The female president's personal soldier

Chapter 255 The Script Starts from the Network Literature Department

After putting down the phone, Lin Qiang went to the film and entertainment department on the [-]th floor for a meeting. He had asked Han Linlin to call in advance, so everyone in the film and entertainment department was waiting for him in the conference room.During Lin Qiang's departure, Zhang Chi had been working in the presiding department. From decoration to layout, everything had been completed.

In addition to a large open office, there are several separate offices, one of which belongs to Lin Qiang.In addition, a small meeting room was opened up separately.

Lin Qiang found that a meeting room was full of people. Apart from his own staff, there were a few people he didn't know, and Zhang Chi probably poached them from various departments.

"Brother, you're back. Everyone misses you so much. I've prepared everything here, and it can be put into operation soon. Mr. An came here a few days ago, and she was quite satisfied, just urging us to do something quickly." It's not a problem to delay the business, what's your plan." Zhang Chi said in a hurry as soon as he came up.

"Boss Lin!" Everyone stood up and said.

"Hey, Meizhi looks pretty in a suit, so let's wear it like this from now on." Lin Qiang said with a smile, "Sit down, everyone, let's have a meeting." Lin Meizhi said coquettishly, "Brother Qiang, I I miss you. Next time you go abroad, you must take me with you, let me see and see, and open my eyes."

Lu Yanping said: "Zhang Chi has transferred some people from various departments. Come on, you guys introduce yourself." Lin Qiang saw that all the beauties Zhang Chi transferred were not only beautiful, but also in good shape. They were all 1.6 meters tall. Five or more, they stood up and introduced themselves, one is Sun Xiuran, one is Li Mi, and the other is Zhou Nana!
"Very good, so what can I say?" Lin Qiang was not expected to be an administrator. Now that he is in charge of a department, it is really a bit of a rush. He didn't take it seriously at first, but after being in contact with the business these few days , and felt completely clueless, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

"Zhang Chi, do you have any business these days? By the way, please tell me about the company's previous business in film and television. I heard that it lost money, right?"

Lu Yanping said: "I am quite clear about this. About the year before last and last year, Mr. Fang invested in and filmed more than a dozen films. Mr. Lin, you also know that the domestic film market has always been bad. In the past, everyone watched Hong Kong and Taiwan. Now I am obsessed with American blockbusters. In short, no one watches movies in mainland China. Moreover, the SARFT is also very strict. If there is a slight step on the line, it will be banned. The movies made by Mr. Fang are not good at the box office. There were three films that failed the review and were not screened directly, but the actors are all big names, so the money that should be given is still given, so the compensation is quite miserable. There is a film made by the Korean star Song Zhuangji, which directly asked for 90 million, although It hasn’t been released yet, but the money was passed on to other people. There are four other films in the style of family ethics, which are very touching, but the market is really too bad. Modern people’s lives are under great pressure, and they all like to watch something that they like to hear and see. Yes There was no interest in that one, so the box office was abysmal, and sometimes it was even shut down. In the [-]s, that kind of film was passable, but now it’s really not good.”

"Is there any more?" Lin Qiang smiled wryly in his heart, what is Fang Muyue doing, filming that style of liars, isn't this deliberately looking for abuse, and now it's all commercial films, and everyone is watching excitement.

Zhang Chi said: "I heard Mr. Fang say this in a meeting before. Mr. Fang thinks that the current film market is a bit vulgar, and he hopes to shoot some liars who can awaken human conscience and promote positive energy, so the four films are freshly released. .later--"

"Later, these four films did not make any money, and several other films could not be released. At that time, the book was also written by a well-known playwright in China, but Mr. Fang told him not to step on the line in advance, but this guy ignored them all. , and was also suspected of plagiarizing Aunt Qiong from Taiwan, which turned out to be exorbitant. Mr. Fang wanted to deduct 3000 million screenwriting fees from him, but he didn't expect that Shen Meili from the finance department would directly transfer it to the account Mr. Fang is still very angry about this."

It's Shen Meili again!
Chen Bei said: "These are secondary. We don't care about administrative matters. We only talk about our film and television department's own affairs. I heard that we made a few more films later, but because there was no money at that time, the quality was not good. Go, I still have to imitate other people's "Chain Saw", "Zombie Rising" and so on. In the end, Mr. Lin, I mean nothing else, it's ridiculous, or you can look back for yourself, I'm about to throw up."

