The female president's personal soldier

Chapter 770 The Story of the Scientific Expedition Team

"According to what we know about this place, there are two ruins of Haitou Ancient City and Xiaohe Tombs nearby, and your father is likely to be in one of them," Xu Guoyang said.

Lin Qiang couldn't wait to see Chen Mingda, so he said eagerly: "Then, let's go there immediately. I want to see if everything is okay with the old man."

"It's not that easy. We have lost our way now, and the place is very vast. Even if we find it, we may not be able to find people, not to mention Jiang Tao's obstruction. There are many things that we want to explain to you now. Let's talk while walking." Shang Yun sighed.

It turned out that some foreign scientific expedition teams such as Hevens Ding discovered the ancient city of Loulan in Lop Nur decades ago, and carried out robbed excavations. Later, Ju Ruichao, an islander, discovered Haitou [-] kilometers away from the ancient city of Loulan. The ancient city aroused the idea of ​​the Chinese court.

So they formed a scientific expedition team and entered Lop Nur.

Several expeditions were led by the leader of the dragon team, the first time being Yang Zhenwei himself.That time they discovered the Xiaohe tombs and Loulan beauty.

But what is surprising is that the beauty of Loulan has nothing to do with the ancient city of Loulan in the Han Dynasty. Her survival time has been pushed forward for 4000 years, and she was in the same period as the mythical characters such as Huangdi Dayu.That is to say, Chinese civilization was still in the stage of primitive society at that time.

At that time, Peng Mu, Chen Mingda, Xu Guoyang, Shang Yun, and Jiang Tao were all on the list of the scientific expedition team.

No major issues the first time.But this time the discovery encouraged the Chinese scientists, so they conducted the second and third scientific expeditions.

It was during the third scientific examination that Chen Mingda met Lin Qiang's mother, Yan Jingyan. At that time, there were two other people who had a crush on Yan Jingyan, one was Ding Chong, and the other was Fang Junqiu!According to Xu Guoyang, Ding Chong's alias was Chen Bainiao, an academician of the Academy of Sciences.

That is, during the third scientific expedition, Peng Mu disappeared.

The situation at that time was as follows:
Before the third scientific expedition, something happened in the Lop Nur area. It is said that an ancient city ruins was discovered in Lop Nur. Some young people wanted to find some ancient relics. Later, I don’t know what happened there. Those young people died and went crazy.

It is said that those crazy people look like ghosts, but they are not.Those crazy people were so active that they all died of exhaustion, as if under some kind of spell.

These lunatics have worn-out feet, which means they are unconscious.Even more shocking, they brought back some rubbings and fragments of some ancient ornaments and a jade sickle.Because the reported situation was very important, the imperial court decided to act immediately and carefully selected the members of the scientific expedition team.

These team members were very capable at the time, and they would never be sent for general missions. Except for the special agents and warriors, they were the top scientists. Because the matter was so important, the imperial court planned to let Yang Zhenwei personally take the lead. , but Yang Zhenwei happened to be ill, so Jiang Tao replaced him.

At that time, I flew directly to an airport, got off the car and entered a closed military vehicle. The vehicle drove for a long time. In order to keep confidential, all communication facilities were closed, and everyone was blindfolded. The vehicle also stopped and went roundabout. Go forward, turning people in a daze.

So after arriving at the place, no one can figure out where it is.

But that place is really very strange. It was originally a desert with no trace of people and it was difficult for birds to cross, but when everyone opened their eyes, they found many lines like abandoned airstrips in front of them, or a few hills that were completely intact. Yes, but one or two of them were smoothly cut off the top of the hill like butter, and there were inexplicable traces of the driveway in many places.This means that someone has been here before.

But that is also impossible, because these hilltops are obviously cut by hand and require a lot of machinery. It is impossible for the imperial court not to know about such a big battle.

Later they encountered sand people, these people are fast, powerful, and have no blood. The most weird thing is that they can be resurrected from the dead, and they can come back to life after being killed, unless they are smashed to pieces.At that time, they paid a lot of casualties before they broke through to the center of the architectural ruins. It was very old, and the old was very strange, it was an abyss.

It was only later that Xu Guoyang confirmed from the satellite images sent by the Americans that there may be the "ear and eye" part known as the "Ear of the Earth".

