Urban Black Technology Boss

Chapter 529 Facing the Thanos Legion

Seeing that Thor was blown away by Thanos, Hulk, who hadn't been able to participate in the siege immediately, quickly grabbed a half-meter-high cement brick next to him, and threw it at Thanos head on.

With a sneer on the corner of Thanos' mouth, he lightly swung the Tyrant Butcher's Knife with his right hand, easily knocking away the flying cement bricks.

For him, this level of attack was simply tickling him, and it couldn't even hurt him at all.

Seeing this scene, Tang Long in mid-air couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

Thanos really deserves to be the top powerhouse in the Marvel universe, and under normal circumstances, he is not at all inferior to one against four.

If you want to defeat Thanos, maybe you can only wait until Doctor Strange and Captain Marvel arrive.

Thinking of this, Tang Long whispered into the communicator: "Tony, try to attack Thanos from a distance as far as possible, delaying time and waiting for reinforcements."

At this time, Thor just got up from the ground and stood right behind Stark.

"Understood." Stark casually replied to the communicator, he did not intend to wait for the so-called reinforcements.

He greeted Sol behind his head: "Sol, I'm ready, come on!"

As soon as the words fell, the back of the Mark 50 steel suit quickly deformed, forming a six-tentacled starfish-like laser emitter.

There is a special swirl-shaped reactor in the middle of the laser transmitter, which can convert the huge electric energy contained in the lightning into usable energy, and emit six laser beams to attack.

This is a specially customized secret weapon after he has specially studied Thor's ability.

I originally thought that this thing might not be used anymore, but I never expected that it would come in handy today.

Hearing Stark's call, Thor roared, summoning a bolt of lightning from the sky to fall on him, pouring the power of thunder and lightning into the Storm Ax and Thor's Hammer respectively.

Then he swung the weapons in both hands and slammed them together.

Two finger-thick lightning bolts gathered together and turned into an arm-thick lightning bolt, which shot towards the energy tank on the back of Stark's battle armor.

Lightning up to tens of thousands of volts was instantly injected into Iron Man's Mark 50 battle armor.

At the same time, Stark stretched out his right hand, aimed his palm at Thanos and pushed.

A laser beam as thick as an arm, together with the laser transmitter behind him, fired seven laser beams, aiming at Thanos and blasting away.

This attack was too fast, and the energy contained in it was too powerful, so that Thanos didn't have time to use the reality gem to resolve it.

However, in Thanos' long career, he has seen similar attacks a long time ago.

Although he was caught off guard, he still instinctively spun the Tyrant's Butcher Knife quickly, blocking all the seven laser beams that were shot.

Not only that, but Thanos rushed towards Stark with a laser beam.

At the same time, Thor raised Thor's hammer in his right hand, intending to aim at Thanos and smash it.

Seeing that history is about to repeat itself, Stark will be caught by Thanos and used as a human shield to resist Thor's hammer thrown by Thor.

Tang Long hurriedly shouted: "Sol, don't throw the hammer!"

As he spoke, he turned on the super electromagnetic gun on his shoulder, and fired four NA metal cannonballs in a row in front of Stark and under Thanos' feet.

"What?" Hearing Tang Long's inexplicable shout, Sol subconsciously stopped, without throwing Thor's Hammer.

Facing the sudden sneak attack behind him, Thanos on the ground suddenly felt his heart and stopped abruptly.

A red light flashed from the Infinity Gauntlet on his left hand, facing several shells that were fired at him.

In the next second, the three NA metal cannonballs in midair instantly turned into three colorful bubbles.

However, what Thanos didn't expect was that another NA metal shell was aimed at Stark's feet, so that he couldn't stop it.


The shell hit the open space between Stark and Thanos and exploded violently.

The powerful impact blasted Stark, who was wearing a steel suit, into the air. Although his laser beam attack was interrupted, he also successfully avoided the fate of being attacked by Thanos.

On the other hand, Thanos just squinted his eyes slightly, stood motionless, and easily resisted the impact of the explosion.

