The female president's personal soldier

Chapter 400 You are making a fuss over a molehill

"Tell me, how did you instigate your gang of vicious men to beat up good people? Why do you want to beat people like that? Don't you know that the laws of the country are strict? Do you think that you can do whatever you want with a few stinky money? Now, what exactly do you think?" When he arrived at the police station, Lin Qiang disappeared when he saw Sun Ya, and handed him over to several young men in the serious crime team, and there was a very handsome policeman with parted hair. , asked him contemptuously.

The office was empty, with nothing but a desk, not even a computer.Lin Qiang was sitting on the chair on the ground.And the door was closed.

"Are you planning to extract a confession by torture?" Lin Qiang smiled bitterly: "But I really didn't instigate anyone, and you didn't investigate clearly at all."

"Is there anything that hasn't been investigated clearly? All your accomplices have confessed. The facts are still very clear. I don't think you should take any chances this time. You'd better explain it quickly. If you have a good attitude, what can you do to seek leniency?" Yes. Let me tell you the truth, you are hopeless this time, even the province knows about this incident, and asked us to deal with it seriously. Do you understand?"

Lin Qiang thought, it's broken, no wonder they arrested me so hastily, it seems that Master Liu greeted me.He is a first-rank member of the imperial court. If he speaks, it will really be troublesome.But even if he speaks, he can't just do something to me, a rich businessman, without evidence, right?The judicial process still has to go.

"Then I have nothing to say, because I really don't know anything. This is just the behavior of an individual in the company's security department. It has nothing to do with the company or me." Lin Qiang smiled confidently.

"Let me tell you, it's okay if you say it now, but you'll regret it later." The little policeman slapped the table and shouted.Lin Qiang chuckled: "What do you mean?"

"You all go out!" But Lin Qiang quickly understood what the little policeman meant, because he saw that Sun Ya who had just left had returned, and she had changed into a pair of military trousers and a gray tight vest on top. , with a half leather glove on.This is clearly the shape of boxing.It seemed that he must be the target.

"Hey, I told you to say that you didn't say it earlier, is it okay now?" The little policemen all laughed, and the one just glanced at Sun Ya: "Sister Sun, it's almost over, just your black belt in Taekwondo, don't put people off. He was beaten to death, so let him have a sigh of relief.”

"That's right, you can't help beating a rich man like this, but don't want to kill anyone."

"Who told him to molest Sister Sun in the car just now?"

"Go, go, get out." Sun Ya seemed impatient, and shut them outside.

Lin Qiang was sitting on the chair, with handcuffs on his hands at this time, raised his head and looked at Sun Ya: "Why are you still wearing military trousers? You used to be a soldier? But you are wearing a vest in the police station. But it’s not good, even though your breasts are okay and your skin is quite fair, but I’m not in the mood to appreciate them now, so maybe we’ll have a room someday—”

"Bastard!" Sun Ya came over suddenly, grabbed Lin Qiang's shoulder with both hands, gritted her teeth, and punched him in the heart.She used almost all her strength in this punch, and she looked as if she was going to punch Lin Qiang through him, but just as she punched out, she heard an ouch, and she squatted on the ground in pain.Lin Qiang's Xuanyin Shield played a role again, blocking where it could reach.

This Xuanyin shield is actually a kind of protective qi, the qi is not easy to condense, and ordinary warriors can't train it at all, but if it is trained, the protective effect is enough to match that of steel.Although Lin Qiang has not yet reached that level, he is more than enough to deal with ordinary fists.

"You guy, what's on your chest?" Sun Ya stood up suddenly, endured the pain, and pulled off Lin Qiang's suit. As far as the eye could see, he could only see his thick muscles beating, and nothing else. I don't know why I suddenly blushed.

"It's evil. But I don't believe in evil. Stand up for me." Sun Ya thought to herself, since she can't hit her chest, she should hit another place.So she suddenly punched Lin Qiang twice in the ribs. Although Lin Qiang was in handcuffs, he turned slightly to avoid it.Sun Ya was furious, her steps changed, and she continuously attacked him, using her head, lower abdomen, and even her knees, attacking him with a combination of punches.

But she suddenly realized that Lin Qiang was gone.

"Here it is!" Lin Qiang's voice sounded from behind her.

