The female president's personal soldier

Chapter 457 1 Step, 1 Death

"In front." Lin Qiang quickly floated over.Sure enough, at his feet was a cliff that was not too high, at most ten meters, and it would not be a problem for someone who knew how to jump off it.Even with Lin Qiang's special forces skills, he could jump down without getting hurt.

Immediately, he shot a ninja dart into a big tree nearby, and jumped down without hesitation, followed by Niya and Shuya.In this way, after the people behind come, they can jump down according to the clues of the ninja darts, without doubting back and forth and wasting time.

There are still trees in front of you, but there is a clearing in the middle.There is a small wooden house on the open space. This kind of wooden house is everywhere in the mountainous area, and most of them are used by forest rangers.This wooden house, no matter in terms of scale or simple structure, also belongs to this category. Where it stands alone, no one will think about it.

"It should be here." Lin Qiang suddenly became very excited.

"Let's go in." Niya said.

Lin Qiang stopped her suddenly: "Not yet, if this is really the location of Pang Tianshu's laboratory, it is impossible to break in casually, so it must be a cover-up, if we go in, we will lose contact with the people behind. "

"Why?" Nia asked.

"Because Hai Dongqing can't speak." Lin Qiang pointed to the sky: "Can he tell the people behind why we disappeared after entering the wooden house?"

"True." Shu Ya said: "Okay then, I'll stay here, you two go in, be careful there are agencies ambush inside, I will bring people to rescue you as soon as possible."

"Let's go." Lin Qiang was so anxious that he couldn't hold it any longer, so he raised his feet and rushed to the wooden door. Then he and Niya stood on one side of the door, opened the door suddenly, and pointed a gun at the door. .But there was no movement at all inside, it was dark, and there was a damp smell.

"Empty." Lin Qiang's senses were extremely sensitive, and he immediately made a judgment that no one was there.Niya was the first to rush in with a pistol in hand, but instead of turning on the light, she squatted down quickly.Lin Qiang went in at the back, walked quickly to the center of the wooden house, inspected around, and then put away the gun.

"There is indeed no one." With the faint moonlight, he saw a switch on the wall of the wooden house, and there were 50W light bulbs above his head.

"It's a special incendiary bomb. It was installed not long ago." Lin Qiang raised his head and said, "It seems that Pang Tianshu expected that I might find this place, so he made preparations in advance. If we turn on the lights, this place will immediately become Sea of ​​fire." Niya's nose twitched twice: "It's S gas, which is more flammable than natural gas. But it won't catch fire without an open flame."

She pulled out a fluorescent stick from her arms, and walked around the room: "As you said, this must be the entrance of a secret passage. According to common sense, the entrance must be underground, but I have already left One lap, no empty reaction at all, what's going on?"

"There is a mezzanine." Lin Qiang rushed towards the opposite wall, kicked a big hole out of the wooden wall with a click, then waved his hands repeatedly, removed a few wooden boards and walked in: "Here." Niya followed At first glance, I saw that it was arranged like a kitchen, with a large water tank filled with water in the middle.

Lin Qiang walked over to hold the water tank with both hands, and moved two meters to the side.When he saw a hole under the water tank, he suddenly felt relieved: "Tell Shuya, when you come in, don't let there be any flames, there are incendiary bombs here, and then let's go down."

When Niya came back, Lin Qiang had already gone down, and she followed suit.

Half an hour later, they got out of the ground again.

Seeing a valley appearing in front of him, Lin Qiang threw out a large handful of ninja darts and nailed them to tree trunks in order to point out the direction for the people behind.The valley is full of dark brown granite, with towering trees, but there is an open space in the middle. There are many satellite receiving dishes like pot lids scattered on the open space, which should be used to shield spy satellites and reconnaissance equipment.

"That's right, this must be where the lair is. But, why is there no one patrolling? Could it be that they are not afraid of being discovered at all?" Lin Qiang asked suspiciously.