Seeing this scene, Sol asked puzzledly: "Tang Long, what are you doing?"

In his opinion, Tang Long's shell attack not only failed to hit Thanos, but blasted Stark out.

"Ahem... It's not his fault, he's here to save me." Stark, who got up from the ground far away, quickly explained.

Only he understood that after the attack just now was blocked by Thanos, he had fallen into a deadlock.

If Tang Long hadn't blown him away, he would have faced Thanos' personal attack, and the consequences would have been disastrous.

Of course, being blown up by the bomb also caused a lot of damage to the Mark 50 suit.

"Well, it's up to me in the end." Thor shrugged and rushed towards Thanos with his storm ax in hand.

Before that, he was not very optimistic about the attacks of Stark and Tang Long.

Because the technological weapons on Earth are far inferior to the Cree and the Supreme Stars.

And even the Cree and the Supreme Stars with super technology are far from the opponents of Thanos, so the technology of the people on earth is even worse.

At the same time, Hulk roared and rushed towards Thanos together.
Soon, Thor, Hulk and Thanos were in close combat.

However, the two of them greatly underestimated the strength of this space-time Thanos.

Even in two-on-one, Thor and Hulk were at a disadvantage, and the two were easily knocked out by Thanos.

Thanos, who possesses the power gem and exerts his strength normally, completely crushes anyone in terms of strength, even Captain Marvel.

It's just that, with Stark and Tang Long attacking and harassing from a distance in mid-air, Thanos has never been able to find a chance to kill Thor and Hulk.

At this time, Thanos suddenly looked up to the sky and shouted: "Enough! I've had enough of you stubborn bugs, I want to completely destroy this planet!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a huge beam of light blue light was projected on the open space behind him.

General Deathblade, Ebony Maw, Black Dwarf and Proxima Centauri come to Earth at the same time.

Behind them are tens of thousands of Thanos soldiers.

The "Temple II" super starship suspended at an altitude of several hundred meters had airdropped a large force to the ground at some point.

This time, the army that followed Thanos to invade the earth is not only amazing in number, but also of various types.

In addition to the vanguards who previously invaded Wakanda, there are also the Chitauri army that appeared in the Battle of New York, and the Saqqara who once served Ronan.

More than a dozen giant interstellar landing ships descended from the sky and stood in a row around the Avengers headquarters building.

All of a sudden, vanguards all over the mountains and Chitauri spaceships like "Pipi Shrimp" continuously poured out from the landing ship and "Temple II".

The Saqqara people even brought giant apes in steel armor and strangely shaped ground chariots.

In just a few minutes, a complete main force of the Thanos Legion appeared in front of Tang Long and the others.

Seeing the overwhelming Thanos army, Stark and others were dumbfounded.

After being stunned for a long time, Stark muttered to himself: "Shet! How can we fight this battle?"

At this moment, Captain America's voice came from Tang Long and the others' ears: "Tang Long, Tony, can you hear me?"

"Steve?" Stark hesitated, then remembered something, and said in a deep voice, "You take the gem and leave quickly, and don't come back."

"Don't worry, Tony, we're here to help you." Captain America calmly replied through the communicator, "Look behind you."

Stark subconsciously turned his head and looked back, only to see a circular space-time gate with golden light appearing on the ground.

The space-time gate grew rapidly, from less than half a meter in diameter to a gate with a diameter of more than three meters, and it was still expanding.

Through the portal, Stark saw a green meadow and a bright sun in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, three people walked out from the golden space-time gate.

They are Black Panther, Princess Suri and the female general of the Wakanda Guard.

In the next second, hundreds of circular space-time gates appeared in the sky.

Doctor Strange led Star-Lord, Mantis Sister, Destroyer, and all the apprentices of the Magic Academy of the Guardians of the Galaxy to appear behind the battlefield.

Along with hundreds of magic apprentices, there are tens of thousands of Wakanda warriors, the Asgardian army led by the Valkyrie, and the Marauder army under Star Lord.

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