The female president's personal soldier

Chapter 384 The Knife's Confession

"Boss, I have received the money, [-] billion." Zhan Ying turned around and said to Lin Qiang.Lin Qiang rubbed his chin, and smiled sinisterly at Ma Zhengbiao: "My surname is Ma, I still say the same thing, I originally wanted to be a well-behaved businessman, but you, you are too stupid, you want to be honest when you see an honest one." Bullying. I hate people like you the most in my life. When I see one, I want to deal with it. I treat you like this today. It’s actually for your own good. Don’t want to bully anyone you see. Maybe someday you will really lose your head. .I asked for two of your fingers today, but I kept your head. You will have to thank me later. Don’t do this in the future?”

"Stupid, say thank you!" Liu Xiaodao slapped his face when he went up.

"You little bastard, you—"

"Uh!" Liu Xiaodao was fiddling with the saber in his hand again.Ma Zhengbiao hurriedly begged for mercy: "Okay, I was wrong, I was wrong, I will never dare again, thank you!"

"You see, this is right. Listen to people's advice to eat enough. If you can't figure out something in the future, come to me at any time. I don't have good tea. The real Dahongpao, let's chat while drinking. If you If you still can’t figure it out, I’ll let Daozi teach you a lesson and keep your life completely changed. Alright, let’s go and don’t disturb the normal work of other companies. By the way, you always say that the Jinling Chamber of Commerce is awesome, you bring me Let's just say that I, Lin Qiang, have no other intentions, just want to do business in a serious manner, please don't be afraid, and don't mess with me, otherwise, hehe, you can figure it out."

Lin Qiang came downstairs with a group of people, and told Liu Xiaodao: "Daozi, this is not a place to talk, tell your brothers to go back first, and follow me to our own company."

"Instructor, have you made a fortune?" Knife scratched his head happily, as if he had made a fortune himself.He didn't know how much money Lin Qiang had made, and he didn't know how to do business, but he just saw that Lin Qiang had earned [-] billion.My God, he didn't even think about it, and he didn't know how much area [-] billion could take up, and how long it would take to count the money.

"Daozi, don't wander around anymore, just follow me, you will eat whatever I eat, we are brothers." Lin Qiang pointed to the three-door car: "Go up."

"Instructor!" Knife went up to look, and immediately opened his eyes: "Hey, so the inside is like this, huh, it's quite soft, wow, it's too spacious, and there's even a phone, so comfortable." He never sat I have lived in a luxurious car, so I am extremely excited.

"You bumpkin, you'll have something to enjoy in the future." Zhanying scolded.

"Hey, I know, I know. I used to be in the army with the instructor. You said that it is equipped with ammunition or food. Whichever time our company is not the best. Anyway, I will do either. It is right to follow the instructor." The knife suddenly He stared again: "Zhan Ying, don't keep arguing with me, I haven't paid attention to your two moves. I followed the instructor not for money, even if I don't have a penny, I will do the same, what do you think of me People. Why do you look down on people?"

"Just look down on you little bastard, why?"

"I still look down on you. If you didn't follow the instructor, you would be where you are today, cut."

"Then I have endured hardships with the instructor. Where were you when we endured hardships and started a business?"

The knife stopped talking.After a while he said again: "Although I have contributed little in the past, I will definitely work hard in the future. At least I am familiar with Jinling, and I am a local snake. You can't compare with me in this regard. We also have advantages People, but I still say that, I'm not doing it for money."

Lin Qiang asked: "Dao Zi, I remember that your old lady has always been sick, and now—" Dao Zi sighed: "Instructor, my mother died, didn't he have been in poor health all the time, and then he developed a tumor in his lungs, surgery The fee is more than 40. I, hey, I earned 1000 yuan a month at that time, and it was not enough. I borrowed from others, and they were afraid that you would not pay, so the delays will be gone, and the people will be gone. , I, I just fell into the underworld as soon as I was cruel, I thought, go to Te Niang, I used to do good things, beat drug dealers, save hostages, when it was my turn, my mother was sick and didn’t have money to see, and I was a good person. Well, I've joined the underworld. Sure enough, being a bad guy is better than being a good guy."

"Relying on the skills I learned from you in the army, at the beginning I single-handedly turned the people who were beaten up by the gangsters in this area to the ground, and the shit was gone. Even a dozen of them were not enough for me to punch me. After that, no one beat me. , they all support me as a big brother. Some people pee their pants when they see me. I am also ruthless enough. I dare to do things that others dare not do. I am not afraid of death at all. This is what you taught me Yes. So a lot of people come to me for some shameful things. The money they give is not much, but it is enough for me to eat and drink. I am so depraved. In fact, it is not that I have no chance to make money. There are many drug addicts in this area. , They persuaded me to play this game, the guy who persuaded me at that time let me stab me, I told them that they can do any bad things under my hands, but there are two things that cannot be committed, first, do not touch drugs, and second, do not bully Women. They all remember it, but many people don’t want to mix with me anymore, and they all go to climb high branches. So, I’m still poor.”

