I can find Xu Guoyang and Shangyun, there is no way to solve this mystery." Lin Qiang believes that the key lies in the stealth suit, because there are surveillance cameras everywhere in his house, even on the road. Li Jinggang is still Lu Yuanji, or she can go to the dragon group to watch these things at any time.

Taking a step back, even without these convenient conditions, Zhang Man can find a way to invade the network.

"But it is impossible for a person wearing an invisibility suit to be photographed by a surveillance camera," Lin Qiang said.

When he discussed the case with Feng Meilan, Lin Qiang was in Yang Zhenwei's office the afternoon he came back from Yang Zhenwei's house.Because it is relatively quiet and safe here, and the anti-eavesdropping device is very complete.

Generally speaking, in large companies like the four major families, in order to prevent eavesdropping by commercial spies, reliable people will use detectors to search the offices of the bosses before going to work every day.These people have all undergone strict anti-reconnaissance and anti-eavesdropping training. Currently, Zhang Chi and Heitou are in charge of this part of the company.

Lin Qiang felt that there was no problem, because the two of them were absolutely reliable.

The more powerful wiretapping is the mobile phone.The technology of intercepting mobile phone signals was very advanced a few years ago, but now it is an open secret for large consortiums. As long as you wear your mobile phone on your body and someone knows your phone number, you may be tapped. Shutdown does not work.Unless the phone battery is removed.

To deal with this situation, there is also a stupid way, that is to keep changing the mobile phone number!But Lin Qiang doesn't use it in the office, because there is a shielding device designed by Zhang Man, which cannot be penetrated by today's equipment.

The more advanced ones are satellites and drones. However, the glass in Lin Qiang's office is all one-way glass. Even if the satellite can see the picture, he can't hear the sound, let alone the drone. It can be felt.So, here is the safest.

In addition, his home is also designed like this, but there are a lot of eight wives in the family.But here, Wei Sha will help him block anyone who wants to approach the chairman's office.

Lin Qiang just called Lu Yuanji, and Lu Yuanji told him that they had already arranged a female agent at Wang's house. She was Wang Sansheng's lover, and she was also a heavyweight lover. She could help bring people from the supernatural group to Wang's house. But there can't be too many people, at most two.

That is, pretending to be a driver's secretary or something.

Lin Qiang asked him what he was doing, and Lu Yuanji told him: "Made, I'm still monitoring that woman. She was originally in Yanjing, but now she has come to Jinling. I don't know what she wants to do. However, I will ask you again. Let me reveal that he has a relationship with your ex-wife!"

"Liu Sijia?"

"No, I guessed wrong, keep guessing, guess slowly, I guess you won't be able to guess until you die, bye bye, I'm busy here."

"Go to hell you."

Lin Qiang really couldn't figure it out, so he didn't guess. Anyway, it has nothing to do with him, it's not a case.All he thinks about now is to solve the Wang family's affairs.

"Boss, someone is looking for you!"

Lin Qiang said to Wei Sha: "I didn't see any guests today. Didn't I tell you everything just now? I pushed off all the appointments. Unless the company goes bankrupt, don't bother me. Tell Mr. Li if you have anything to do."

Wei Sha smiled: "Boss, I can't talk to Mr. Li about this matter. They said they are your old friends. If I said their names, you would definitely meet. I didn't agree at first, but they said they did it for Your case, so I thought I must tell you something."

"Who is it?" Lin Qiang blinked.

"Xu Guoyang and Shangyun are two doctors!"

"God helped me too!" Lin Qiang slapped his thigh, ran to the door and opened it himself, and saw Xu Guoyang and Monk Yun standing at the door and looking at him with a smile.

"It's great that you are here, please come in." Lin Qiang really didn't know what to say, but he didn't need to think about it to know that they must have read the news on the news and came here to help.

Sure enough, Xu Guoyang told Lin Qiang that they saw the news on WeChat and knew the whole story. After thinking about it carefully, they knew that there must be something wrong with the stealth suit. Can you help Lin Qiang?

"You two doctors, it is dangerous for you to come here. I guess Jiang Tao is looking for you everywhere. I will send someone to escort you later. Why don't you stay in my house first. My place is very big, and there is no problem with how many people you can live in." Lin Qiang was first worried about their safety.

"The matter between us and Jiang Tao will be settled sooner or later, but you don't have to worry about us. We still have the ability to protect ourselves, but we just lack contact information. I will give you the phone number."

Lin Qiang had never left their phone numbers before, and they didn't say anything, so Lin Qiang didn't ask, because they had special identities, and they might not trust Lin Qiang, but since they voluntarily gave it now, Lin Qiang took it.

"I'm sure Jiayao left wearing the invisibility suit, but the invisibility suit is gone now." Lin Qiang also felt a little sorry because he lost the invisibility suit developed by others.

"The technology of the stealth suit will not be mastered by people in the current five years. Even if they do reverse engineering, it will be useless, so you don't have to worry. You like me and still have it here." Xu Guoyang sighed suddenly and said: " However, we heard that your wife is a disabled person, the invisibility suit cannot allow the disabled person to walk, nor can it cover a wheelchair!"

"So, what I want to know is - can I see the invisibility suit!"

Xu Guoyang and Monk Yun understood Lin Qiang's meaning. In fact, they came here for the same reason: "Qiangzi, there is a secret that only our husband and wife know. We planned to bring it into the coffin because it is related to the research results of our life. -"

"What do you mean?"

"The so-called stealth suit is actually a question of 'visible light' and 'invisible light'. We have a way to turn 'invisible light' into 'visible light', but this is also a dead spot for cracking the stealth suit, so we are also hesitant. It took a few days before I decided to come to you, because you are also Chen Mingda's son after all, and you are also an upright and good man, we deeply admire you and decided to make you our friend." Xu Guoyang said.

"I don't understand!" Lin Qiang just said two words.

"You don't need to understand, just put on this pair of glasses." Shang Yun took out a pair of glasses from his pocket and handed them to Lin Qiang. They were very ordinary glasses with gold rims, but they looked very pretentious. The cost is not low, and it is still made of tortoise shell, and it must be at least 100 million or more, not counting the technological value.

"Put on these glasses, and you will be able to see your wife in the surveillance video, and then everything will be revealed. But it's just—" Xu Guoyang sighed.

"But it's easy to leak the secret after showing it to the judge, right?" Lin Qiang until they were very embarrassed, because after the secret was leaked, their opponents could conduct research and even do reverse engineering to copy this kind of glasses.So Lin Qiang was still very moved.

"Yes." Shang Yun also said frankly.

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