"In this case, there should be only one explanation, that is, people have a reason not to be afraid. I think there must be a reasonable explanation here, maybe it is an abandoned formal industry or something else." Niya said.Lin Qiang nodded, thinking that this was the only reasonable explanation.They move on.

Suddenly, the two saw a building appearing in front of them, with more than a dozen conveyor belts connected to it.Lin Qiang immediately understood that this place seemed to be disguised as some kind of ore vein.It's a mining thing.

"It's a mine." Niya rushed over.

Because he is a special soldier who has received comprehensive training and has performed similar tasks, Lin Qiang also has an understanding of the mine pit.He waved to Niya, and the two climbed over like the top of the arched building.There are stairs next to it, which spiral directly to the top.

At the top there is a square opening like an elevator, which goes deep into the ground.

"I'm a little dizzy." Niya raised her head and exhaled: "It's really bottomless, what kind of mine is this?" Lin Qiang sneered: "That's not the point, the point is how we get down. There must be no rope here , it is impossible for them to prepare an elevator for us. That's why Pang Tianshu is confident, because after arriving here, it will be regarded as the terminal."

"I have an idea." Niya said: "We can make a transport belt down, this is the most ready-made elevator." Lin Qiang continued to sneer: "Beauty, there is a shredder under the transport belt, you will be clicked when you go down— —" He gestured to his head: "What's more, we can't find the switch at all, ah."

"If the equipment that shields the signal just now is useful, it proves that there is electricity here. The switch for the conveyor belt should be right here—" He suddenly pointed to a small machine at the top, and then walked over. It was a badly corroded transformer box.

"I'll try." Lin Qiang said to Niya: "If Pang Tianshu guessed that we could come here, then there must be something wrong with this transformer box. It is very likely that it is connected to high-voltage electricity, or it is a bomb itself. So you find a safe place to hide first. If I die, don’t walk away and wait for the people behind to come to meet you.” After speaking, he grabbed the cover of the transformer box behind him.

"Hey, are you so direct?"

"I am a member of the Death Squad, and I have to face such things almost every day. But my luck has always been very good, otherwise I would have been dead for more than ten years." Lin Qiang felt that he had no other choice, but he would not act recklessly. First hit the transformer box with a ninja dart to make sure it has no high voltage.But he couldn't guess whether there was a bomb or not.

"Kang Dang." He had already removed the cover of the transformer box, looked at Niya who was lying in the distance, and said, "No problem, it's safe here, Pang Tianshu is really an idiot, and my previous evaluation of him seems to be all wrong." That's right. If it were me, why would there be no mechanism here?"

"Go. If I arrive safely, I will close the conveyor belt on the opposite side and destroy the shredder, then you can come down, otherwise you will have to find another way out." Lin Qiang clicked the electric switch, and the conveyor belt started immediately: "Ni Ya, you'd better wait here, or your head will be cracked." After speaking, Lin Qiang quickly jumped onto the transport belt and rushed down.Niya squinted her eyes, and finally didn't have the courage to jump down.

"One step at a time." Niya shrank her neck as if shivering.

Lin Qiang felt that the transport belt was too fast, it was like a thunderbolt, if he reached the shredder that was activated at the same time at this speed, he might be sucked into it, and then he would be wiped out.He has also carried out similar dangerous tasks, but every time he is determined to die.This time, he was completely unsure.

"One, two, three, four——" When Lin Qiang came down, he had visually estimated the distance from the top to the ground, so he was always counting the seconds. At this moment, he jumped up quickly and got off the conveyor belt.There was only a bang, like the sound of a pulverizer turning on.

"It's so dangerous." Lin Qiang landed on the ground steadily, and it was so dark that he couldn't see anything.He pulled out a few fluorescent sticks and threw them in all directions. After a while, the surroundings lit up.

Sure enough, there was a huge pulverizer in front of him, and it was working rumblingly at this moment.Lin Qiang quickly found the switch to turn him off, and dismantled the part of the circuit that connects the shredder and the conveyor belt. In this way, after the conveyor belt is opened, the shredder will not start, and people who come down later will be safe.It will not disturb Pang Tianshu either.

