Take a system to the countryside

Chapter 7 The mall is open!

The departure of the Guo family father and son did not attract anyone's attention...

It was already getting dark, everyone was a little hungry, the woman was cutting vegetables, and the man was helping to light the fire and carry water, they were extremely busy.

"I want the beef shank, the belly meat is not good, add more, okay, it's almost done." Standing in the main room, Canma instructed Li Xiaobao to use a knife to unload the meat and stir-fry.

"Sister-in-law, this is too much, I can't finish it." With strong hands, Li Xiaobao followed behind Can's mother, carrying a full twenty-pound thigh meat. There are so many, and the weather is hot, if you can't finish it tonight, it will be rancid tomorrow morning.

"Who told you that there are only ten people eating? I'll ask Canzi to bring his brothers over later." Can's mother said with a red head.

Not only did Niu Bao be dug up today, but the "girlfriend" brought back by her son was also the village party secretary. Thinking of Guo Tieniu's distraught appearance, Can's mother wanted to laugh.

"How do you want this? It's too troublesome." Li Xiaobao shook his head repeatedly when he heard Can's mother ask Su Can to call the children at home.

He knew very well how much the growing half-sized kids at home could eat in one meal. If they came over and saw such delicious beef, each of them might eat a catty or two.

"What's the matter with embarrassment, we are all one family, I will get angry if you say that again, sister-in-law." Can's mother turned her head and pulled her face, so frightened that Li Xiaobao didn't dare to say any more, "Yaoer, go get you a few Brother called to the house, let’s have a reunion dinner together.”

Su Can received Can's mother's order, so she went out to call the children of several families.

Hearing that there was beef to eat, and that Mom and Dad were at Su Can's house, the little kids immediately followed Su Can's footsteps happily.

The second aunt, who was washing the vegetables, saw the dirty appearance of her own child, and then looked at the three little girls standing obediently next to her, and immediately exploded, how could she please her wife in the future.

She grabbed Li Erbao by the ears and slapped her buttocks twice, "You son of a bitch, I just changed your clothes this morning, and now they are so dirty, let me see if I don't beat you to death."

"Wow..." Li Erbao cried instantly after being beaten.

"Second Aunt, boys should be more skinny. When I was a child, I was tougher than Erbao." Su Can held back her laugh, and pulled Li Erbao behind her.

"This son of a bitch just likes to run around, otherwise he wouldn't have only scored three points in the final math test." The second aunt laughed and cursed, and continued to wash the vegetables.

"It's better to grow up." Su Can walked into the room with a few kids, and switched the TV to the children's channel to catch his breath.Unexpectedly, after taking a sip of water, there was a clanging sound in my mind.

"Ding! The reputation value from Li Erbao +8!"

"Ding! The reputation value from Zhang Mengmeng +23!"

"Ding! The reputation value from Li Xiaohu +18!"

Su Can counted, and the eight added values ​​corresponded exactly to the eight little kids.Li Erbao's prestige value increased quite reasonably, but what about the remaining seven?Looking up and seeing seven pairs of eyes staring at the animation, I instantly understood what was going on.

Is that okay?

It seems that the prestige value is not so difficult to earn!

Su Can blinked and stood up...

"Do you eat candy?" Su Can took out the white rabbit toffee.


Ding, the prestige value is +5 in total!

"Come on, Er Bao eats meat." Seeing that Er Bao's hands were short, Su Can took the initiative to bring him vegetables.

Ding, the reputation value from Li Erbao +35!

"Second Aunt, I'll serve the dishes, you rest for a while." After eating, Su Can rushed to clear the dishes.

Ding, the reputation value from Second Aunt +23!


In the village, there were not many recreational activities. After nine o'clock, the second aunt and the others called their men and went back.

Su Can worked hard all night, washing dishes, sweeping the floor, scrubbing dishes and doing everything. He was exhausted, his T-shirt was wet with sweat, and he returned to the room after washing up a little.

Summon the system, click on the prestige area, haha, the prestige value has reached 20000, and the mall can be opened!
"System, can I open the mall?" Su Can asked in his heart.

