The female president's personal soldier

Chapter 1018 Discovering an Opportunity

"I've seen the heaven-sacrificing rune." Lin Qiang said suddenly.

"I know you have seen it, but so what, even if you have seen it, you can't practice it, because it is written in the characters of our demon clan. I helped the emperor to write it together, hehe. But I think since you can urge It is very likely that you have seen that thing before moving the sacrifice to the heavenly talisman, but even if you have seen it, it is impossible to absorb it."

Lin Qiang suddenly wondered and said, "The Son of Heaven trusts you so much that he actually told you the rune for offering sacrifices to heaven?"

"Hey, it's useless to tell me, because the runes of offering sacrifices to the sky are only useful when offering sacrifices to the heavens, and the etiquette of offering sacrifices to the heavens is very complicated and requires the help of Jiuding, and I only know part of it, so basically I don't know Same."

"Oh, you really know quite a lot." Lin Qiang suddenly took out a piece of wing from the leopard skin bag: "I said Kunpeng, your arm is here with me, if you can submit to me, maybe I will send the Mercy Gang You pick it up, it’s up to you to decide now.”

"You don't come here, you don't have that ability at all. In the world, only the ten thousand year intermittent ointment of the ancestor of the sky can connect my wings. Of course, the emperor's great resurrection can also be used, but only the emperor can know that kind of magic. It is impossible for you to know." The Demon Emperor said disapprovingly.

"Ancestor Zhakong!" Lin Qiang grinned: "Don't worry about what method I use, anyway, your arm is here with me, and I can keep it fresh, you can figure it out yourself?"

Kunpeng blinked suddenly, and rolled his eyes: "Uh, well, as the saying goes, there is no free lunch in the world, you can't be so nice to me for no reason, just tell me, what do you need me to do?"

Lin Qiang walked up to him with his hands behind his back: "Kunpeng, I think you are also a smart person, so I will tell you the truth. I am really the reincarnation of the emperor, and I want to restore the real body of the emperor, and Chi You already knew This is why I need the Heaven Sacrifice Rune, so I hope you can say it."

"Look, I know that there is no such thing as a free lunch in the world, and people must ask for something. You, a winner, don't need to talk to me, but I also have a condition. If I agree to cooperate with you, then You are going to hand over my three heartless brothers to my disposal."

"It's impossible." Lin Qiang laughed loudly: "I said Kunpeng, you are too interesting, don't you think I can't defeat Chi You without the heaven sacrifice rune? I'm giving you a chance, if you don't want it I'll burn your arm in a while, you can figure it out yourself?"

"You can't burn it!" Kunpeng said, blinking.

Lin Qiang opened his hand, and a golden flame shot out from the palm of his hand.Kunpeng swallowed immediately: "Oh, it turns out that you have practiced the Red Lotus Karma Fire, no wonder you are so arrogant, but I think you still dare not, because I, the Demon Emperor, is not easy to offend, I am the great sage of the demon clan, If you offend me, you are against the entire demon clan."

"Is that so?" Lin Qiang suddenly chuckled: "But that's not what your three brothers said, do you need me to say what they said again?" Yao Huangqi blushed and said with a thick neck: "Oh, you, okay, you I thought I caught my dead spot, but in fact, I’m not afraid of them at all, hmph, could I be afraid of them, but you still give me some time to think about it.”

"Yes, but I have another question. I heard that you have a queen. Why didn't you come out this time? Could it be a divorce?"

"Hmph, Su Daji, that stinky bitch, I'm too lazy to talk to her now."

"Su Daji is your queen?" In fact, Lin Qiang had already had some guesses about this, but he was still not sure. Now that it was said from Kunpeng's mouth, he officially confirmed it.

"There is a problem. You don't have an affair with her, do you? This stinky bitch is no good at all. She cheats everywhere. I've dumped him long ago." The Demon Emperor said frothfully: "I The two have separated a long time ago, so you don't have to mention her in front of me, hum, she has nothing to do with me."

"That would be the best." Lin Qiang said bluntly: "Kunpeng, the weaker your power is, the happier I am. I'm not afraid to tell you the truth about this."

"So what, I know even if you don't tell me."

"Why don't you go back and think about it first, I still have some business to deal with, but you'd better hurry up, because I've always been impatient, you see your arm is here, in case I lose it later If you lose your confidence and burn it as firewood, you will be miserable." Lin Qiang shrugged his shoulders.

"You are threatening me, and I am a majestic demon emperor, and I will never be threatened by others, so you are very unwise to do this, and you may be unlucky because you offend me, so I will give you two days Consider, if you are afraid, you can always come to me."

"Where are you going?" Lin Qiang asked.

"Go home."

"Are you kidding me?" Lin Qiang took out the Heaven Sacrifice Talisman and poured in a stream of mana. A meter-long white light suddenly appeared on the Heaven Sacrifice Talisman. After it touched Kunpeng, it immediately made him weak all over. The son flew into the space of the Heaven Sacrifice Talisman.

"Oh, you actually plotted against me. You are not my opponent, and you use such a despicable method to plot against me. I have finally learned how despicable and shameless you are. I, I will never end with you. I am the invincible Demon Emperor , you dare to treat me like this, all monsters will never let you go, I swear."

