The female president's personal soldier

Chapter 360 Taking out Chen Yuexian's legacy

"In short, I don't care if you fell into someone else's trap. In short, I know that you owe me 1000 million to [-] million. You should think about how to repay the debt yourself? Don't think about borrowing money from your bastard boyfriend. If you really don't want to come back, I can help you." Lin Qiang smiled sinisterly at Leng Aojiao.

Leng Aojiao said palely: "Boss, as long as you give me another tens of millions, Henry will definitely make money, I beg you." Old Tan suddenly murmured: "Why do I think your boyfriend is a liar? What he said to you and what he did are obviously tricks. He may be a cheater who cheats money and sex."

"You are the cheater, all of you are cheaters, Henry is definitely not." Leng Aojiao said stubbornly: "Henry is a graduate of a prestigious university, he just had bad luck, how could he lie to me. "

In order to make Leng Aojiao completely give up, Lin Qiang pondered for a while and said: "Actually, it is not impossible for you to borrow money from me, but we have to go through a formality. My money is also money, and you can't be generous to others, right? I Look at this, you asked your Henry to give me his company, locked stocks, etc., as collateral, let him come to China, and we signed a contract in person, so it's okay, right? "


Lin Qiang said: "I'm a businessman, so everything must be done according to the rules of a businessman. You can't make trouble unreasonably. After all, I don't owe you anything, so some necessary procedures must be followed. And you have to thank me, If you don't believe me, go out and find someone now to see if he will lend you so much money. If you still don't agree, it means that you are really bad, and you don't even have the most basic principles of life. don't know."

It's not that Leng Aojiao doesn't understand the principles of being a human being, it's just that she is a little confused and loses her senses, but she thought carefully that what Lin Qiang said was not wrong at all, so she nodded quickly: "I'll call him right away. "Lin Qiang didn't bother to listen to her call, and took Lao Tan back to the room.Besides, he estimated that the so-called Henry would not be able to offer any collateral. He was clearly a liar, so what was the collateral?

But he didn't expect Henry to be so courageous, and Leng Aojiao came back after a while: "Boss, Henry promised to mortgage the company and stocks to you." Lin Qiang smiled coldly in his heart: "When did he say? Have you come to China?" Leng Aojiao said a little excitedly: "It will probably take three to five days."

"Okay, I'll wait for him, as long as his mortgage is real and valid, I will give you face."

After Leng Aojiao left, Lin Qiang asked Lao Tan for advice: "Lu Minghua challenged me again, this time he said he wanted to play cards, but you also said that cards are the most difficult of all gambling skills. I have been practicing hard since then, and I have achieved some results, but compared with Lu Minghua's decades of skill, I am afraid it is still not good."

Old Tan lowered his head and smoked, and the smoke covered his head: "Boss, I saw Lu Minghua's gambling skills last time, and found that he was not very strong, but since he is the king of gambling in Jiangnan, he shouldn't be too bad. I began to wonder if our Tianji Sect's gambling skills are better than his, so this is the case?"

"Then you mean—"

Old Tan said: "People outside say that the God of Gamblers Tianwai Feixian is the strongest among all gambling skills. I have never seen it, but I think our Tianjimen's tricks are not bad. Why don't we just be evil these few days?" Make it up, maybe he is really stronger than Lu Minghua, if it doesn't work, I really can't help it."

Lin Qiang stretched his waist: "I'm going to take a nap now. When I wake up, we'll start practicing tricks and tricks. Let's see if we get lucky. I hope it works. If Lu Minghua is really a rookie, we'll make a lot of money this time." That's it. At that time, I will definitely not treat Brother Tan badly."

"Boss, I don't want this kind of money. You forgot our house rules."

Lin Qiang smiled: "I won't give you this kind of money, I'll give you [-]% of the shares of the Lin Group as the head office, it will save you from worrying about money in the future."

