The female president's personal soldier

Chapter 216 Namiko's Touching Tears

Singer said to Lin Qiang: "I have always wanted to build a 'seat of love', but I only know the concept, but I don't know the specific construction plan. Just now I saw the masterpiece of a wise man in the garden. It turns out that the seat of love is , need to be covered by jasmine creeping vines, and hang a swing under the branches, covered with flowers, the wind will bring the fragrance of flowers, and then you and I are in the garden, I sit on the swing, and you stand opposite me -"

"Shameless!" Fang Muyue cursed softly.

"Miss Fang, do we have a ruble relationship with you when our husband and wife discuss the joys of the boudoir? If things between husband and wife are also called shameless, then please tell me one that is not shameless?" Singer said angrily.

"I was wrong, you are sacred, you are not shameless at all. I just wonder, since it is a matter between husband and wife, why don't you close the door and tell it to the public? Men are shameless, but women are too shameful, hum!" Fang Muyue said angrily.

"Wise Men of Dara, we're looking for you today—"

The wise man of Dala, sitting on the flower bed, meditated cross-legged with gold coins in his eyes, his hands were constantly changing miraculous handprints, and he didn't know what he was doing, but the half-naked waitress put her hands together and said: "The wise man said he You know exactly why you came, because you and Singer's parents were bitten to death by poisonous snakes on the same night, so you want to know, who killed them? The wise man said that it was the banshee!"

Lin Qiang was taken aback: "Who is the jungle banshee?"

"It's the saint!" Singer frowned: "Wise man, may I ask if Lin Qiang and I are married?" The waitress said: "The wise man said that King Shura is very domineering, please stay away from him! "

"But what's the answer I want?"

"The wise man didn't say it!"

Nangwa smiled: "Wise man, may I ask if I can get this Miss Fang in the end?"

"A wise man quotes from the Kama Sutra to tell you that Sandra Rosen is too dangerous a man to woo his wife, which is very dangerous. Although no one can condemn your pursuit of beauty, consider whether she A nympho who never tires, or you'll be torn apart!"

"There is this passage, why can't I understand it, is there really this passage?" Nang Wa grabbed his hair and said, "The donkey's lips are not right for the horse's mouth, it is simply that the donkey's lips are not right for the horse's mouth."

The female waitress Fang Muyue said: "Although you are a jade girl from the sky, you still need to keep learning. If you worship under my door, I will pass on all the contents of the "Kama Sutra" to you. Let you be a qualified woman, and only in this way can you keep the heart of King Shura and let him stay by your side forever. Now take off all your clothes and kneel on the ground to worship me. You see, How happy are the female disciples around me!"

"What!" Fang Muyue picked up a small bottle on the bed and shook it. There was some liquid in it, and then splashed it on the face of Dala Wise Man. Suddenly, a strange smell permeated, and all the women in the room were a little bit Something was wrong, and the waitress yelled, "It's Chunyao! Love's clutches!"

"Damn it!" Lin Qiang stood in front of Fang Muyue and cursed.

The waitress said: "You dare to offend me without knowing what is good or bad. If this is the case, it means that your soul is very unclean. I will send you to the Ganges to be washed clean. Therefore, from now on, you must not Leave to find a place to counter, I am very unhappy now, others can go."

"Go, the wise man is going to be angry!" Nangwa shouted.

"But your woman?" said Singer, laughing loudly.

"It's not that I didn't save her, it's that she offended a wise man herself, and even a god couldn't save her." Nangwa shouted in panic, "Besides, it's a woman's honor to be taught the Kama Sutra, why should I?" It’s too late for me to bless her to save her. Don’t you understand this truth?”

"Nangwa, you bastard, coward!" Fang Muyue scolded, she didn't think there was anything scary about that wise man, she just thought he was just a bluffing liar.

However, Lin Qiang suddenly felt something was wrong. He felt that an invisible force was filling his surroundings, as if the entire space was collapsing downwards, causing his eardrums and eyeballs to bulge outwards. The five external senses of human beings , are gradually blurring, followed by possible loss of consciousness or worse.