Sun Ya suddenly hit his chest with an elbow, but she felt that someone pushed her knees suddenly, she couldn't stand still, and fell to the ground.

"Don't fall down." Lin Qiang giggled, and quickly supported him with both hands from the side, because he was wearing handcuffs, and his hands could not be separated at all.Sun Ya was wearing too little clothes, how could he let him touch her skin, out of female instinctive self-protection reflex, at the moment of falling, she grabbed Lin Qiang's clothes on his chest, intending to throw him out.

But Lin Qiang's horse stance is well practiced, and his foot is extremely stable, as immovable as a mountain.With such a pull and pull, it actually fell on her body.

"I told you not to do this." Lin Qiang shouted.

"Step aside."

They were face to face, one wanted to push away, the other couldn't hold it up because of the handcuffs, so the two heads swung back and forth, and Sun Ya suddenly hugged his head, intending to hit him with her own head.But Lin Qiang would deal with this move, and quickly pressed his forehead against his forehead.

Sun Ya wanted to open her mouth to yell, how could Lin Qiang make her yell, but he had no choice but to use his own mouth to seal her little mouth!
"Woo, oh-oh-"

"Crack!" The door was opened, and a very dignified middle-aged man walked in from the outside. Just in time to see this absurd scene, he immediately closed the door and said angrily, "What are you doing?"

Sun Ya quickly pushed Lin Qiang away, and finally stood up, wiped her mouth, blushed like something, tears of anger fell down: "Qin Bureau, I, I'm interrogating him, I—"

"Is he molesting you, or the two of you?" Director Qin was furious.

"No, he didn't insult me, and it's not what you think, I just fell down just now, just, I, my god, what can I say."

When Director Qin saw Lin Qiang's smug smile, he knew that Sun Ya was not to blame for this matter, and of course it was impossible for him to be indecent on purpose.Moreover, with Sun Ya's attire, it was obvious that she was extorting a confession by torture.So he thought about it for a while, and didn't intend to pursue it, and said impatiently: "Okay, okay, I'll just pretend I didn't see anything. Let the person go right away, the higher-ups called, saying that this matter has nothing to do with him. It doesn't matter."

"Let him go? Bureau Qin, you must have made a mistake, right? This guy is a vicious liar, and he beat and disabled all the workers because of his richness and heartlessness. He should be sentenced to at least ten or eight years. Why should he Let him go, Bureau Qin, did you really make a mistake?"

"What a big liar, do you have any evidence? Is he the one who beat people up?" Qin Bureau said angrily, "We don't have enough evidence, why don't we let people stay for the New Year?"

"But his accomplice—"

"His lawyer came, saying that he was an accomplice cannot be used as evidence, because they are shirking responsibility, and he had an alibi at the time. The phone records did not find any orders from him. If you say this, you agree to release him. Come on. Don’t tell me my words won’t work.”

"This bastard——" Sun Ya wiped her mouth again, thinking to herself, this kid is so worthless, he won't get AIDS again.How could you let him go like this?In the morning, the provincial government still called to punish him severely. Why didn't he change his mind after a while?This thing is too strange.

Not to mention that she felt strange, even Lin Qiang himself felt strange.He didn't call anyone about this matter, who helped him secretly.Who is more powerful than Lord Liu?Basically, this is impossible, at least in the Jiangnan area. Is there anyone bigger than Mr. Liu?
"Let him go." Qin Bureau pulled his face, and said to Lin Qiang after a while: "But Mr. Lin, don't be too complacent, you know, there is still a blue sky above our heads, hum." Then he slammed the door and left.

"I know there will be a blue sky above my head." Lin Qiang sighed, "Who do you think I am?"

"You are a rotten person, a scumbag, a hooligan, a bastard, a pervert, and trash. You, you, you—you wait for me, me, my account, you—" Sun Ya was kissed by her tongue, Feeling aggrieved, she actually started to cry while talking: "Lin Qiang, sooner or later I'll tear you into pieces, you've gone too far."

"Accident, accident." Lin Qiang giggled: "I won't be pregnant, so why be nervous, you are making too much of a fuss."

"Go to hell." Sun Ya also slammed the door and went out.After a while, someone came to open the handcuffs and let him go.

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