"What's the matter, there is Mandarin in this area?" Long Xia suddenly yelled and turned her head, her tone full of disbelief.

The person in front of him appeared to be wearing a gray Chinese tunic suit, wearing gold-rimmed glasses as thick as the bottom of a bottle, with a side-parted head, more than 1.7 meters tall, and looked less than 60 years old. The man was very thin, weak and sickly.

He was very excited when he spoke, and his whole body was trembling: "I have been walking here for several days, and I don't know anyone. I thought I would never go back again?"

A thought flashed through Lin Qiang's mind, but he wasn't sure.The man in front of him had disheveled hair, bloodshot eyes, chapped lips, and weathered skin, like a dying traveler who had been wandering in the desert for a long time.And judging by his expression, he looked very scared and flustered, obviously terrified.

"Are you Dr. Peng Mu?" Lin Qiang asked in shock.

"You know me?" The man replied in the same shock.

Long Xia couldn't bear it first: "What, you are the Dr. Peng Mu who has been missing for more than 30 years, how is this possible, you, you are not dead?"

"So it's like this." Peng Mu suddenly sighed, as if he understood something.After he was silent for a long time, he raised his head and said to Lin Qiang and Long Xia: "Okay, let's find a place to sit down and talk. There are some things that I can't explain in a few sentences, and I have a lot to ask. you."

"This is—" Lin Qiang asked.

"4000 two hundred years ago, the primitive society." Peng Mu sighed and walked forward: "However, the people here are very simple, not as fancy as modern people, they will not bully others, and they will not surround us foreigners. You can rest assured that they won’t catch us in the laboratory to do dissection experiments. Besides, I know a little bit of their language, so I can communicate with them.”

"Excellent." Long Xia gave a thumbs up.

The city in front of Lin Qiang is like this. All the buildings here are very tall and built with huge stones. If he hadn't seen the strength of the migrant workers who built the houses just now, Lin Qiang would have been unimaginable. How the buildings up to tens of feet were built.

They paved the streets with blue cobblestones, with shops built of wood on both sides, with various signboards, no cars, no means of transportation, no construction tools, everything relied on manpower.The most central position seems to be a temple related to religion, with more than a dozen huge sculptural columns in front of it.

The clothes worn by the people on the street and those of Loulan beauties are similar, and there is nothing to compare them with. It seems that there is no gap between rich and poor at all.Young people, old people, beggars and so on, there are many of them. Of course, this is just the appearance on the street. The houses behind are not good. They are a little lower than the buildings on the street, but they are all made of huge stones.

This place is definitely not as described in the ruins of the ancient city of Loulan. The side length is only about 330 meters, and the city walls are rammed with clay and red wicker.It is a densely populated city larger than Yanjing, and it is so majestic and unbelievably majestic.

There is even a huge white stone square in the middle of the city.

Of course, Lin Qiang also saw beggars. Some of them were lying by the wall basking in the sun while singing, singing hoarsely. The louder they sang, the more people gave them food.He didn't understand what was going on, and he couldn't understand what they were saying.But he noticed that the people here are very qualified, and there is not even a single person who came to watch them.

"There is a man who gave me a house. Come in and have a seat." Peng Mu led Lin Qiang and the others to the back alley, and walked into a cold stone house without windows, and it was pitch black inside. of.Peng Mu hurriedly lit a torch, and then it lit up.

Lin Qiang saw that everything in the house was made of ceramics, and the quilt was made of animal fur and rough textiles. It seemed that the level of civilization here was not bad.

"I know what happened. I've been thinking about it for the past few days, and now I finally figured it out. It turns out that I really traveled through the time axis of the four-dimensional space and came to ancient times." Peng Mu looked at Situ with burning eyes. Lin Qiang and Long Xia on the cold stone stool.

"But I don't understand, how did you get here?"

"Why, you are the only one who can come, and we can't. Are you embarrassed?" Long Xia was annoyed, and said angrily.He felt that Peng Mu was asking the question knowingly.