"The host's prestige value exceeds 1000, and he is qualified to open the prestige point. In addition, what needs to be informed to the host is that the system will charge a fee of [-] prestige points for opening the mall. Do you want to continue to open it?"

Still need to charge a thousand point handling fee?
Su Can's face turned green when he heard that, this is too cruel, he took away a thousand reputation points at once, and he earned hundreds of reputation points after working so hard all night!
Flesh pain is flesh pain, Su Can gritted his teeth, and clicked the initialization button on the mall!

"Ding, the initialization of the mall has begun!"

"Ding, the mall has completed the initial configuration, and it will restart in five seconds!"

"Five, four, three..."

"Ding, the Heavens and Worlds Mall of the spirit-seeking system is officially open, welcome to visit!"

Five seconds later, the screen in front of Su Can dimmed slightly in the system's notification tone, and then the light burst into flames, the entire page turned bright green, and several lines of large characters appeared before Su Can's eyes.

"According to system calculations, the host currently has a balance of 19000 reputation points. In order to ensure the safety of the host and the system, it is necessary to lock in advance the consumption of 3024 reputation points for the next three days. The host currently has 15976 reputation points at disposal."

"Based on the host's current purchasing power, the mall assistant recommends the following products for you."

Su Can looked up at the screen, and the product name and introduction had been transformed on the page.

There are two types.

Bad Luck Talisman: A work made by the ancient god of misfortune, which can bring bad luck. Price: 1000 points!
Body-enhancing potion: Low-grade liquid medicine, take it, you can exercise and strengthen your body, greatly increasing your strength, price: 600 points!
One is [-] points, the other is [-] points. The answer is simple and clear. If you are reluctant to buy expensive ones, try to buy cheap ones first.

Su Can directly clicks on the icon of the strength potion to confirm the purchase.In the next second, a small glass bottle appeared in his hand out of thin air, filled with blue potion, which looked extremely beautiful.

The method of use has already appeared on the screen: Take it directly!

Su Can raised her head and drank the potion into her stomach in one gulp...

Strange to say, after drinking the potion, the small bottle in Su Can's hand suddenly turned into a little light and disappeared in front of his eyes.The system has appeared, and Su Can is no stranger to this phenomenon.

"Why hasn't it changed?" Su Can sat on the bed and waited for a few minutes, but there was no change in her body.Roll up the sleeves, make a fist, there is no mouse muscle, and then touch the stomach, there is no abdominal muscle.

"It can't be fake."

Su Can thought of the effect of the "strengthening potion" that can increase strength, and got up from the bed with a grunt.He clenched his fist and slammed it down on the bed.


Visible to the naked eye, the bed swayed!

"Haha, is it useful?" Su Can's confidence suddenly increased, he laughed, secretly thought that it was true, then let's try how much strength has increased.Su Can raised his fist again and slammed it hard against the ground.

The deep sound of fists touching the muddy ground sounded!
The next second, Su Can jumped up suddenly, sweat dripped down his forehead, his right fist turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, and Su Can's painful tears came out.

After a long time, Su Can was relieved, and looked at the fist again, it was half swollen at this time.Grinning, he walked out of the room, and found the medicinal wine made by Can's father in the main room using the ancient method.

Walking into the room with the jug in his arms, under the light, the glass bottle is soaked with various pests, such as centipedes, scorpions, and a green leaf, so densely packed that it cannot penetrate.However, Su Can is very clear that the ancient formula emphasizes fighting poison with poison, harmonizing with each other, and maximizing the effect of poison.

This small pot alone is estimated to sell for less than a thousand outside!Can's father usually keeps this as a family heirloom, and he is almost reluctant to use it!

Pour out a little bit carefully, and wipe it evenly on the right hand, a cool feeling came immediately, and even the feeling of swelling and pain was much weaker.

Putting the wine back to its original place, Su Can fell asleep not long after falling on the bed...

Little did he know that after he fell asleep, a blue light gradually emerged from his body, as if he had been induced, and some light spots in the air rushed into his body, and the two complemented each other, looking extremely mysterious.The owl who saw this scene outside the window widened its eyes, screamed in fright, and flew away flapping its wings...

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