Because the bottom is too deep, no one dared to go down even though there were many experts at that time.

At that time they decided to go down to see if no one was willing to draw lots, and then a soldier tied a flashlight to the top and lowered it with a rope. After a long time, it seemed that the rope was not enough, and finally pulled it up. There were no people left. The rope at the end of the person seems to be some kind of liquid, and a certain sound can be heard in the abyss, which makes people listen carefully but can't hear it clearly, but I feel afraid that the hairs will stand on end, which is very weird.

It didn't take long for the people above to be surrounded by sandmen again. I don't know how many there were layer by layer. Because the weapons were not advanced at that time, they couldn't kill many people. They could only be scared away.A lot of fighters have been lost.

But the expedition must go on, and the mission must be completed.then what should we do?There can only be continuous draws, and the person drawn this time is actually Chen Mingda!

Chen Mingda is a scientist, a boss, and a martial arts master at the same time.The Chen family has been very mysterious since ancient times, and there are many masters, so he can't push it away.

So I can only go down.

But after going down, there is no audio.

At that time, everyone thought he was dead, but they didn't expect that seven days later, he climbed up again by himself.And after he came out, he had a big fight with Jiang Tao and yelled to leave.

If it was someone else, Jiang Tao would definitely be furious and show off his power, but he has nothing to do with Chen Mingda.Chen Mingda is rich, prominent, and well-known in the scientific community.The most important thing is that his martial arts are world-class, and he was also one of the best among all the masters at that time.Jiang Tao had nothing he could do.

Then everyone saw that Chen Mingda talked with the best Peng Mumi all night, and got very drunk, but they didn't know what they said, and then he took Yan Jingyan away.At that time, Fang Junqiu was the most sad, and Ding Chong was the most angry. He was so angry that he almost hit the wall and died.

When he was drunk, he often told others that Chen Mingda winning Yan Jingyan's heart was the most painful thing in his life. He had never lost before, and this was the first time.He has never really loved other women, only Yan Jingyan, but Yan Jingyan basically does not talk to other men except Chen Mingda, her love is extremely dedicated, and there is no chance for him to do anything.He was so angry that he was neurotic for a long time.

It stands to reason that Chen Mingda left without saying anything, and the scientific expedition team should send people down again, but none of them had the guts of Chen Mingda, and they were all hesitant.

Because Chen Mingda said before leaving that the bottom is as deep as [-] meters, and all advanced detection instruments, including metal detection, vital signs, signal sources, electromagnetic fields, etc., will all fail everywhere. The fan rotates rapidly, and the stone is as soft as tofu. It is simply not a human world, so I advise everyone not to go down, because he is close to death.

But if anyone insists on looking for death, he will not stop him, anyway, he will hurry home and marry Yan Jingyan, and build a love nest together, and the rest of the people will do whatever they want.

But later, according to Xu Guoyang and monk Yun's speculation, Peng Mu still went down.

Peng Mu didn't know martial arts, and he didn't know why he went down by a strange coincidence, and he didn't come up until several days later.But since he came back, he has been in a trance, as if he had changed to another person.

One night, people in the camp heard him arguing with Jiang Tao, who asked him to hand over something.But Peng Mu said that these things do not belong to humans at all, so they cannot be handed over.

Jiang Tao threatened with orders from his superiors, but Peng Mu refused to submit.

Said that if he wanted to, he could go down by himself.

Then Peng Mu left a note, saying that he was looking for water, and then disappeared.We have spent several years, but have not been able to find his trace.Officials later had to presume he was dead.

Jiang Tao later dispatched a large army, intending to conduct a thorough excavation of the cave.But the strangest thing happened. That night they were blown out of their way by a gust of desert wind, and they couldn't go back anyway. The vast Gobi was everywhere, and there was nothing else.

Later, the scientific community speculated that the wind and sand may have been too strong that night, which buried the ruins.In fact, this is not surprising. Originally, when the wind and sand in Lop Nur was at its peak, the sand dunes could be lifted up to a height of 2000 meters. It was not a matter of minutes to bury a place, so this matter has come to an end for the time being.

But what Monk Xu Guoyang didn't expect was that Jiang Tao's side wasn't over yet!

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