Lin Qiang has read in novels before that the yoga technique of ancient Tianzhu can forcibly strip people's five senses with absolute spiritual power. It is even recorded in martial arts novels that they can use mysterious power to block your meridians , let your inner strength vanish into thin air.

But Lin Qiang understood that statement as a kind of illusion, so he quickly activated the Enemy Curse, and warned Fang Muyue: "Hurry up!"

"At this moment, you are still turning your back to me!" Lin Qiang heard Fang Muyue's words in a daze, and he said subconsciously: "How can I count what I have already said!"

"You really want to fight me, you don't have enough strength now!" said the waitress, "I want to make you, but you force me to destroy you, big Asura, give your woman, and I will make you, Otherwise, today is your day of death!"

The waitress suddenly said in her own voice: "It is such a great kindness for a wise man to teach you the Kama Sutra. Why don't you accept it? If it were my husband, he might die of joy! Or he sent me The reason I came here to study is that my blessings are very thin and I have not received a real inheritance, but I will work hard. Why do you still resist? Isn’t this the most stupid person in the world?"

"You know, the Dala wise man is the supreme ascetic in the entire Tianzhu. If you offend him, it is like stepping into hell with one foot. It is still too late to surrender!"

Lin Qiang felt that the corners of his eyes and ear holes were bleeding, his body seemed to be filled with lead, and he couldn't move, and there seemed to be a strange force in his body, walking around, he subconsciously activated the magic control spell and the enemy spell, He wanted to drive it out and pull back his consciousness, but that force was much stronger than him, and he couldn't do it at all.

He was afraid that the Dala wise man would attack Fang Muyue, so he moved his body desperately. At first, it was a finger, then an arm, and then he actually took a step forward.The wise man of Dara suddenly turned ugly, and then changed his posture, opening his eyes and staring at him.

Lin Qiang suddenly felt that the power in his body had increased a lot. He knew that the opponent had increased his mental strength attack, but it seemed that the wise man of Dala couldn't move too much at all in this state, so he didn't have the opponent to wash his hands. month to attack.He felt that his internal organs were about to be pressed out by the collapsed air pressure from the outside world, which was very uncomfortable.Probably the only way to make him comfortable is those villains with lines all over their bodies and weird postures recorded in the "God Control Art".

So he also imitated the appearance of the wise man of Dara, with his hands behind his back, his left hand holding his right ear, his right hand holding his left ear, his right foot stretched out horizontally, his left foot was independent, and immediately appeared in his mind, all the villains The posture, just like playing a movie, he followed along all the way.

I saw that the person's posture became more and more strange, and the patterns changed endlessly. Sometimes he supported the ground with his hands, sometimes flew in the air, and sometimes stood on his head on the ground. Sometimes, he completely violated the limit of the human body and made various This kind of movement can only be done by yoga. Lin Qiang had long suspected that the 'spirit control technique' had something to do with yoga.

At the end, he heard someone yelling, and thought it was Fang Muyue, or Namiko, but Namiko was not here, so how could he yell, so he felt that he was bewitched, so he worked hard and returned to Inside the realm of the first image, then Ning stands still.

After a while, the Enemy Curse was activated again, and his mind suddenly cleared up. He felt that the aura in front of him was much weaker, and suddenly disappeared with a bang, and then he fainted.

When he woke up, he felt like he was running, but he didn't use his legs, because he was in a car, a big business car, black, with Namiko and Singer in it, but he couldn't see it. Muyue!Lin Qiang sighed suddenly: "It seems that I am still dreaming!"

"It's not a dream, it's not a dream!" Namiko cried with joy, and big teardrops hit his face: "Thanks to you, Miss Fang is safe and sound, and fortunately I and Ying Ji have been following you, otherwise, you would vomit blood and die Yes. Thanks to Miss Singer, she took us to 'Mrs. Garland'!"

"Mrs. Garland?"

"It's a miraculous doctor, but it's not a western doctor. She's a descendant of Tianzhu's medical skills. I hope he can cure you. I really didn't expect that your spirit is strong enough to fight against the Dala wise man. He, he is also exhausted—— "

"In the end—" Lin Qiang fainted again just after he said two words.

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