The female president's personal soldier

Chapter 177 Mysterious Yoga

Liu Lu drank it in one gulp, and then suddenly collapsed on the hospital bed.Fang Muyue panicked immediately: "Lin Qiang, what's the matter with her, nothing will happen?"

"It's okay, this is a normal reaction, everyone will be like this after drinking, and they will wake up within half an hour, and the color on their bodies will probably fade a little, that is, they will—"


"Fart!" Lin Qiang smiled wryly.

When Fang Muyue waited in front of the hospital bed for half an hour, she heard Liu Lu start to fart non-stop. It was strange to say that after each fart, her stomach would become smaller. When the air was smoky, the whole stomach had already softened.People also sat up.

"I feel much more relaxed, what's going on?" Liu Lu exclaimed.

"Wow, you, you, this is amazing, you've already healed a lot, my God, look at your face, oh, I'll get you a mirror."

Fang Muyue hurriedly handed her mirror to Liu Lu. Liu Lu took it over and looked at it, and was stunned: "This is me, why is the color so much less, so much less?"

Lin Qiang said: "Within three days, you can vaguely see the original face, but it will take several months to fully recover. But going to the streets is no problem."

"It's really effective, it's actually really effective, thank you, thank you." Liu Lu burst into tears suddenly and threw herself into Lin Qiang's arms.Fang Muyue's face suddenly changed.

"Okay, okay, there is no problem at all now. Otherwise, you should take a good rest first, then let the doctor help you recuperate, and we will come back to see you in a few days." Fang Muyue said hastily.

"Alright then." Liu Lu cried and nodded.She really didn't expect that she would recover one day.

At this time, Fang Muyue suddenly answered the phone, and then hurriedly grabbed Lin Qiang and walked outside: "It's not good, it's not good, something happened, just now my fourth uncle called and said that the solo person caught yesterday was killed gone."

"What kind of horse?" Lin Qiang shouted: "Such strict surveillance was also killed, who did it?" Fang Muyue said: "It's Xin Naya, she has already escaped."

"It seems that I still underestimated this woman. She is so powerful. They should have been separated and imprisoned at that time. This is really too bad."

Fang Muyue said: "Now it seems that it is impossible to take down the Luo family from this matter. Why don't we find another way."

"Why don't we go and see Singer and ask her where Xinnaya came from.

They came to the hotel where Singer was staying, and Singer was already waiting for them.

"Mr. Lin Qiang, I was about to call you. I haven't had time to thank you for what happened that day. I am really grateful. No matter how many polite words I say, I really can't express my current mood. Really I am very grateful." Singer said from afar.

Lin Qiang smiled and said: "Miss Singer, in fact, we are friends from the beginning, and there is really nothing to thank. That is not a problem at all. I am here this time for another matter, and I want to ask you about Xin Naya's situation." Fang Muyue added: "You don't know yet, Xin Naya has already killed Solo and then escaped."

"Xinaya escaped?" Singer was inexplicably surprised.

Lin Qiang suddenly remembered one thing: "By the way, you have to be very careful about this Xinnaya. What I am most worried about now is whether she will come to revenge on you, Miss Singer."

"Oh, please call me Singer." Singer said, "How could that Xinnaya escape? She is so powerful, I really can't believe it?"

Fang Muyue pondered and said: "She should be very powerful, she is your personal bodyguard, she should be more powerful, right?"

"She is indeed my personal bodyguard, but the strength she showed before is not so powerful, she is just an ordinary bodyguard." Singer turned around twice in thought and said, "Why don't you take me to the scene to see , I have a doubt in my heart now."

"Don't you suspect that she is a saint?" Lin Qiang said: "But if she is really a saint, how could she mix with people from the Black Spirit Race? It's really puzzling." Singer nodded: "There must be some huge conspiracy hidden in it, and I do have such suspicions. I suspect that she is a female warrior of the Otto tribe."

Lin Qiang thought for a while: "It's not impossible to go to see the scene, I'll take you there now. Oh, I need to call fourth uncle first." After Lin Qiang called, he took Singer there.

When they arrived at the gate of the police station, they saw Ju Liu with his hair back standing there waiting.

"Brother Lin, you are here. Brother, I have been waiting for you here for a long time. Why, I heard that you want to see the scene, so come in. Hey, this matter has made me very anxious."

At this time, Lin Qiang saw Su Rui behind Liu Ju. Su Rui glanced at him, and then at Fang Muyue, looking a little unhappy.Fang Muyue saw Su Rui and Lin Qiang attending the Wang family's dance together, so she rolled her eyes and said nothing.

Lin Qiang hurriedly introduced Singer to Bureau Liu.As soon as Director Liu heard that this woman was actually the eldest lady of the Sunshen Petroleum Company, he immediately became extremely polite, and hurriedly took them to the scene.

"They were detained here at that time." Director Liu pointed to the two rooms in the detention center.

Lin Qiang said in amazement: "This is not right, these two rooms are so far apart, how did Xin Naya kill Solo Fei?" Liu Ju sighed and said, "At that time, they were interrogated, and both of them came from the prison room. Walked out from inside, and then met in the corridor, the woman suddenly spat out a snake, bit Shan Fei's neck, and was killed immediately."

"A snake spit out of your mouth?" Even Lin Qiang had never heard of this.

"And then?" Singer asked.

Director Liu's expression was very strange, and then things became even more unbelievable. She was originally wearing handcuffs and shackles on her feet, but they all fell off suddenly, as if she had suddenly shrunk, er, like It was Sun Wukong who shrunk her body like that, and then our team members rushed forward to subdue her, but who knew that her body suddenly curled up into a ball, smashed through the glass in the corridor, and escaped.

"Yoga!" Singer said.

Lin Qiang said: "But that's not right. Even outside the detention center, there are still guards. And there are snipers on the wall. How can she escape?"

Liu Ju pinched his temples on both sides: "The strangest thing is here. After she got outside, she suddenly started to climb the wall, and she climbed very fast, like a soft gecko. At that time, the snipers probably thought it was too incredible. , so I didn’t react and let her escape.”

"It's still yoga," Singer said.

"There's nothing you can do about it." Lin Qiang sighed: "Don't talk about the police here, even if I encounter this kind of thing, I'm still in the dark. I didn't expect that yoga practice would be like this in the end. I have never done it before. I have fought against such a person, it’s amazing, it’s really amazing.”

"Did you know these things about her before?" Lin Qiang asked Singer.

"Never knew." Singer shook his head: "She has been with me for a long time, and the reason for this is not because she is good at kung fu, but because she is a good maid who is considerate in taking care of my life. As for her kung fu, it's just so-so, I only know that she knows a little bit of sword skills, and I don't know anything else."

"It seems that she was ordered to lurk." Lin Qiang said.

"Whose order?" Director Liu said angrily, "Tell me, I'll ask someone to catch the man behind the scenes. They must be caught."

Lin Qiang smiled wryly and said, "Ju Liu, you can't control this matter, the mastermind behind the scenes is not a local, but an Indian." Ju Liu wryly smiled: "Then I can't help it."

Singer hurriedly said, "But I didn't know she stayed by my side for three years. This person's scheming—"

Lin Qiang suddenly said to Liu Ju: "That's it, let's go first. Miss Singer just came to ask about the situation, there is no other meaning." Liu Ju sighed: "You are gone, what should I do? It's over, hehe."

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