The female president's personal soldier

Chapter 213 Back-to-Back Contest!

After a while, Singer brought in more than a dozen bodyguards. These people were men and women, all dressed in strange clothes. It can be said that none of them were dressed in ordinary clothes. They all looked very arrogant and did not let anyone go. From the looks in my eyes, some of them had very strange auras, and they seemed to be masters who had practiced a special method.

Lin Qiang's current identity is the prospective son-in-law of the Dongba family, that is, the person who will inherit Dongba's business with Singer in the future, so he still has the position to ask them a few words, but it is reasonable for them to be unconvinced.

So he is also very polite to these masters. Among them is an old man holding a wine gourd, with a scheming look, his eyes are half-opened and half-closed, and he is dressed like a Chinese Taoist priest. Sometimes, he was always sneaky, which immediately aroused Lin Qiang's idea.

"This old man seems to be from Huaxia?" Lin Qiang asked.

"So what?"

Lin Qiang smiled: "Yes, it's easy to talk, I want to ask you, did you see anything unusual last night?" The old man narrowed his eyes and smiled: "No!"

"Then shake hands!"

The old man thought for a while, and then stretched out his hand. When Lin Qiang took it, he felt that his left hand was like a piece of iron, and it was extremely cold.As soon as Lin Qiang came into contact with him, he felt that his palm was sucked. He used his right hand and happened to walk in the way of pure yang. When the cold and the heat collided, both sides were shocked. It was obviously evenly matched, and they separated immediately.The old man gasped.

"Please introduce yourself, please?" Lin Qiang said to several other people.

Those people introduced themselves one after another. Lin Qiang noticed that there were three of them from China. One was called Huo Wu, a plump young woman in ancient costume, and the other was a bald man. According to his own introduction, he was a lay disciple of Shaolin Temple. What he hit was the Tiger Crane Double Form Fist.

Most of the others are local masters from Tianzhu, and I don't think there is anything suspicious, but there are two white men who are said to be from Greece. He felt very strange.After asking around, Lin Qiang got nothing.

After those people dispersed, Singer immediately came over and asked him if he had any clues. Lin Qiang shook his head: "There are no clues, but the question is bigger."


"Because these people in your family have extraordinary skills, and they are definitely not the kind of people who can let others break in casually without being noticed at all, so my doubts are even bigger."

Singer gritted his teeth and said, "That's more to say that the saint did it. Maybe no one came in at all. She drove the poisonous snake to do it. She already has such abilities!"

"The saint has such a skill?"

Singer shook his head: "In the mountains of Calcutta, many people have the ability to drive poisonous snakes and venomous insects. They rely on music, whistle, or gestures to achieve the purpose of driving poison, but the saint is better than them. , it seems that it can be driven in batches, and it depends on the spirit!"

"It's still yoga!"

Lin Qiang said: "Then, if you put it this way, it will be even more difficult to investigate. Do you mean that the saint is in New Delhi now?" Singer shook his head again: "This is also impossible, because the saint never walks out of the jungle. , for hundreds of years, there has never been an exception.”

"That's strange. Could there be someone capable around her?" Lin Qiang asked, "What did the police say, what kind of snake killed your parents?"

"Puff-bellied giant viper, Malayan rattlesnake, dry cobra, tree cobra, coral cobra, silver krait, tiger snake, southern thorn snake, spearhead snake, copperhead snake, black-ridged snake!" Singer said a total of eleven kind.

"But, but, it's impossible—"

Lin Qiang immediately said: "Coral cobras, copperhead snakes, and spearhead snakes all come from America, while black ridge snakes, tiger snakes, and southern thorn snakes come from Australia. How could they appear at the same time? Moreover, it takes so much trouble to kill one or two people." Could it be that the police made a mistake? "

"No, Tianzhu people are very familiar with poisonous snakes, and they will never be wrong." Singer said miserably: "My parents are such good people, why did they die so badly?"

Lin Qiang's forehead was sweating, but something else came to mind: "I know that there are many snake breeders in the jungle, and they will use poisonous snakes to harm people. Could it be—there are snake breeders nearby?"

Singer said: "There are many snake breeders on the street, but they are all honest, how could they harm anyone, and we are sure that we have not offended the snake breeders."

"Take me to see the body."

After Lin Qiang saw the corpse, he immediately felt that what Singer said might be right. Based on his many years of experience in fighting poisonous snakes in the jungle, there were several kinds of tooth marks that could not be bitten by Asian poisonous snakes. In other words, this Someone must be raising poisonous snakes in large quantities nearby.

