After Lin Qiang stepped on the brake quickly, he saw himself smashing the front windshield and flying out of the car window, like a shell rushing out of the barrel, extremely fast and hard to contain.But after all, he was strong in martial arts, and under the circulation of his true energy, he suddenly reached out and grabbed the front bumper of the car.

With a bang, Fang Muyue also jumped out in front of the shattered windshield, but she didn't rush directly down the cliff, but rolled over the front of the car before falling down.Under the conditional firing, Lin Qiang subconsciously pushed up with the other hand, and Fang Muyue returned to the car. It was not clear what happened, but she was not dizzy yet.

The car was teetering on the edge of the cliff, half of the front wheels were in the air.Under the weight of the car, it dangled on the cliff like a seesaw.At this time, there was no car on the road, and no one.Fang Muyue suddenly saw Lin Qiang hanging on the cliff, so she screamed in horror: "My husband—"

"Muyue, don't move, crawl back, crawl back, hurry up, climb to the back, open the car door, slowly, be sure to slow down, then open the car door and go out, slowly, quickly. "Relying on his keen senses, Lin Qiang noticed that the car was about to rush down the cliff soon, and the situation was absolutely critical.

The rocks pressed by the wheels of the car are crackling and falling down, as long as there is a little more force, everything will be over.

"Yes, I, I'm here to save you." Fang Muyue yelled in a daze, and she didn't dare to move. She took a deep breath, and crawled back cautiously. The car swayed as she crawled. It got bigger and bigger, and there was a slightly bigger rock that caught the wheel, and if it fell, it would be over.

"Mu Yue, hurry up, hurry up." Lin Qiang didn't even dare to speak loudly.

Fang Muyue finally climbed onto the back seat, but the car was already standing upright.

"Muyue, don't talk, hold your breath, let me tell you, I count to three, and then let go, you both open the car door and jump down, this is your last life, remember, I count to three, we two at the same time Do it, or you won't be able to survive."

"No!" Fang Muyue didn't dare to cry, and said in a trembling voice, "Climb up, climb up quickly, I know you can climb up."

"I can't use force, just use a little force with my hand, the car will roll down, there is no time, now grab the door, I start counting, one, two—"


"Muyue, one must be sacrificed. This is the only way. When I let go, the car will shake violently. You have to open the door. This is the only chance. When I'm ready, I'll start counting—" Lin Qiang suddenly Gazing at Fang Muyue: "Honey, live a good life, don't do it anymore! Three!"

When counting to three, Lin Qiang saw that Fang Muyue had already grasped the car door, so he let go of his hand quickly and decisively. In mid-air, he clearly saw Fang Muyue push the car door and roll out from inside.The car roared and fell from the cliff with him. Behind him, it took the first step and rushed to the bottom of the infinitely dark and bottomless cliff.

"Husband!" Fang Muyue choked up and cried.

"Farewell, wife!" Lin Qiang exhausted his last ounce of strength and used his internal strength to convey his voice.He felt that his body was light and light, like a drop of rain falling from the clouds, or like a fallen leaf swept by the autumn wind.He thought, Muyue should be safe now, but why haven't I made it to the end yet?
How high is this cliff?Is this the end?

The howling wind roared below the cliff, whistling in his ears, and there was absolutely no place to draw on.Even if there is a place to borrow strength, it is impossible to do something with the speed of his free fall. Lightness kung fu is not a divine power, and it doesn't work all the time.

He remembered that when he was learning skydiving, the coach once said that when jumping from a helicopter, even if there is a piece of water underneath, calculated by physical mechanics, when you go down, the hardness is no different from that of a concrete floor. The ribs of the body will insert into the chest cavity, and the leg bones of the legs may fly out of the body under pressure.

So Lin Qiang was completely desperate. The only thing that made him feel relieved was that Fang Muyue got out of the car at the last moment.So in the weightless situation, he felt a wave of nausea and began to vomit, with an empty heart, waiting for that moment to come——

Suddenly he heard continuous crackling noises, and then his body felt pain like being torn apart.But the strange thing is that the speed of the fall actually dropped a little.

"It's a branch!" Lin Qiang had used ropes to climb countless mountains and cliffs. He knew the mountains and the natural environment, and he immediately realized what happened to him.The response and psychological endurance of the special forces are by no means comparable to that of ordinary people. In an instant, he felt the hope of life.

Lin Qiang quickly stretched out his hand, grabbing, grabbing, grabbing one by one, and grabbed all the life-saving straws and branches.But when the thousand-meter-high cliff fell, the inertia was really terrible, and this kind of borrowing force still couldn't stop his heavy body.

His whole body was still in pain, and suddenly he heard a loud bang, his back was cushioned by something, and then he lost consciousness.

Lin Qiang felt itchy on his face, he thought, this must be the blood I spurted out, I must be dying.Falling off such a high cliff, even a god would surely be crushed to pieces.I'm going to say goodbye to Muyue, farewell forever, and I'll never see her again. What can I do about her illness?
Suddenly he felt his hand twitch and opened his eyes suddenly.

It was so black in front of my eyes, as black as hell.He could hardly see anything, and he seemed unable to move his body.But the strange thing is that the eyeballs can move, he thought, maybe I'm fooling around now.But why can't my body move? Ghosts don't have bodies, so they can move freely, but why can't I?Could it be that when he first became a ghost, he was also weak.

wrong!Lin Qiang is not a fool. After a short rest in his brain, he immediately confirmed that he was not dead, but still alive.The excitement at that time almost made his heart jump out. I'm still alive. I'm still alive. There's nothing better than this in the world.

After realizing this, Lin Qiang began to try to move the true qi in his body, desperately moving the true qi in his body. After running the true qi for a few weeks, he felt that his arms and legs could move. Then he managed to sit up.

"I'm really not dead." When Lin Qiang opened his eyes again, he found that he could already see the sparse moonlight.It turns out that this is not hell after all.

"Huh!" Now that I am truly sure that I am alive, it feels so good to be alive.Lin Qiang stood up slowly, intending to find a way out for himself.But the whole body was in severe pain, as if it had just been cut by a blunt knife, and suddenly fell to the ground again, unable to get up in pain.

Damn, could it be that I have been a soldier all these years for nothing with this little ability?Lin Qiang didn't know that his body had turned into a broken bottle, with wounds almost everywhere and bleeding everywhere.But he was a strong man, and he was still blaming himself for being spineless, so he was very angry.

So he circulated his zhenqi again until the sun came out.He raised his head and looked up, and found that the mountain was covered with white clouds, and he couldn't see the scene above the cliff at all, and he didn't know how deep he fell.He stood up quickly and found that the pain had eased a lot.

On the rock wall, there are all broken branches. Starting from a few hundred meters, there are countless broken branches, needless to say, they were all broken when they fell.It was these branches that saved his life.And the piece of ground where he was lying and sitting just now was also a gift from heaven. The soil over there was soft and covered with unknown little flowers, yellow, red, white, all kinds, soft and fragrant. A rock so he didn't break his spine.

Moreover, Lin Qiang also faintly felt that the Xuanyin Shield played a certain role in the final stage of his free fall.When the body is under attack, the body protection kung fu that automatically runs and protects is activated at a critical moment, and it has also played some role.

"Where is this place? Can I still go up?" Lin Qiang looked around, and found that this was a deep and ancient valley, and perhaps no one had disturbed its tranquility for thousands of years.It is definitely not easy to find a way out from here. Surrounded by mountains, maybe there is no way out here at all.

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