The female president's personal soldier

Chapter 251 A Happy Farewell

"Honey, don't be angry. Besides, don't parents care about us?" Lin Qiang persuaded Fang Muyue in the car.Fang Muyue sat on the co-pilot with red eyes: "I don't care about us, I care about you, right? It's reasonable for some people to flirt with each other all day long. I provoked whoever I provoked. Even being scolded, I really don’t know if I’m their own.”

"But your slap was a bit harsh." Lin Qiang touched his face, which seemed a little wrinkled.Fang Muyue sighed, and kept her mouth shut.

After a while, she went crazy: "Don't pretend to be pitiful, let me see that there are fewer beatings, I won't beat you, you still go outside tomorrow to tease this and that, do you want to annoy me to death? I told you about my things and others Can't touch it, I have already decided to give birth tonight."

"Ah!" Lin Qiang's expression changed drastically.

When they got home, Biaozi and Link stopped them and said, "Miss uncle, someone from Luo's family is here. He has been waiting for a long time. He is a very rude person."

"Crazy Luo!" Lin Qiang smiled: "It's okay, you guys go and have some barbecue, I'm treating you, I've worked hard for you these days, Link, put two sea dongqing around the roof, don't let anyone break in."


Fang Muyue asked Lin Qiang who this Link was, and Lin Qiang told her that he was a master invited by him. He was very powerful. He was the one who killed the Indian vulture last time.Fang Muyue suddenly became interested, and pestered him to ask questions, and when he mentioned 'boiling the eagle', he suddenly couldn't believe it.

"Is it really going to be three days and three nights?"

"Sometimes it may take seven days and seven nights, and people almost die."

"Can I try?"

Lin Qiang said: "I don't know much about this. I will let Link teach you later. Next time you have a meeting, stand two Costin on your shoulders. If Shen Meili challenges you again, you will let Costin out. Just peck her eyes, and she will become blind." Fang Muyue prayed infinitely longingly: "Wow, so majestic, oh yes, I saw it on TV, it is really majestic, I must have one .”

Lin Qiang didn't care too much, because it's not something ordinary people can do to boil an eagle, but he didn't expect Fang Muyue to be self-willed, and she must get what she wants, and this really took it to heart.So it took a lot of effort to help her tame a sea dongqing.

"If you want to play eagle, you will be more like the second ancestor."

They were talking and laughing, and they came to the door after a while, Ke Ke jumped out to greet them with a series of hearty laughter: "Haha, Brother Lin, you are finally back, I have been waiting for a long time."

"Uncle Luo, why don't you call me? Why, are you looking for me for a drink? How about we have a drink?" Lin Qiang hasn't had a drink for a long time. When you meet someone with a bad temper, drink two glasses of bragging, relax and feel good.

"Okay, just drink two glasses." Crazy Luo suddenly said to Fang Muyue: "Your wife can't do it, I don't think there is anything in your refrigerator?"

Fang Muyue stuck out her tongue: "Uncle Ba, I usually don't know how to cook, it's all cooked by Lin Qiang, why don't we go out to eat."

"That's fine too."

Lin Qiang said: "That's just right. I have a few brothers who are eating barbecue now. Let's find them together. For Uncle Luo, their status is low."

"Me." Crazy Luo raised his foot and said, "It's just me, people outside regard me as a beggar, what status do I have?" Lin Qiang suddenly remembered something, and wanted to ask Crazy Luo Woolen cloth.

Fang Muyue giggled: "Uncle Ba, why do you always wear slippers?"

"Slippers are good, you can practice qigong. It's not interesting to wear them comfortably. When I walk like this, I use a lot of force on my feet, so I practice qigong all the time, hehe."

In this way, they called Namiko and Yueying Jiyou to drive out. Lin Qiang called Biaozi and the others on the way, and then they met at the barbecue restaurant together.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Qiang asked Crazy Luo, "Uncle Luo, why didn't you call me just now?"

"Oh, I don't have a mobile phone, so I don't have your number. The mobile phone is so convenient that people will become lazy, so I don't use it. We martial arts people shouldn't have too much fun."

"So that's what you think." Lin Qiang thought to himself, he has always been sloppy, and it's actually for the sake of martial arts practice, this person is a veritable martial idiot.

