Take a system to the countryside

Chapter 89 The crisis is approaching!

Su Can looked around the pigsty for a while, and found that the little piglets were not as lively as he had imagined, and he would not come to ask for food when he saw people coming. Grass.

This is a little bit wrong, Su Can frowned.

Piglets in this period are usually unable to catch up on the last meal, and there should be no pig food left over.

Liu Dacai, who has been paying attention to Su Can, saw his frowning expression, his heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly said, "Ahem, Canzi, I'm not afraid of your jokes. After hearing your broadcast this morning, in order to let Xiao If the pig gained a little more weight, I fed more pigweed."

Feed too much?
Su Can turned her head to look at Liu Dacai, and seeing him scratching his head in embarrassment, he felt relieved.

Can's mother also did this kind of thing. Every time she went to the town to sell chickens, she had to feed the hens two big handfuls of corn before going out.

It's not easy for rural people!
Su Can sighed, and said with a light smile: "It's not a big deal, Uncle Liu, you fed the piglets enough, and I saved a meal of pig food when I go back later. I still made money after all."

"You shouldn't blame Uncle Liu for being greedy for petty gains." Seeing that Su Can believed his words, Liu Dacai heaved a sigh of relief, and thought to himself that I'm sorry, nephew, and I have no choice but to lie to you on purpose.

"Uncle Liu, you have a cage for piglets at home, so I have to borrow it later." The Su family didn't have a bamboo cage for piglets, so Su Can had to borrow it from Liu Dacai.

"Yes, yes, it's ready, I'll take it out." Liu Dacai said as he entered the room and took out the bamboo cage.

"Gog left, bring the scale over here, and start weighing the piglets." Su Can asked Zhang Gousheng and the others to move the prepared electronic scale to the side of the pigsty, and directed the two of them to go into the pigsty to catch the piglets.

First put the piglet in a large nylon bag, put it on an electronic scale to weigh the catty, then put it in a bamboo cage, and carry it away later.

Soon, the weight of the seven pigs was weighed, totaling 456 catties, with an average of 65 catties each.

According to the previous agreement of ten yuan per catty, a total of 4560 yuan.

Yu Jiaqi opened the zipper of her backpack, and hundreds of thousands of cash were immediately exposed to the eyes of several people. Liu Dacai swallowed, and his eyes could not turn his eyes.

"Uncle Liu, 4560 yuan, take a look." Yu Jiaqi counted the money and handed it to Liu Dacai.

"Okay, okay, please trouble your nephew and wife." Liu Dacai took the money into his hand and held it tightly, for fear that it would fly away.

"Uncle Liu, let's go first." Su Can heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that the first family was successfully settled. He arranged for Zhang Gousheng and the others to transport the piglets to the pig farm, and then he took Yu Jiaqi to another family.

It didn't take long for Su Can to discover that there were more people raising pigs in Huaxian Village than expected, and the number of piglets received was almost a hundred before the village was half over.

It will be a little too much if you collect them all.

At present, the area of ​​pig farms is only two to three hundred square meters. If we want to engage in ecological breeding, the breeding density should not be too high, otherwise the corresponding effect will be lost.

After exchanging ideas with Yu Jiaqi, the two unanimously decided to purchase in two parts. He hurried home and announced the decision through the radio.

"Fellow folks, the pig farm I built is a little small. I can only buy about a hundred piglets in the first phase of the project. The rest of the piglets can only wait for the second phase of the project. Everyone feeds the piglets. Come and collect it in a while."

Many villagers heard the news that Su Can temporarily stopped the purchase, thinking that he thought the price was too high or that he didn't want it, so they rushed to Su's house to ask about the situation.

"Chanzi, why don't you just accept a hundred piglets? My piglets are so white, why don't you take my piglets?" said the second sister-in-law of the village.

"The price of ten yuan a catty is too high. You can give me eight yuan a catty, and I will sell it to you."

"Yes, yes, we sold it for eight yuan a catty." The villagers rushed to say.

"Fathers, folks, don't worry, take good care of the little pigs. In a few days, I will ride a motorcycle to the town to bring back the materials for building a pig farm and rebuild a bigger pig farm. It will cost ten yuan. I still want a catty of money." Su Can explained.

"Is this really the case? What if I don't want it?" Many villagers were dubious, for fear that Su Can would deceive them.

"Everyone believe in me. I, Su Can, will do what I say. If you don't believe me, I can pay the deposit first..." Su Can patted his chest, with a pleasant face, without a trace of impatience.

Standing on the edge of the yard, Yu Jiaqi saw Su Can communicate and communicate with the villagers in the crowd, dispelling everyone's questions and worries one by one, and her heart beat a little faster unconsciously.

At this moment, Su Can looks too mature and has a sense of security, which makes her a little moved.

"Actually, he's fine...it's just at home... oh!" Yu Jiaqi thought of something, sighed, turned and entered the room.

Su Can didn't notice this scene, and after persuading the villagers to go home, he hurried to the farm.

Zhang Gousheng and Erdan were sprinkling pig grass on the piglets, surrounded by more than 100 piglets, whimpering and eating non-stop.

"This is my pig farm." Su Can then sprinkled two handfuls of pigweed, feeling a sense of accomplishment slowly rising in his heart.

Through this period of consideration, he already had some idea of ​​the task issued by the system to establish a company with a market value of 3000 million.

With the help of Yulingtan and the system, he figured out that what he wanted to build was a top-notch food kingdom, not limited to emerald vegetables.

At present, aquaculture farms have been established, and chicken farms and duck farms will be established in the later stage...

After staying next to the pig farm for a while, after telling Zhang Gou and the others some things to pay attention to, Su Can turned and left the farm.

He is going to visit the vegetable field.

There was no plan for the planting of various vegetables before. Often the green onions in this field were harvested, and cabbage or cucumbers were planted quickly. The fragmented planting could not increase the yield at all, which greatly limited the popularity of emerald vegetables.

Taking advantage of this road construction opportunity, we have to plan carefully and try our best to increase the planting output in the limited land.

Walking and walking, Su Can came to the watermelon field.

Strange to say, among the first five crops to be planted, only watermelon is still immature, and all the others are already on the market.

It stands to reason that with the help of Yulingtan water, the watermelon should have matured long ago, but so far, Su Can has not seen any ripening trend.

He didn't know if the watermelons in the ground were still called watermelons. Each watermelon was as big as a basket, more than five or six times larger than ordinary watermelons, and the skin of the watermelons seemed to glow, showing an emerald color in the sun. , the green is very beautiful.

"The colors are so beautiful, I think the taste will not be bad, and whether the task can be completed then depends on these watermelons." Su Can looked at the watermelon field and muttered to himself...

What Su Can didn't know was that when he walked into the vegetable field, the traffic bureau in the city slowly drove out a few cars, and the driving route was in the direction of Huaxian Village.

Not long after the traffic bureau's car left, the police station also dispatched several law enforcement vehicles, and the leader of them was Guo Dabiao.

The crisis is approaching quietly...

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