"Daozi, I didn't teach you for nothing. I'm very happy, really. If you did those things, we really wouldn't be brothers." Lin Qiang sighed.

"I still remember that boy Gousheng, who was seduced by a beautiful drug dealer one year, fell into the sex trap of her, and helped drug dealers with drugs. As a result, he was reported, and the instructor picked his hamstring. Tell us, In the future, if anyone dares to be contaminated with drugs, let us end up with the dog. You also said that you can bear anything, but you can’t bear this. I also said this to my subordinates at the time. I said: My instructor said, Drugs do a lot of harm to people, and they ruin people's lives. If I dare to touch it in the future, I will be killed, so I am quite scared. I may not be able to say that my instructor will fall from the sky one day and really kill me. At that time, I will regret it. "

"At that time, those boys were all laughing down there, and said to me, the boss is relying on your ability, who can kill you? I told them that my ability was taught by the instructor, and I even touched his edges No, he alone beats me with more than [-], so you don’t have to doubt, he is a myth in the jungle, don’t say you have seen such a person, I think you may not have even heard of it, but I have seen it , I really saw it. Suddenly they stopped talking."

"Leizi is here, Zhanying is here, you are all here, it's great, but the black head has entered, but I will find a way, it won't take long to get him out, don't worry."

"I can't be bothered to talk to that black-headed man. He later joined the Jin family. What is the Jin family? They do all kinds of bad things. He is a dog for others and earns 1 yuan a month. What's the big deal? I look down on him, he came to me, I didn’t talk to him, he begged me, I still didn’t talk. He asked me why, I said that the Jin family is a drug dealer, and that Jin Xiaoming bullies women, what the instructor said you Have you forgotten all?"

"Heitou cried, and he said he had no choice. He was the only labor force in the family, and he still couldn't make any money. The whole family was waiting for him to make money to eat. Jin Xiaoming is not a thing, just wait for God to punish him. This matter He can't control it, he just needs to control himself not to be hungry, just control his wife and children. Paralyzed, rich people wear gold and silver one by one, and use money as tissues, and they didn't stand up to uphold justice, why? We poor ghosts come out and clamor.

I said you should pull it down, you're boring, you're a dog and I'm a human, and humans can't communicate with dogs, so just don't meet each other in the future, but I didn't expect him to go in in the end.Only now did I know that the instructor was the one who pushed the Jin family there. It seems that I wrongly blamed him. Knife sighed, and began to wipe his tears: "What do you think our group of people are doing? The whole f*ck is begging for food."These days, if you have a good heart, you will definitely starve to death. Instructor, I once suspected that what you told us back then was all wrong. "

"Knife, don't be such a bullshit, you think I can't understand what you mean. You also believe that the instructor is a cheater, and you can only be today by lying to the eldest lady of the Fang Group, right?" Zhanying suddenly turned his head and scolded : "Do you think the instructor violated his own words and did something that is unworthy of his conscience?"

"I didn't—" Knife hesitated: "It's right to do it, this world is like this, why only the wicked are allowed to get rich."

"Instructor and Fang Xiao, Fang's affairs are not like the rumors outside. You will gradually know in the future. Her Fang family's country was originally kept by the instructor. I think you are a pig!"

Daozi was crying: "To be honest, I heard that the king of thousands of kings was called Lin Qiang at first, and I thought he insulted the name. He didn't contact the instructor at all. I think this person is cheating money and sex. Things, people who bully women, I will definitely not spare him when I saw him. It was not until I saw the instructor just now that I suddenly realized that the king of thousands of kings they said was the instructor. At that time, I knew that everyone outside was wrong. There must be a big misunderstanding inside. The instructor is not that kind of person. I know who he is best. Others will change, but he can’t. So I don’t want to hear any facts. I am superstitious about the instructor. I know he will definitely It's innocent, so you don't have to talk nonsense with me and provoke our pure relationship."

"If you have such thoughts again, I will kill you." Zhan Ying gave him a hard look.

"You don't need to kill me, I'll kill myself." The knife giggled.

"What suicide, this good day just came, what are you all thinking?" Lin Qiang understands the knife, in this materialistic world, everyone has thoughts in their hearts, and they will change.It's not as simple as the jungle here, good people are good people, and bad people are bad people.There is no telling the good from the bad here.

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