The female president's personal soldier

Chapter 344 Western Martial Arts

"A customer of the bank." Lin Qiang smiled wryly: "I came here to withdraw money, but I didn't expect to encounter such a thing. Are you a policeman or someone?"

The man was puzzled for a moment, and then took a breath: "I'm an employee of the bank. I really didn't expect to encounter such a thing?" Lin Qiang looked at him carefully, and saw that he was 1.8 meters five, with golden hair. Long hair, light blue eyes so clear, full of thick murderous look, the upturned mouth corners added a bit of cold murderous look to his handsome face.

"You are not a bank employee, you are a killer, I can tell." Lin Qiang rolled his eyes: "What's going on?"

The man was obviously a little afraid of Lin Qiang, so he hurriedly backed up and said in a low voice: "Don't do anything, I said, I am indeed a bank employee, the killer is a thing of the past, and I am a first-class citizen now." He took off the hanger carefully. Lin Qiang threw the card on his chest, "You can read it if you don't believe me."

Lin Qiang took a look and said, "You are Kane's son, right?"

"How do you know?" The man was taken aback.

"Idiot, you can tell by your appearance. If you weren't a son, how dare you wear such long hair to work. I have something to tell you, your father, ah, died just now."

"I know." He sneered: "It's good to die. He deserves to die. In fact, when I was very young, I didn't understand why people like him should live."

"So you became a killer?"

"Some things are very complicated to say, and we will discuss them later. I am going to save those people on the board of directors. Can you help me? It seems that the police outside are unreliable."

Lin Qiang rubbed his chin: "Ah, can I understand it this way, you hate your father, and then you find some people to rob the bank, take the opportunity to kill him, and then go to save the people on the board of directors, so that they will be particularly grateful to you, In order to take over the bank smoothly."

"No. Although I hate him, I can't kill him, so I can't live with my conscience. My friend, your imagination is too rich."

"Well, I'm just guessing wildly, and these things have nothing to do with me. But our purpose is still the same, which is to save people." Lin Qiang said to him: "I counted just now, and they came to a total of 50 people." People, we have killed fifteen people just now, which means there are still 35 people below, what are you going to do?"

"My name is Donnie. I think you can kill many of them at once with your ghostly action just now, so there is nothing to study." Donnie shrugged his shoulders smartly: "I haven't met Before you, I was trying to get in touch with the police, but now I don't think it's necessary. As long as you take action and I protect the people on the board, everything is OK."

"That's impossible." Lin Qiang thought to himself that this guy is really selfish, he only cares about himself and ignores others, if he does this, how many hostages will die.

"I won't cooperate with you like this. I want to ensure the safety of most people's lives."

Downey smiled: "Who doesn't want to be a hero, so do I, but you have to know that it's impossible, no matter what, people will die here today, unless you're a god."

"20 report your case, report your case."

Lin Qiang gestured on his lips, and quickly picked up the walkie-talkie: "Boss, I'm Peter. The people who came up just now died again, and now I'm also in the hands of this person. Please help me."

"What? Alone? Who?"

Lin Qiang raised his eyebrows at Donnie, who shrugged his shoulders and mouthed, "What are you doing?" Lin Qiang waved his hand, meaning that he would answer first.

Downey rolled his eyes and said in a mechanical voice: "Listen, you gangsters, I'm the company's security guard, and I'm going to annihilate you now, so hurry up and leave."

"Ah, haha." The leader laughed loudly: "Okay, then I'll have fun with you, Winnie, go up and kill him." This Winnie is probably that short girl.

Turning off the walkie-talkie, Downey said to Lin Qiang, "What on earth do you want to do?" Lin Qiang suddenly walked towards a large glass in front of him, smashed it to pieces with a bang, and squatted on the ground to pick up the pieces: "I don't want to do anything, just I want to eliminate as many of their vital forces as possible, and then notify the police to cooperate with our actions, so that I can be sure that everyone can be rescued."

"What are you doing with the glass?"

"You'll know in a while, they're coming up." Lin Qiang reminded him.

Downey blinked, but he didn't hear a sound, but he felt a very powerful force coming up: "It's Winnie."

"Hold that Winnie first, and I'll deal with the others. They're just a bunch of little ants. It's no big deal." Lin Qiang stood up slowly.

"Huh!" There was a sharp whistle from downstairs, only to hear the woman named Wei Ni giggling: "I didn't expect that there are such powerful masters in this bank, so I will come up to you. It's just If you do this, the hostages below will die soon, and the leader is killing the hostages."

Lin Qiang heard a scream and a gunshot as if someone had really been killed.But there was no way around it, the police outside had no intention of rushing in, there was only so much he could do.

Lin Qiang's jiu jitsu can suck the wall. He could do it before, but he couldn't achieve it.It was only after his skill increased that he practiced this move. At this moment, he had already climbed onto the roof.Looking down from above, Winnie also tore off her mask, she is a black-haired white person, she is small and cute, but her eyes are very vicious, like a scorpion.

Winnie came up from downstairs with a medieval milky-white foil sword in her hand, followed by more than a dozen bandits.In addition, Lin Qiang saw a small round shield on Wei Ni's left arm, which seemed to be used in conjunction with the foil sword.

"Oh, it turned out to be a small piece of fresh meat. It's really a big harvest today." Wei Ni covered her mouth in a cheerful way, and suddenly the foil slashed outwards, a milky white cross-shaped sword that radiated light, aimed at Donnie. Chopped over.Lin Qiang still doesn't know what kind of system Donny and the others practice.So he climbed up to the wall, in fact, also intended to watch the battle, to take a closer look at the details of these people.

Tang Ni's eyes suddenly turned blood red, and his whole body exuded a frenzied murderous aura. The claw of his right hand grabbed the air fiercely, and the sword aura was shattered, and the energy dissipated without a trace.Following him, his height seemed to have skyrocketed by five centimeters, his legs bent, and he jumped, and he jumped more than three meters away.The tyrannical explosive force pushed her towards Wei Ni's chest.

Winnie made a somersault on the ground, dodged deftly, and the cross-foil sword slashed out again, and the sword energy that followed like a shadow condensed towards Donnie's back.But Donnie's speed was obviously faster than her foil sword. Although she ran away, the two gangsters suffered. His sharp claws cleanly tore off the neck of one of the big men, and the other hand But he took out a beating heart.

Then he yelled loudly.

"Werewolf Cosmos!" Winnie chuckled, "No wonder you are so smart. It turns out to be a Werewolf Cosmos, but it's still a bit worse than mine." She suddenly spun crazily, and the entire hall was filled with foil swords. His shadow quickly enveloped Downey's whole body.

At this time, the gangsters were not idle, and began to pull the trigger and shoot Downey.Lin Qiang could no longer watch the battle. Suddenly, he threw his hands out, and countless transparent hidden weapons flew out, hitting the necks of eight gunmen. They grunted a few times, and they all fell limply to the ground.

At this time Downey had already been hit by countless foil swords in the back, but the werewolf Cosmos he cultivated seemed to be rough-skinned and thick-skinned, and it was not fatal.

So Lin Qiang immediately joined the battle group, because he appeared too abruptly and too fast, and with the body skills of the unjust soul, he would only appear behind the opponent, so Wei Ni saw that her companion was dead, and wanted to retreat When it was too late to call the police, Lin Qiang quickly appeared behind her and twisted her neck tightly.


Winnie heard a sound from her neck, and was immediately too frightened to move.

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