Old Tan was so excited that he couldn't speak: "Boss, this won't work, this really won't work, how can I get you so much money, I didn't do anything, and I, my level is not good enough to be an executive." Lin Qiang patted him on the shoulder: "Brother Tan, don't worry so much, just hang out with me in the future, and you won't suffer if you keep it."

Old Tan thanked him and went out. Lin Qiang practiced gambling for a while, and then lay down. Maybe he was a little tired, but fell asleep after a while.I don't know how much time has passed, I was walking in a daze, and found that it was already dawn, and I fell asleep for a night and a half.

"Why are you so tired?" Lin Qiang shook his head.

When he went downstairs, he saw Hong Ling eating potato chips and watching Korean dramas in the living room, and jumped up when he saw him: "Hey, you know, a lot of people came to see you last night."

"Who's looking for me?" Lin Qiang took a water glass to get a glass of water and came out.

"There are Pang Tianshu, Chen Meirong, and the King of Gamblers. There are also a few islanders who say that it was a book that was stolen and asked you to film. They still have your contract. We don't know what it is for. , but according to your order, they were all blocked outside, and they were not allowed to come in, so this is right."

Lin Qiang just took a sip of water and sprayed it. He really didn't expect Yiben Pirate to come to his door at this time. He was not afraid of anything else, but Yiben Pirate's contract was indeed signed by himself, and he couldn't deny it.He wanted to just pay them a little money, and it would be considered liquidated damages.

"What did Pang Tianshu say?"

Hong Ling said: "I didn't say anything, I just planned to borrow money from you, and he didn't say anything about it. We just told him that you just came back from abroad and were very tired, so he left. The most important thing is that he That bastard son is so annoying, I really want to beat him up."

"Pang Sheng still doesn't know how to restrain himself, and sooner or later he will cause a big disaster." Lin Qiang sighed in his heart, and suddenly he thought of the things Chen Yuexian left him.

"Come out with me." Lin Qiang said.

They got outside and drove a Mercedes, and out the gate.There were several cars parked in Lin Qiang's yard, all of which belonged to the former Jincheng Group. Their cars were all under the company's name, so when the company collapsed, they naturally came under Lin Qiang's name.Lin Qiang held the key to the safe in his hand, feeling very anxious.

This safe is at Jinling Bank, which is not very large and is a local bank.But their safe is still very safe, and like other banks, they only recognize the key but not the person, and anyone who comes is fine.As long as you have the key, you can open the safe.

But some banks are not allowed. Even if you have the key, you must sign it. If the signature does not match, they will not let you in.Chen Yuexian must have thought of this when choosing this bank.She herself would never be able to access the things stored in it.

The staff of the bank received Lin Qiang warmly, took him to the safe, opened it for him, and left.Lin Qiang took a look and saw that there were all documents in it, no matter what 21, he took them out and put them in his schoolbag, then came back and took them to his room to read.

"What are these?" Hong Ling asked.

"The shareholding document has already signed my name. This piece of paper tells me to go to a lawyer to go through the formalities. It seems that Sister Yuexian has prepared everything in advance. Here is a [-]% stake." Lin Qiangyi It can be seen that apart from the [-]% of the shares, there are also assets under Chen Yuexian's name, as well as bank deposits, which were all transferred to the heirs of the shares after her death.That is, in Lin Qiang's hands.

There was only one signature on the share certificate, and that was Chen Yuexian. After thinking for a while, Lin Qiang signed his name on Party B's place, and then prepared to go to a lawyer.He thought that Chen Yuexian must have another trick. If he was not the one who got the safe, the lawyer might refuse to carry it out.

"This is Lawyer Liu Changhe, where is it?" Lin Qiang searched the Internet but found nothing: "This is strange, the lawyer Miss Yuexian is looking for must be a barrister, and he is not on the Internet, what is going on? , if that’s the case, who should I go to for the formalities?”

"How much property do you have?"

"A few hundred million yuan." Lin Qiang said, "Most of them are shares." Hong Ling said, "Chen Yuexian should have a lot of money, isn't that too bad?"

Lin Qiang shook his head: "Pang Tianshu probably took them away."

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