"Pharmaceutical factory!" Lin Qiang said: "Except for the pharmaceutical factory, no one needs so many poisonous snakes. I think they must know the source of the poisonous snakes."

"Pharmaceutical factory!" Singer was shocked: "It's broken!"

"What's wrong?"

Singh said: "Near New Delhi, there are only two large pharmaceutical factories that can extract snake venom. One belongs to the Dongba family and the other belongs to the Kshatriya family."

"So that means that your two families will be suspicious of each other?" Lin Qiang began to believe that this matter was done by the saint: "But why did the saint do this? She doesn't need it at all, because as long as she is here, no one will The realm of the jungle can be invaded, don't you think?"

"A woman who is as poisonous as a snake, how can we know her thoughts." Singer clenched his fists and said, "But I can be sure that she must have done it. I want revenge!"

"You're right, I want to take revenge too!" At this time, Lin Qiang suddenly heard Nangwa's voice. He had a stuffy nose, probably because he was crying too sadly.

Singer subconsciously turned around, and saw that Nangwa led a large group of people, some with guns and knives, rushed into Dongba's house aggressively, and Fang Muyue was among them.Lin Qiang turned his head quickly and turned his back to her.Fang Muyue was the same, but she made one more movement than Lin Qiang, and spit on the ground first.

"Nangwa, you idiot, do you really think that I did it, that I would kill my parents? All this is the plot of the saint, do you know?"

"That's not necessarily, maybe, it was you, a poisonous woman like a snake, who did it. Because your parents forced you to marry Robeter, so you killed them. In the whole of New Delhi, no one knows that you are ruthless." With a gloomy expression, Wa gritted his teeth and walked over.

"Women from Dongba's family are of course more ruthless, but that doesn't mean that I will kill my parents. And you, I also have reason to doubt you, because you have many half-brothers who want to share property with you No, maybe, this is your conspiracy is the most likely." Singer shouted.

"Let's go to the wise man of Dala and ask him to comment!" Nangwa said bluntly: "The wise man of Dala knows everything, he must know, who did it?"

Singer frowned: "Don't you need to wait for news from the police?" Nangwa said with a dark face: "Why, are you guilty of being a thief? Could it be that you really did it, otherwise why wait for those trash Police, are you afraid that the wise men of Dara will expose your plot?"

"Shut up, you rude guy, you dare to reprimand me so arrogantly in my house, what are you, warning you not to provoke me?"

Nangwa suddenly sneered: "I'm not reprimanding you, I just want to find out the answer as soon as possible, and then avenge my parents, don't you think so? If so, then come with me to see the wise man of Dara!"

"Okay, let's go!" Singer's voice seemed to come from between his teeth.

"Lin Qiang, let's go! No one else needs to follow, I want to see what the Kshatriyas can do to me?" Singer said stubbornly.

"Oh!" Lin Qiang was very obedient, but he walked outside backwards.Singer asked confusedly: "What's the matter with you, will you walk faster like this?"

"Not really, but I like going that way."

Fang Muyue hurriedly took out two pieces of tissue paper from her bag, rolled them into balls, stuffed them into her ear holes, and took a big breath: "Damn, I feel comfortable at last."

Nangwa said puzzledly: "President Fang, what's the matter with you, why did you plug your ears?"

"Don't worry about it, let's go, I don't want to stay for a minute!"

"It just so happened that I didn't invite you!" Singer suddenly seemed to understand something.She asked Lin Qiang, "Are you because of her?"

Lin Qiang sneered coldly: "I don't know him!"

"Do I know you?" Fang Muyue sneered with her back turned to him.Lin Qiang fell silent immediately, traveled by himself, and promised not to say a word to her again.

"Go to hell!" Fang Muyue burst into tears and ran out in big strides.

"It's over, you forgot, you offended my beauty, and now our hatred is even greater, just wait, yours, wait, when you see the wise man of Dala, you will regret it too much, hehe "Nangwa shouted arrogantly, and then quickly chased him out.

"She's gone, you can turn around now." Singer said, "The conflict between you seems to be really serious." Lin Qiang didn't speak, but shook his head with a dark face.

"Who the hell is the wise man of Dara?"

"It's a penance Baba! He is a wise man who practices yoga. He has very powerful wisdom and boundless knowledge. It is impossible for anyone to lie in front of him. Come along." Singer said.

"It's too exaggerated." Lin Qiang sighed.For a reason that even he himself felt strange, he really didn't want to get together with Fang Muyue anymore, but in this situation, it was impossible to make do with it, so he could only bite the bullet and go out.

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