The last bodyguard beside Mie Amuro, Ms. Sun of Hita Co., Ltd., was sniped. When she closed her eyes and waited to die, she saw a figure jumping out from the smoke and fire. It was a strong man with a naked upper body. They are all dripping wet, because of the fast running, the muscles are swimming, as if covered with a layer of rolling silver light.

While running fast, the man suddenly jumped lightly, and landed like an eagle leaning over to fly in the darkness. When he rolled on the ground, two screams were caused.Following a huge fireball soaring into the sky from the middle of the avenue, half of the motorcycles just now were blasted into the sky.

Then a large group of soldiers in military uniforms surrounded her at close range, and a young girl wearing goggles walked out of the crowd, smiled and bowed to her greatly: "Miss Mieko, my name is Anna, this is the first time we meet, please Please take care of me. In addition, we came here this time just to ask you to come with us."

"Bang bang bang!" The sniper rifle fired three times in a row, attracting the attention of all members of the mercenary group. The girl Anna quickly turned her head and said displeasedly, "What's going on? Is there any resistance?" At this time, Only then did Mieko see clearly that she had blonde hair and blue eyes, and a Western face.

"Captain, Ford has been slaughtered, and the saber is gone!" someone reported.The girl touched the earphone, only to hear someone say: "Anna, there is a master coming to you, I can't catch him."

"Bang bang!" There were two more gunshots.But this time it wasn't the sound of a sniper rifle, but the burst sniping of an M16 semi-automatic rifle, and then the two mercenaries lay slippery on the ground without even humming.

"Scatter!" Anna's eyes quickly scanned the scene, but she didn't find a single figure, so she hurriedly ordered to break it up into pieces, while she pulled Amuro Mie into her arms, and held her head with a gun from behind: "Hehe, honorable Miss Mieko, how about using me as a shield, please?"

"Found him."

"Bang!" At the same time as the gunshot, the female sniper instinctively sneered when she saw a grenade flying towards her.According to her calculations, even if the grenade hit her, it would have already fallen to the ground when it exploded. It seemed that this was an unqualified soldier, and she overestimated him too much.

But she never expected that the grenade thrown by Lin Qiang didn't pull the string at all. He was using it as a beer bottle, so when the grenade hit the sniper's forehead, it didn't explode. Hei, fell from the street lamp, Lin Qiang didn't know if he was alive or not.

"Lisa, Lisa!" Anna shouted angrily.Since her well-trained mercenaries had dispersed at this moment, there were only two of them left on the scene.Anna realized that the police would arrive soon, so she had to evacuate immediately, so she pulled Amuro Mie from behind and walked in the direction of the motorcycle.

But when she walked over, she found that most of the motorcycles had been blasted into the sky by sabers, and the back road was cut off.

"Fack!" At this time, a spare Hummer came galloping, the door opened, and she quickly ordered: "All retreat, disperse retreat, quick." Then she wanted to get into the door.

At this time, a figure suddenly crawled out from behind a pile of tattered motorcycles with difficulty, with an M16 hanging from his shoulder, and said with a grinning smile, "Anna, we meet again. I didn't expect you to be so vicious. For such a A little girl killed so many people with one shot."

"Lin Qiang!" Anna turned her head in horror, and her breathing became short of breath: "You, you, haven't you retired? Could it be that you are Miss Mieko's bodyguard now?" Lin Qiang said with a smile: "Reminiscing about the past is unnecessary, today You definitely won't be able to take this person away alive, but if you want her to die, you still have a chance."

"Okay, I'll let her die." Anna suddenly pulled the trigger on Mie Amuro's head, but turned the gun and shot at Lin Qiang, who tilted his head as expected and dodged.Anna quickly pushed Mie Amuro onto Lin Qiang, got into the Humvee, and sped away.

In the car, she yelled loudly: "Kill him, kill this devil at any cost."

"Baga!" When Amuro Mie fell into Lin Qiang's arms, Lin Qiang heard her curse softly.

"You don't want to be bagua, the crisis is not over yet, hurry up." Lin Qiang quickly picked up a motorbike that could still be driven, and pulled Mie Amuro to sit in the back: "Hold me, hold me tight."

Amuro Mie is probably the kind of very quiet girl, she didn't speak, but hugged Lin Qiang obediently.Lin Qiang praised him in his heart, for Fang Muyue was much more obedient.

As soon as he stepped on the accelerator, the motorcycle rushed out, and then quickly drew a 360-degree circle, hitting the mercenaries who came after him. He couldn't drive straight forward, because the motorcycle was fast no matter how fast it was. But bullets, so he can only countercharge against the enemy.

The mercenaries attacked him from both sides of the Cherry Blossom Avenue. There were about fifteen or six people. They found cover one after another, aimed at him, and were about to shoot at him. Lin Qiang preemptively shot him. A mercenary who was hiding behind a tree with an unreliable cover shot his head. The others panicked and forgot to shoot, watching him rush over.

The motorcycle behind them followed closely. They wanted to catch them alive, so they didn't dare to shoot Mie Amuro in the back.Now Lin Qiang was very proud, suddenly braked suddenly, the car turned around, bang bang bang bang bang, fired five shots in a row, and the five motorcycles chasing after him overturned.