However, the situation was not as bad as he thought, because he concluded that Pang Tianshu must not have taken this path, because there was nothing in front of him except the pulverizer and the mine tunnel for mining.Pang Tianshu probably wouldn't take the risk of going here, so he guessed that there must be other passages.

"One, two, three, four, five, what should I do? Where are the five mines?" Lin Qiang didn't have time to test one by one.

He threw the light stick out a few mine tunnels, and couldn't see the edge at all.Then I thought about it, found the cleanest one and walked in.Obviously, someone had come in and out this time.

But soon he stepped back, and it turned out that there was a large metal door with a combination lock installed in the place where the light sticks could not reach.

"Wow!" Lin Qiang was excited when he heard the sound of the pulverizer being turned on again.He guessed that among the seven kills, there might be someone who could decipher the combination lock.But even if not, Lin Qiang still has a way to open it.But that's too risky, because many coded locks are connected to alarm devices, and once they are forcibly opened, it means that someone has broken in illegally.

Because Lin Qiang had already destroyed the pulverizer, they just had to jump down.

"Jump." Lin Qiang shouted.Because of the glow stick lighting, basically people who come down from above can see something.So just jump down one by one.

In the end, about a dozen people came down, all masters, including Lao Tan and Zhanying Lin Bihua, Namiko Mieko, and the others, and the others were Seven Killers.

Lin Qiang briefly described what happened, and then said: "We don't have much time. I guess there are still obstacles ahead, but we must first open the combination lock. Who can do it?"

"Ah Guang, go and try." Shu Ya said.

"Yes, boss." A bald young man in a suit came out from the crowd and bowed to Lin Qiang: "Mr. Lin, let me try it. I am an expert in this field."

"Is there any equipment?"

"Take it with you." Ah Guang took out a small decoder from his pocket and waved it in front of Lin Qiang's eyes.Lin Qiang said to everyone: "Check the watch now, it is 10:[-] in the morning, and we have less than two hours left. Ah Guang will open the door, and everyone will check the equipment and weapons. If the situation ahead is complicated, every day Roll roll every [-] minutes. If you see the enemy after opening the door, except me, Niya Shuya, and Brother Tang, the rest of the people will stay on standby and not make a sound. It will be like an assassination operation.”

"Yes!" Everyone said in unison.

Ah Guang walked over for a while, Lin Qiang heard a click, Ah Guang said in a low voice: "The door is open, Mr. Lin." Lin Qiang was overjoyed: "Brothers, come on."

"Don't put light sticks on anymore." After walking for a while, Lin Qiang suddenly said: "We are getting closer and closer to the target position. It is too dangerous to put light sticks on. You just follow me." Because his senses are very sensitive.Therefore, it is most suitable to lead the way in the front. This is also his style of leading troops, leading by example.

"Get down!" Lin Qiang suddenly felt something approaching, but he was not sure at all, but his keen sense told him that it was a danger, so he suddenly shouted, and lay down on the ground.A few screams came from behind, and Lao Tan shouted in the darkness: "My God, why are there arrows here!"

Lin Qiang took a small fluorescent stick and ran over, only to see that two people had already died because they couldn't dodge in time.It was ancient arrows that killed them.The white feathered arrows were trembling on their bodies, even dancing.From this we can see how powerful the shot is.

"It's a mechanism." Old Tan said in amazement: "There is an ancient mechanism here."

"Are you sure it's an agency?" Lin Qiang asked.

Old Tan said dully: "Boss, I may be wrong about other things, but this thing is my old profession, and I am too familiar with it. Except for ancient mechanisms, there is nothing that can shoot arrows so hard. And I just heard the sound of the mechanism, so I have such a judgment. Someone must have accidentally touched the news of the mechanism!"

"Where is it? Find it." Lin Qiang said anxiously.

"Boss, don't worry, it's easy for me." Lao Tan was deeply favored by Lin Qiang, so he tried his best to repay him every time, and rushed over immediately when he encountered a good trick of his own.

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