"This—" Lin Qiang also found it funny. He knew that the special effects of Huaxia movies were not good enough, many technical things were not up to the mark, and the actors were not used to playing those legendary roles. For things with strong ethics, there is always an expression of bitterness and hatred, the sense of reality is too strong, there is no meaning of legend at all, and there is a lack of understanding of idol dramas.

"Zhang Chi, continue." Lin Qiang didn't have any ideas yet, but he couldn't be ashamed in front of a few newcomers, so he pushed on a few experienced subordinates.

"Brother, it's like this. I met with Lu Yanping, Chen Bei, and Zhang Man, and we felt that police and gangster-themed movies and horror-themed movies are very popular now. Individual heroism is popular in Hollywood, and it is always necessary to save the earth, but The cost of science fiction is too huge, and a movie can even shoot down a medium-sized company, so don’t think about it for the time being, but brain-burning police and gangster themes, and horror movies, hurry up.”

Lu Yanping said: "In addition, in China in recent years, the major dramas that have won awards in recent years are generally historical dramas, and the box office is not low, such as "Golden Armor", "Confucius" and "Certificate of Fame". Although there are rich pictures and philosophies, the viewing effect is not very strong, and it is not suitable for the largest box office consumer group."

Lin Qiang thought to himself, young people usually line up to watch movies at the entrance of the cinema, and they would definitely not like them. American movies are thrilling and exciting, and they also have touching love stories. This is one of the reasons for their success. If you want to shoot the effect like others, the investment is too big, and you can't do it.

Lin Qiang giggled: "Let me just say some personal opinions. In fact, I don't know much about making movies and TV sets. I'm okay with watching movies. I used to like watching horror movies, and I browsed them on my mobile phone. It seems that in free movies, Horror films are the most important, and the investment will not be huge, what do you think?"

Chen Bei said with a bitter face: "Boss Lin, your idea is really good, but the level of horror movies in China is really bad. Don't compare it with the United States. It is also far behind Hong Kong. The director and actors are all bad. Sometimes the money is thrown into the sea, the key is that the audience has no confidence in us."

"That's right, if I want to watch horror movies, I also watch Hong Kong ones. The Hong Kong film market has been sluggish in the past two years, and there are very few films made. I only watch Japanese ones, Thai ones, and mainland ones. Even if there are good books, I still shoot them." No effect. To put it bluntly, it’s not even as good as Thailand, so—” Zhang Man said.

"That's why you all tend to shoot brain-burning movies about cops and robbers."

Let's nod together!
Lin Qiang suddenly said to them: "I know you all have good ideas, but brain-burning police movies require high-quality books. At least I haven't seen a few that are really worrying. They are all shoddy, and the most important That is, this kind of film must have a big-name star to attract attention and make effects, but if that happens, the cost of the film will also increase, and it will cost [-] million at every turn, which is really unbearable."

"One hundred million is not enough. Brother Qiang, do you know that when the action star Li Chejie was paid a standard 1000 million US dollars in the [-]s, it has already doubled now. What's more, Brother Cheng and the others!" Lu Zong Ping said: "But you are right. Horror movies do the opposite. On the contrary, they are more exciting and more realistic. Otherwise, everyone will see it as fake and boring."

Lin Qiang said: "I also saw that the United States is doing this. Their horror films are boldly using newcomers, so the cost is low and more real. Huaxia always uses big stars to catch people's attention, and all the money is paid for." I gave it to them, but after the shooting started, the part that exceeded the budget could only save money in key places such as special effects. "

Zhang Chi smiled: "Brother, it seems that you have made up your mind to make a horror film, right? Senior Lin Zhengying is the ancestor in this respect, why don't we invite a Hong Kong director over here."

"The director will talk about it in two days. The key now is to read the script. Without a good script, everything is empty talk. It's like a clever woman can't cook without rice. Therefore, our next job is to find the script as soon as possible. That's it, you all go Find it, find it online, how about reading online novels?"

"Internet novel?" Everyone shook their heads together: "The quality is too bad."

"Not necessarily. In fact, I have watched a few movies a while ago. They are much better than you imagined. There are many amazing talents among them, and the price they want for the time being is not too high. Zhang Chi, you assign people, it is best to do it later. There are a few people looking for books on the Internet, we not only want to make movies, but also make TV series. Let’s start with online novels.”

"I think great playwrights are reliable." Zhang Man sighed.

"What's the point? The one Mr. Fang found last time didn't lose money. Just listen to my brother. My brother is right. He can always perform miracles." Zhang Chi strongly supported Lin Qiang.

"Well, let's make it so." Lin Qiang concluded: "For the first film to be a horror theme, find the book from online literature, don't hire big-name stars, and invest all the money in special effects."

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