Urban Black Technology Boss

Chapter 7 I Can Hack Your Official Website

Seeing that Tang Long was about to be kicked out of the house, he glanced at the computer on the desktop and said with an idea: "Give me 10 minutes, and I can hack into Blue Shield's official website!"

Another young man in his 30s next to him is Yao Xiaolin, a senior engineer of Blue Shield Company. He sneered when he heard this:
"Boy, you think you are a 'ghost', let alone 10 minutes, even if you are given an hour, you can't hack Blue Shield's official website!"

The actual test questions prepared by Blue Shield Company for applicants were originally aimed at a temporary test website with no content, and the security level was several levels lower than the official website of Blue Shield.

The fresh graduate named Tang Long in front of him actually dared to boast that he could hack into the official website of Blue Shield in 10 minutes. This is simply ignorant!
The middle-aged man on the side is Yu Leshan, the deputy director of the Human Resources Department. Although he doesn't know much about technology, he also knows that Blue Shield is a world-renowned network security company, and its official website security issues need not be questioned.

This Tang Long actually said that he could hack into the official website of Blue Shield within 10 minutes, which is too arrogant!

Yu Leshan frowned and said, "Young man, 10 minutes is 10 minutes as you said, and there are still seven or eight people queuing up behind us. We have no time to waste on you."

Hearing the young interviewer's words, Tang Long's heart trembled slightly. He didn't expect this young man to know the existence of "ghost".

The ghost "Ghost" is the ID he once used, and it is an existence close to God in the hacker world, but the ghost ID has disappeared in the hacker world for more than two years.

Tang Long said lightly: "Don't you even dare to let me try? It's nothing if the official website of Blue Shield is hacked here. If it is hacked outside, it will be embarrassing."

The long-legged beauty raised her eyebrows, and one thought after another flashed through her mind.

What Tang Long said was right, if he hacked Lan Dun's official website out of revenge after he went back, then the reputation that Lan Dun had accumulated over the years would be ruined.

If the firewall is breached here, Blue Shield can immediately recruit Tang Long into the company and let him plug the loopholes in the official website. This will not only eliminate the security risks, but also recruit a rare talent for the company.

Thinking of this, she turned her head to look at the colleague beside her, and said with a smile, "Why don't you let him try. If he fails, he has nothing to say. If he succeeds, he will pass the interview."

Yu Leshan took a look at Song Qingwan, thinking that the blue shield was opened by your family, so you can make up your mind, so he nodded immediately.

The two bosses of the company made a final decision, and Yao Xiaolin had nothing to say.

He nodded, took out his phone, looked at the time on it and said, "It's 15:05, the timer starts!"

Tang Long smiled faintly. He had long expected that the other party would agree to his request. Anyone with an online IQ would understand the meaning of what he said.

He didn't bother to care about Yao Xiaolin's intentional advance timing, after all, it's a mediocrity not to be envied by others, and there are always such villains everywhere.

He took out the keychain from his pocket, inserted the USB flash drive on it into the laptop, and Tang Long began to copy the three tools in the USB flash drive to the laptop.

Ten seconds later, the three tool software in the USB flash drive were successfully copied, Tang Long officially started working, and his ten fingers moved quickly on the keyboard.

He first ran a "hive" software written by himself, which awakened nearly ten thousand "broilers" on the Internet, and began to log in to the official website of Blue Shield at the same time, and frequently sent spam messages.

One minute later, Yao Xiaolin who was on the opposite side of the conference table let out a snort and looked at the laptop screen in front of him unexpectedly.

At this time, he had already discovered that something was wrong with the official website, and the page refresh speed was very slow, as if suddenly millions of people visited the homepage of the official website at the same time.

Yao Xiaolin understands that this is a common DDOS attack on the Internet. Many hackers will use a large number of bots to send spam to the official website server, thereby bringing down the server.

However, this trick is of no use to Blue Shield. Blue Shield's security system has already had a plan for this. In this case, it will automatically start to use the backup server to divert traffic after 3 minutes.

At the same time, the firewall will also automatically detect visitor IP and uploaded information, and will block most abnormal access.

Blue Shield's official website will only be slow for 3 minutes at most, which basically has no effect on a non-portal website.

Yao Xiaolin stared at Tang Long and thought: If you only have this ability and want to hack the official website of Blue Shield, wait for the next life!

Of course Tang Long knew that relying on the "hive" alone would not have any effect, his first step was just to muddy the water.

The DDOS attack launched by tens of thousands of "broilers" is just to cover up his next move.

While the broiler launched the DDOS attack, Tang Long ran the "Predator" vulnerability scanner, specifically targeting the server architecture used by the Blue Shield official website, to search for server background vulnerabilities with specified characteristics.

It took less than 2 minutes for the "Predator" to discover a loophole in the backend of the Blue Shield official website server, and Tang Long directly uploaded a Trojan horse program named "the one".

Ten seconds later, the Trojan horse program ran automatically, and Tang Long gained server administrator rights.

At this time, Blue Shield's security system was activated, the standby server was launched, and the firewall was simultaneously activated, and most of the visitor IPs were quickly rejected.

It's a pity that the security system was started late, and Tang Long had already logged into the Blue Shield official website server with an administrator account, and deleted the Trojan horse program on the server at the same time.

At this moment, he can freely change the homepage of Blue Shield's official website, as well as all the content of the website running on the server.

According to the usual practice, after hacking into the official website of Blue Shield, Tang Long would leave something behind to prove that he successfully hacked into the server of the official website of Blue Shield.

What should I keep?

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