"What kind of demon emperor are you?" At this time, three people walked in the door, they were the three Bi An brothers. My lord, we can consider turning hostility into friendship with you, but if you continue to resist, we will unite and abolish you."

"Haha, just relying on the defeat of the three of you, how is that possible, you are too self-righteous, I will kill you after I go out, I will always be the demon emperor, hmph. Give me—"

Lin Qiang patted the Heaven Sacrifice Talisman, and suddenly two fire dragons appeared inside, chasing and scratching Kunpeng. As soon as Kunpeng entered the Heaven Sacrifice Talisman, he lost all his mana and could only be chased and beaten by the fire dragon, making him wow Strange cry: "You guys, just wait, Master Chi You will definitely come to save me."

"You idiot, you are now in the Heaven Sacrifice Talisman, not to mention that Chi You will not come back at all, even if he comes, he will not be able to enter the sanctuary of the Son of Heaven." Lin Qiang scolded.

"Oh, it turns out that this is the space for the heaven-sacrificing talisman. That would be great. I heard that all the supernatural powers of the emperor are hidden in the heaven-sacrificing talisman. I just learned it. Maybe when I go out, I can become the emperor." .I am the invincible Demon Emperor, you will suffer a lot if you treat me like this, haha."

"The meat is rotten and the mouth is not rotten." Lin Qiang rolled his eyes, then cut off his connection with the outside world, and let the two dragons continue to bite him, no longer caring about his life or death.

"Master, why don't you kill him?" Taotie breathed out fire angrily: "Master, this guy is too hateful. Originally, our four brothers came out of the same eggshell, so we can be regarded as brothers. Thinking of him turning his face and denying people, and actually making us suffer for hundreds of millions of years, I can't swallow this breath."

Suan Ni said: "Is the Lord worried about the revenge of the Yaozu? In fact, the three of us have a strong influence in the Yaozu. As long as we come forward, most of the Yaozu will follow us. You don't have to worry about what Kunpeng said. If not, he has liked to brag since he was a child, and that throne was also brought back by bragging."

"Haha, then go and contact the demon clan now to see how many people are willing to turn from the dark to the bright, and be careful of the demon queen, she is not easy."

"But what about Kunpeng?" Bi An asked.

"Kunpeng can't be killed yet, because he knows some secrets about the emperor, so he is of great use to me, but if he is still stubborn in the end, I will definitely kill him."

Taotie said: "Speaking of which, Kunpeng did follow the Son of Heaven to fight in the north and south, and because of this credit, his prestige is higher than ours, but this guy is cunning by nature, and he could be fooled by his sweet words when he was around the Son of Heaven. Please don't confuse him."

Suan Ni coughed: "Fourth, what are you talking about? The master is so wise, how could he be fooled by that Kunpeng, can you be more careful when you speak in the future?"

"Hey, I was wrong."

"Master!" Yuan Tiangang asked for instructions outside at this time.

"Come in."

After Yuan Tiangang came in, seeing no outsiders, he cupped his hands and said, "Master, just now I saw the shadow of a thunderbolt in the southwest sky, but I found nothing after sweeping it with my spiritual sense. A world, where to cast spells, so please use your eyes to see it."

"Oh." Lin Qiang was only focused on watching the meeting between Chi You and Lacardo, and really didn't notice what happened in the southwest. After hearing Yuan Tiangang's words, he was indeed a little surprised.

Because no matter in what era, there are not many people who can raise their hands to create the world, unless it is a big man who proves Hunyuan, or some powerful formations.

But even if it is a formation condensed by many people, it is not easy to find such a group of people. Could it be that another master has been born?

"Wait a minute!" Lin Qiang shot his eyes into the void, and immediately caught the traces of the creation world in the southwest. The huge copper tripod has the same patterns as the Taishan Baoding.And he also had a little feeling with him.

"It turned out to be Xuanyuan Jiuding." Lin Qiang shot a white light around the tripod, then retracted it, and lit the white light in the palm of his hand. After the flame was extinguished, a black book appeared in his hand.

"This is where the Southwest Dragon Vein is located. It seems that Xuanyuan Jiuding is arranged according to the location of the Nine Palaces. Unfortunately, I don't know much about the Nine Palaces, but Yuan Tiangang should be able to get inspiration from here and find the locations of several other treasure tripods." Lin Qiang smiled inwardly, This is tantamount to unintentionally inserting willows into shades.

Withdrawing the primordial spirit and returning to the tent, Lin Qiang nodded: "Just now someone tried to refine Xuanyuan Jiuding, but failed. I saw that aura came from the camp of the demon clan, but it is strange to say, at that time period , Chi You should be visiting Lacardo in the undead tribe, how could he create a world with a clone?"

"Master, this disciple feels that with Chi You's current strength, he can't create the world alone, so is there any problem here?"

"I think so too. I even suspect that this was done by the patriarchs of the four major tribes in the southwest. If that's the case, maybe they are hiding it from Chi You." Lin Qiang said.

Yuan Tiangang pondered and said: "So the demons are not invulnerable, so I think we can try to persuade these people to surrender?"

"Now is not the time." Lin Qiang thought to himself, it is still unknown what these people are up to, so it is best not to act rashly and let them fight among themselves. It was like helping Chi You.

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