The female president's personal soldier

Chapter 339 The Account Manager's Trouble

"No, I won't let you go. This is neither Yanjing nor Jinling. We have no influence at all. In the past, there was Miss Mieko in the island country. What do we have now? Brother Qiang, don't meddle in other people's business , in case something happens, how can I explain to everyone. You have to know that everyone puts all their hopes on you, and you don't live for yourself. "

Lin Qiang was a little anxious: "I'm going to take a look, not just to meddle in other people's business, but also to try their martial arts and see what kind of system they have cultivated. I can't see it. Moreover, just now What you said is just a guess, maybe he is still a first-class citizen. Then again, when did you see something happened to Brother Qiang?"

"That's not okay. There is no one who doesn't wet his shoes when he often walks by the river. Anyway, I won't let you go, and I won't let you go no matter what."

Lin Qiang patted her small face twice: "Go back quickly, this is the boss's order, otherwise I will fire you. How is it written in the employee code?"

"Brother Qiang!" Zhang Man stomped his feet, and Lin Qiang had disappeared.When he reappeared, he was already ten feet away, and there was a thick black air coming out of his whole body.Zhang Man rubbed his eyes, thinking he was dazzled.She hadn't seen Lin Qiang for a long time, and she really didn't know that such a big change had taken place in him.

"It should be fine." Zhang Man said to himself.

Because of the delay, the two people had already gone a long way, and Lin Qiang was not very familiar with the path here, so he found their traces again after turning several turns by feeling.And because he was afraid of the strange internal strength of the two people just now, he didn't dare to get close at all, and always kept a distance of ten feet away.

At this time, Lin Qiang suddenly saw a huge black bat flying down from a three-storey building in front of him, and he was so frightened that he hid in the dark, turned his external breath into internal breath, and completely hid himself.Lin Qiang felt that no matter what kind of internal strength the other party cultivated, it should be impossible for him to find himself, a person who is not breathing.Unless they are gods.

Of course, he has seen from the martial arts cheats that a real master of internal skills can feel the spirit of a person.But warriors in the innate realm can still restrain their energy until the end of training, and their bodies are like earth and rocks.In short, every martial art has a method of restraint, which cannot be wrong.

The huge bat landed on the ground and turned into a tall and thin man. His face could not be seen clearly in the dark, but he had a beard and a black cloak, and his voice was like a parrot singing. There was a feeling of headache that made Lin Qiang almost plug his ears: "How is the preparation going?"

"Count, we are ready. We only need to wait for the first wave of attack to be in place before we can fully launch. But I am afraid that the news will be inaccurate." The woman knelt on the ground and said, clutching her chest.

"According to Baron Henry's information, in the Swiss bank's vault, there should be gold bricks worth a billion dollars. As long as you rush in and open the vault, you can get this wealth, so you don't have any doubts at all. Just rush tomorrow morning Just go in. I will arrange other things freely, so go.”

"Yes, Lord Earl." The moment the two knelt on the ground and kowtowed, the huge black bat flew up again, and disappeared after a few ups and downs.Lin Qiang saw that his movement was extremely weird, like a ghost in the dark night. Whether it was exerting force or using energy, it was completely different from the Central Plains martial arts, but it happened to be very powerful, so he immediately felt very interested.However, due to his lack of understanding of these people's cultivation systems, he was not sure whether he could beat them.

The man and woman stood up, each spit on the ground, as if cursed in a low voice, and then ran towards the opposite alley, not far away was the location of the Union Bank of Switzerland.

Lin Qiang thought that although he was no longer a soldier, he couldn't have no sense of justice at all.Judging by their posture, there may be a large-scale raid on the Swiss Bank, otherwise why choose it during the day.This is the most puzzling place.So he chased for a while, and found that the two had entered a hotel next to the Swiss bank, so he stopped chasing.Instead, he turned back and went to the bank.

The bank is open 24 hours, but there must be fewer people at night than during the day. When Lin Qiang entered, he found that there were not many customers inside.

The account manager happened to be the same account manager who received him before. She was a very fashionable and beautiful young woman with blond hair and white eyes, coquettish eyes, and a very elegant and sincere manner of speaking.When she first met Lin Qiang, she told Lin Qiang that she was single and asked him if he wanted to date.

Lin Qiang told her: "If you tell me your client information, I'll date you." Linda shrugged: "Anything else is fine, if you change your mind, you can come to me at any time." So when Lin Qiang came in At that time, she walked over in surprise, subconsciously thinking that Lin Qiang had changed his mind.

"Hurry up and call the police, someone is going to rob—" Lin Qiang said hastily.

"Oh, Mr. Lin, you are really humorous. You mean to rob me. I'm here. I don't think you should notify the police about this."

"No, it's not, it's really urgent."

Linda quickly grabbed his tie and said in a low and sweet voice: "Hey, young man, no matter how anxious you are, you still have to wait until after I get off work. Now is really not the time, wait for me, don't go away, I still have Two hours." At this time, someone asked her to do business, and she walked away quickly with winking eyes.

Lin Qiang patted his forehead: "My god, Western women really can't stand it. It's okay to keep thinking about such things. Don't men and women have nothing else?" Seeing her handling business, Lin Qiang was beside her Waiting for her, planning to talk to her later, if it doesn't work, he will go to the police station to call the police.

But after a long time, she was still chattering endlessly with that bald old man, as if she had encountered some difficult problem and couldn't solve it.

Lin Qiang picked up a newspaper and showed it there. Anyway, there was still some time before dawn, so he was not very anxious.At this time, a few more people came in from outside the door. The leader was a big bald man in a plaid suit, about 50 years old, very decent, very rich, and very stylish.

He was accompanied by two beauties and four bodyguards, walking like a demonstration.As soon as he entered the door, a bodyguard shouted loudly: "Is your person in charge here? Mr. Wade wants to talk to him. Is it okay to ask him to come out? It's not a big deal."

Linda, the account manager, was entangled by the bald old man with white beard just now, and couldn't get out at all. The old man followed her almost wherever she went, and the saliva from her mouth was almost sprayed on her face because of her excitement. So Linda hurriedly asked her subordinates to receive it.

It seems that the senior management of the bank has already left work, and there are not many people who can handle emergencies at present.Another account manager who came right after him received this troublesome looking guy.

I just heard him yelling: "The 1000 million dollars I want, why haven't they been prepared for me? You have to know that you have delayed my big business. Mr. Wade's business is very big. What do you say? , is going to make me lose a lot of money, hurry up, hurry up and get ready for me."

"Sir, I'm really sorry, we've tried our best to prepare, but today there are three big customers who want to withdraw a large amount of US dollars, adding up to more than 1 million yuan. There is not such a large amount of funds in the bank. We have to go It takes time to raise money, please wait patiently, you must know that our Swiss bank has a very good reputation, and we will not let you down no matter what.”

"Then I don't care. My business will start in half an hour. I'm required to bring cash. If I don't have cash, I can't do it. You guys want to kill me." The bald head began to rage loudly.

"You go first and wait for me at home. I may not be able to get away for a while, and I don't know how it happened. Two big customers came to ask for money. Today's banking system happened to have some malfunctions. , I can’t get any money, I guess I’m going to get off work later, you take the key and go to my house to take a shower, and I’ll be back in a while.” At this moment, Linda came over suddenly and stuffed a key into Lin Qiang’s palm.

"Hey, I have something urgent to do too."

Before Lin Qiang could react, a few more people came to the door suddenly. They also looked very wealthy. They were a middle-aged fat man with a shy belly and said, "Hey, your bank's reputation is too bad. Where's my money?"

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