"Why don't I have any memory, did I make a mistake? Anyway, I've been drinking too much now, so I can't remember so many things. I said, Ah Tang, how did you make it possible to talk about serious things with me at the wine table? Isn't it fooling around." Naturally, Lin Qiang couldn't answer this question, because his encrypted file hadn't been opened yet, so he didn't know anything about it.

An Shuntang didn't expect Lin Qiang to deny it flatly, so his face froze for a moment, but he knew in a blink of an eye that he must have something to do.

"This, in fact, exists."

Wacker naturally attaches great importance to the issue of money, and he will not watch Lin Qiang pretend to be stupid, so he raised his eyebrows: "Misdin, how could you forget this matter. Such a large amount of money will last for a long time. It's not a good thing to stay on the stock exchange after all, so we have to get him out quickly."

"Yes. In the past two years, the financial market has been volatile and has fluctuated greatly. Although it will not return to the point you left at once, it is certain that the money we earn is shrinking. So don't hesitate, Quickly take out the money, this is the solution to the problem." An Shuntang leaned forward, with a sincere expression, an expression that was absolutely for everyone's sake.

"But I really can't remember it now. It's all your fault. Since you want to talk about serious things, why did you let me drink again? Well, let's not talk about it for now. When I go back and have a good sleep, Now that you've figured it out, let's continue talking."

An Shuntang and Wa Ke are obviously very aware of Ding Chong's temper, and they also know that there is no way to force him.So although they all acted very unhappy, they did not continue to entangle after all.They all smiled and stood up.Wake went to pay the bill by himself, while An Shuntang accompanied Lin Qiang and walked out.

"Take my car." An Shuntang said: "Brother drank too much today, I asked the driver to drive you back, and then I went home. By the way, why are you staying in a hotel? You have a house in New York. "

Lin Qiang waved his hand: "No need, no need, I will take a taxi back by myself. And I don't want to go back now, I want to drink. I don't want to live in my previous house, and I will buy a house in the future. I don't need you at all. Don't worry. After all, it's not very safe to stay in one place at the moment."

"Hehe." Hearing what he said, An Shuntang knew that there was no way to continue the matter. If Lin Qiang was full of hostility towards him, he smiled lightly again, and then saw Wake walking out of the restaurant.After the two got into the car respectively, they went back to their respective homes.

Of course, Lin Qiang didn't want to go to drink, so he still took a taxi to go back to the hotel.The driver was a female driver wearing a hat. She looked young and looked good, but she couldn't see the details.European women have a good figure, and if you take any one out, it is lordotic and bulging, so Lin Qiang didn't look carefully.Besides, he was really drunk, so he squinted his eyes and lay down on the back seat to rest.The only thing that can be seen clearly is a strand of long golden hair protruding from the back of his head.

"Where are you going, sir?" she asked.

After Lin Qiang told her the address, she started driving.At this time, Lin Qiang noticed that she was moving slowly, as if she had unplugged the earphones from her ears, and then tidied up her phone before starting to light up.Because she didn't have any dangerous aura on her body, he didn't think much about it, and still lay down on the back seat of the car and took a nap.

At this time, two bolts of lightning suddenly lit up in the sky, as if it was going to rain.The female driver couldn't help complaining in a low voice: "Niuyue's ghost weather is like this. It's so annoying that it's always raining. I thought the weather forecast was inaccurate. I didn't expect that the one who should come came anyway. After finishing this shift, Looks like I'm going home to rest."

Lin Qiang smiled lightly and didn't respond, then saw her driving forward.

For the sake of safety, and because Lin Qiang was not very familiar with the roads when he came to Niuyue for the first time, Zhang Man had already drawn a road map for him on the computer and sent it to his mobile phone before he went out.His mobile phone navigation has the shortest return route, so he takes out his mobile phone to check every time he walks.

The female driver is obviously fine, because she has been driving strictly according to the nearest route, and has no intention of getting off the track.

After a while, they came to an intersection with mixed traffic.Lin Qiang suddenly heard a bang, and a series of horns sounded in front of him.

At this moment, Lin Qiang opened his eyes and saw that the red light had turned into a green light, but the drivers still didn't drive.The most disturbing thing is that there is also a torrential rain in the coincidentally unlucky sky.Suddenly he leaned forward: "What's going on?"

The female driver frowned, regardless of the rain, and said, "I'll go and have a look." When she ran out of the car, Lin Qiang saw that she was wearing a sportswear, which included her beautiful figure.After a while, she ran back in the rain and sat back in the car, staring angrily.

"What the hell, the fat woman in front actually blew the car tire, look how fat she is, her belly is like a truck tire, and she is still wearing black fashion, I think she is like a sow. I am so pissed off I still want to go home, take a shower and go to bed, now it’s all gone.”

Lin Qiang looked up, and sure enough, there was a fat woman in her 40s wearing a short black dress in front of her, arguing with a group of drivers.She didn't know what happened to her car. When she was turning at the intersection just now, her tire blew out, and it just crossed and blocked half of the road, so everyone couldn't walk.

Worst of all, because of her clumsiness, two cars ahead had a minor accident, and the scene couldn't move yet.It seems that someone has called the police and the police are coming.

"So we have to wait here forever." In fact, Lin Qiang was also very anxious, because he also wanted to know the answer to what An Shuntang mentioned just now.When he ran out to eat, Zhang Man and the others had been working intensively, trying to crack Ding Chong's encrypted files, and they didn't know if there was any result now.

"It seems like this sir." The female driver raised her arms apologetically.

"But I'm a little anxious and want to go home. My wife is still waiting for me at home. This is not very good. Based on your experience, how long will it take for them to solve the problem?"

"It's hard to say. It depends on when the police will come and whether they can reach an agreement on compensation, but I don't think it will last more than four or ten minutes. Please wait patiently."

"So long?" Lin Qiang was a little worried about Fang Muyue.

"Oh!" The female driver suddenly turned her head and laughed: "You are a lucky gentleman. I think we are saved. It is on the side. We are just facing the intersection. I didn't notice it. I am a very good person. Driver, so, we can take a detour."

"Driving in a detour?" Lin Qiang turned his head to look, and sure enough there was a very narrow path between a pizzeria and a fashion store next to the road, but it was definitely possible for cars to pass through it, but not for those with poor skills.In addition, at this time, there are several cars coming up from behind, and the gap in the middle is too small.

"No problem, I can do it." The female driver obviously saw Lin Qiang's concerns, but she turned her head and smiled confidently, showing neat and white teeth, a big and sexy mouth, and raised eyebrows: "Okay, sit still I'm going to drive, and I'm going to take you home soon."

She is indeed very powerful. In such a crowded state, she actually turned the car around with three twitches, turned the steering wheel quickly, and the car rushed towards the narrow path, and then quickly Go through it, turn another corner, and go to another street.

At this time, the sky began to rain cats and dogs, and the water on the ground was serious.Especially this road is on the back of the main street, so the road surface is low and uneven, so the accumulation of water is even worse. Lin Qiang is afraid that her car will suddenly turn off, but what should I do.It seems that today's luck is really not very good.

"Don't worry, I often take this road, but this section is difficult." She said empathetically.

Lin Qiang found that she was a smart person, she could probably know what was on her mind, and suddenly he said, "Then how should the fare be calculated?"

"As usual—" It seemed that she was not a rascal who was greedy for money.At this time, Lin Qiang heard the whistle of a truck, followed by a row of water waves like a transparent wall. The windows and even the entire body of the car were almost submerged by the water splashed under the wheels of the big truck, and the wipers were completely lost. As a result, the female driver subconsciously blocked her eyes with her arm!

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