At this time, Lin Qiang heard countless alarm bells ringing outside the park, knowing that the police had arrived, he was immediately relieved.Those mercenaries ignored him, turned their motorcycles and rushed towards the side door.

Lin Qiang stopped the motorcycle, let go of Amuro Mie's hand and jumped off.

Before Mie Amuro could be moved, she was pushed hard by Lin Qiang and fell to the ground on her back, even her kimono flew up.A bullet whizzed past Lin Qiang's arm.It turned out that it was Lisa who wobbled up from the ground. She missed a single hit and hurriedly threw the sniper rifle, picked up a pistol from the ground, and ran into the bushes.

Lin Qiang shouted into the distance: "Lei Zi, retreat quickly." Then he quickly pulled up Mie Amuro, and also ran into the bushes.

"Hide behind me, don't make a sound. The woman just now is an experienced marksman. I have encountered her many times before, so it is difficult to deal with." Lin Qiang blocked Mie Amuro with his body, and hunched over the bushes Shuttle inside, trying to find a safe bunker, and drag Lisa to find a female killer before the police arrive.

"Hello." He felt a gentle little hand pat his shoulder, and said softly, "Over there, there is Toshoji Temple, you can hide for a while."

Lin Qiang looked ahead, only to feel that under the cover of the trees, there was indeed a building with upturned eaves. Although the scale was small, it was enough to play hide-and-seek with Lisa.He knew that Lisa wouldn't stay for long, and if he realized that he couldn't succeed, he would retreat immediately.

So he hurriedly led Mie Amuro into the temple. During this time, he kept shooting at Lisa, but neither of them hit anyone, and finally arrived at the inner gate of the temple safely.

"Phew!" Lin Qiang let out a powerful breath, leaning against the wall: "It's safe." Then he stuffed Amuro Mie behind the gate, waiting for the police to come.At this time, the huge park was as quiet as a ghost, all the tourists had run away, and there was no one in the temple.

"Thank you!" Amuro Mie was quite polite, standing in the aggrieved environment behind the door, she still didn't forget to bow to Lin Qiang.Only then did Lin Qiang get a rough look at her.

He found that Amuro Mie was not very old, at most eighteen or nineteen years old, but she was an out-and-out beautiful girl. Her face was narrow, her features were exquisite, and she had an oriental charm.She has a tall figure, a very soft voice, and her whole body is also delicate and weak, like a magnolia flower quietly blooming in the night.

She was wearing a black filial piety dress, with a slim, slim figure, very pure and pure.Her hair was casually tied behind her head, without any aura of wealth, perhaps because of the shock she suffered just now, her face was still a little pale with pear blossoms and rain.This is a well-bred Japanese girl.

Lin Qiang thought to himself.

At this time, the police car had arrived, and the police were dispatching everywhere. Lin Qiang let out another breath. He was almost sure that Lisa, that stinky bitch, had already run away.

"An, ah, you can come out now." Lin Qiang forgot her name, and just said: "My Japanese is not very good, and you are stupid now, but I still want to tell you, don't call me It's sold, I'm leaving now, you go to the police."

After speaking, Lin Qiang threw the gun, turned around and left.

At this moment, his skin was all blackened by gunpowder smoke, and his body was covered with rolling wounds, and blood was flowing.It smells like a Predator.

"You, you need to be bandaged!" Amuro Nami followed up from behind with small steps.

"No thanks." Lin Qiang walked faster.But he suddenly heard the sound of wooden clogs behind him, and Nami Amuro followed up and said, "You really need to be bandaged!"

"Oh, I'm so annoying. I don't need bandages. You can go home quickly. Did Nima call you home for dinner?" Lin Qiang said impatiently, and then strode forward.

But just after he walked out a few steps, he found that Amuro Mie was still following him: "Huh? Why are you still following me? Didn't you say don't bandage?"

"But the first time we met, I can't, I can't accept your favor for nothing, I must repay you, please leave your name, please. And you are wrong, I don't have a mother."

"Whether you have a mother or not has nothing to do with me. I just know that if you follow me like this, I will go in."

Hearing the footsteps getting closer, Lin Qiang poked her on the head angrily: "Will you go, if you don't go, believe it or not, I really gave you to that? You didn't see that I saved you There is a purpose, because I am a pervert, so you don't need to thank me, you should run away quickly."

He didn't want to be targeted by the Japanese police.

But what he didn't expect was that the female Nami Amuro rubbed her forehead, mustered up the courage to catch up again, and continued to say softly: "Grandpa told me since I was a child that the kindness of a drop of water should be repaid by a spring. Therefore, I I don’t want to be a heartless person, so please leave your name, please. My name is Amuro Nami. I am 19 years old and a sophomore at the University of Tokyo. Can we be friends? If we become friends, I will still Can introduce my girlfriend Kawahara to you - well, if you can, can you turn your head and talk to me, because it is very rude to turn your back on someone, although, I don't blame you. But -"

"I said, why are you like a fly!" Lin Qiang was really angry, because he found that the police had already run over here.

"Although you said I was a fly, Kawahara didn't say that. Hey, so, you should leave your contact information." Nami Amuro shrank her neck delicately.

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