When Lin Qiang got off the car at the barbecue shop, Fang Muyue began to frown. She rarely came to such crowded and noisy places. As we walked, sometimes we would fight against injustices here.

For him, this kind of messy place full of drunks has become a place for actual combat.So Fang Muyue leaned back and laughed.

Biaozi and the others put the three tables together. I heard that the aunt and the young master, as well as the lunatic Luo from the Luo family, are coming. How dare they eat, let alone drink, they are a little bit silent, but Link is not afraid. Said, rich people don't have good things, so don't give them a good face, of course, except for those who pay, so he is feasting.

"Beer, beer!" Madman Luo greeted from a long distance away.

As soon as Fang Muyue came, everyone stood up and bowed: "Hello Miss, Hello Young Master! Hello Mr. Luo."

"It's not good, it's not good at all. If you are like this, I'm very bad. Everyone, you can order casually. If you don't get drunk today, you won't go home. And I have something important to announce." Crazy Luo said happily.Fang Muyue covered her mouth and said, "Hey, Uncle Ba, you're not sending us a red bomb, are you?"

"What's the red bomb?"

Lin Qiang smiled and said: "She is asking you, won't you want to get married?" Crazy Luo chuckled: "Uncle Ba is not interested in women, women are too troublesome, Uncle Ba likes to practice martial arts."

"Haha, women are nice." Fang Muyue smiled and said, "But I won't argue with you anymore. Let me ask you, what exactly are you going to announce to us?"

Crazy Luo shouted: "Man, I want a big glass of draft beer, and I want all kinds of kebabs. There are ten of them. Hurry up." .Crazy Luo disliked him for being too slow, so he ran to get the wine glass and draft beer bucket, put them here, and asked Biaozi and the others to pour the wine.

Then he stood up with a glass of wine and said, "Brothers, I will announce something to you, which is the most important thing in my life as a lunatic—"

"We're still getting married." Fang Muyue laughed.Lin Qiang told her not to interrupt.Then Crazy Luo went on to say: "My biggest wish in this life is to open a martial arts gym, and my wish is about to come true recently, in the prosperous area of ​​Yanjing, in the generation of Zhengding Street, my martial arts gym was completed, haha. "

"Congratulations." Lin Qiang was really happy for him, and hurriedly stood up and shook hands: "Uncle Luo, this is congratulations to you old man. I don't know when you will open."

"Six days later."

"Pfft!" Both Lin Qiang and Fang Muyue were stunned, and then a look of embarrassment appeared on their faces: "Uncle Luo, we may not be able to go." Crazy Luo was stunned: "What's the matter, don't you give me face? "Fang Muyue hurriedly told him that Lin Qiang was sued, and he happened to be in court six days later.

"Oh, you said that idiot, I've seen it." Crazy Luo said: "My third brother is not a decent person, and Peter is even worse, but he got retribution and died in Tianzhu. You deserve it, Peter, he has caused so many people to live and die, I know there will be such a day sooner or later. But not all of your Fang family are good people, for example, your second uncle and third uncle have done some things. I don't like things, including the one surnamed Chen, and he's a counterfeit, what is it?"

"How do you know he's a counterfeit?" Fang Muyue and Lin Qiang shouted in unison.

"Where's the sign I gave you back?" Crazy Luo smirked at Lin Qiang.

"Here it is!" Lin Qiang took it off and handed it to him.

Crazy Luo looked at it and smiled: "Keep it away, it is a token of Mr. Chen's family, many things will be revealed sooner or later."

Lin Qiang wondered for a moment: "Uncle Luo, where did you get it back? How could I—"

"I know you have looked for it, but you can't find it, but the Kongmen Group belongs to our Luo family after all, right, so it's much easier for me to find it than you. Haha, don't ask me anything else, just ask me again I can't say anymore, just come here, you can't go during the day, but you must come at night, let's drink, after all, I am the one who opened the business."

"Where is that family?"

"I won't get involved with them. The affairs of the Luo family have nothing to do with me in the future."

Lin Qiang hurriedly said: "Uncle Luo, Mu Yue and I will definitely come tonight to congratulate you, the old man, and discuss with your apprentices by the way."

"It's not a discussion, it's pointing to them, haha, let's cheers."

But Lin Qiang didn't expect that today's side with Crazy Luo would become an eternal farewell!When he went there beaming that night, he saw Crazy Luo already lying in the coffin!

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