Peng Mu frowned, and said weakly: "This is different, I can come here because I have this thing on my body!" He took out something from his body, held it in his palm, and then slowly opened it. open.It was a bronze medal engraved with an inscription, which was antique.

"I, I, I, I have it too!" Lin Qiang was taken aback. Isn't this the necklace he always wore next to his body?It was swapped for a while, but was that pendant returned to Crazy Luo when he died?He tore off the necklace from his neck and put it in the palm of his hand.

Peng Mu looked at him with extremely confused eyes: "You, you are, who are you, how could you have this thing, no, it is absolutely impossible, absolutely impossible, unless you are—"

"I am the son of Chen Mingda and Yan Jingyan!" Lin Qiang approached him and took his hand: "You are a good friend of my parents and my Uncle Peng!"

"You, you are really Lao Chen's child, yes, yes, you look so much alike, so, so it is, no wonder, you came here, it turns out that all of this is God's will, and it is in the dark. Definitely! Pisces Jade Pendant, Pisces Jade Pendant, there is finally a perfect match, finally a perfect match again!"

"Pisces Jade Pendant, what Pisces Jade Pendant?" Of course Lin Qiang had heard of the Pisces Jade Pendant, but he didn't think what kind of Pisces Jade Pendant he and Peng Mu were holding, because there wasn't even a single fish on it, let alone two, so Peng Mu must have made a mistake, and this is not a jade pendant, but copper.

"These two pendants are the Pisces Jade Pendant. They communicated the time axis of the four-dimensional space and brought us here. It seems that God wants us to reveal the secret of the Pisces Jade Pendant here!" Peng Mu suddenly knelt on the ground , burst into tears: "Even if I can't go back, I must thoroughly figure out this matter."

"But there's no fish on it!" Long Xia pouted.

"Pisces jade pendant does not mean two fish, it is a mysterious thing, or related to religion, or related to outer space technology, as long as you activate it, you can copy the exact same thing, Chen Mingda was doing the experiment At the time, it used a fish, and immediately after it was activated, another identical one appeared, so it is called the Pisces Jade Pendant!"

"I've heard of this." Lin Qiang remembered.

He then asked: "So, where did this thing come from? Could it be that you found it in the cave below [-] meters?"

"Us?" Peng Mu looked at him in confusion: "Didn't your father tell you?"

Lin Qiang told him what happened: "It was Xu Guoyang and Monk Yun who told me. In fact, I have never met my father and my mother. Could it be that what they said is wrong? Or did they deliberately spread rumors to mislead me, People nowadays really can’t believe anyone.”

Lin Qiang thinks that the people outside are quite nice.

"It's true, but it's not." Peng Mu suddenly sighed: "Monk Xu Guoyang and Shangyun are not bad people, but they don't know the inside story of many things. In fact, I didn't go down into the cave, and the situation on the opposite side is not at all. I don’t understand, all I know is what your father told me. And the jade pendant in my hand was also given to me by your father, because he was afraid that the two jade pendants would be taken by bad guys when they were together, so they separated to save."

"Then, people said that you disappeared for a few days and then went crazy, what's the matter?"

"I was arrested by Jiang Tao. He tortured me and searched me, but when he saw this jade pendant, he thought it was useless, so he didn't get anything. Later, he threatened me with my family's life and told me to go to the Find what your father left behind, and then let me go."

"So I was out of my mind for a few days, because I was scared, it was like a different person, everyone thought I was crazy. Then, I wanted to run away—"

Lin Qiang blinked his eyes: "And then, you were brought here by the Pisces Jade Pendant, and you thought you only came here for a few days, but it has actually been more than 30 years, right?"

"Yes. This is the content of Einstein's four-dimensional space theory. In fact, I thought of it at the beginning, but I was not sure. I didn't have any doubts until I saw another jade pendant in your hand. " Peng Mu stared deeply at Lin Qiang: "Son, tell me, why did Yupei bring us here?"

"I know about this." Long Xia said shyly, "If you talk about it in fantasy, it's called tracing back to the source, and it brought you here, then it means that it came from this era. You say what I say right?"

"Hey, it's possible!" Lin Qiang touched his head.

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