Take a system to the countryside

Chapter 61 You Are Beautiful!

After observing the field for a while and exchanging opinions with several experts, Sister Li said: "The tomatoes are very good, beyond expectations, let's discuss the contract."

Finally when it comes to price!

Su Can's eyes lit up slightly when he heard Sister Li's words. This time, he was going to discuss not only the tomato contract, but also the emerald vegetable contract.

When the two parties signed the contract before, it was said that if the follow-up sales are good, Su Can has the right to raise the price.

"How about giving you 50 yuan a catty for tomatoes?" Sister Li looked at Su Can who was smiling and silent, knowing that he was waiting for her to ask, and gave a more pertinent price.

"Fifty is a bit less." Su Can shook his head and said, at Tianju Food, a plate of fried jadeite cabbage can be sold for a sky-high price of 666 yuan, and the price of tomatoes may be even higher.

"Fifty and you're still not satisfied?" A purchasing manager who followed Sister Li saw Su Can shaking his head, a little dissatisfied, "Many fruits from neighboring countries are only at this price. Could it be that you thought your tomatoes could compete with those from neighboring countries?" Fruit ratio? You have to figure it out, we are the ones who decide the price."


Su Can smiled.

Neighboring fruit good?Tianju Gourmet decides the price?Just kidding!
"The fruit in the neighboring country is good? Then you go to the neighboring country to buy it. Why come to my house? I didn't ask you to come."

"I think you made a mistake. Tianju Gourmet is not the only one who is willing to buy my vegetables. Two days ago, the young owner of Tianxianlou came over and asked for a price. The price is much higher than yours."

"There are more than one billion people in the country, and I am the only one who can grow emerald vegetables. If you want to buy them outside of here, you can't buy them, so please remember that this is a seller's market, not a buyer's market."

Su Can sneered and said that what he hated the most were those people who admired foreigners and fawned on foreigners all day long, offering their things as if they were ancestors, and they couldn't even figure out how much they weighed.

"You!" When the purchasing manager heard Su Can's words, his whole face turned red immediately, and he was speechless, and he didn't dare to speak more.

Jade vegetables are so unique that every restaurant wants them and begs for them. They are not easy to be bullied like those small vegetable farmers. He is afraid that Su Can will get angry and stop buying vegetables for Tianju Gourmet, then he will be finished.

"Okay, okay." Afraid of conflicts, Sister Li hurriedly spoke out to reconcile.

"The price of 80 is indeed a bit low. How about it, let's count it as [-] yuan a catty for the time being, and go back today to check the sales situation. If it's OK, then we can talk about it later, how about it?"

"Yes." The price is not low, Su Can thought about it and nodded, he looked up at the purchasing manager who had retreated behind Sister Li, thinking that Sister Li, the head chef, had a higher status than the purchasing manager, and the price was even higher than that of the purchasing manager. It's up to her to decide.

"The emerald vegetables are selling well during this period. After consideration, Tianju Gourmet decided to revise the contract and increase the price of the emerald vegetables." After the price of the tomatoes was negotiated, before Su Can could speak, Sister Li took the lead in proposing to increase the price of the emerald vegetables. proposal.

"Yes, yes." This is a good thing, Su Can is happy to push the boat along.

The two immediately started a discussion, and it didn't take long for the two sides to reach an agreement again.

Jade Chinese cabbage has increased from 61 yuan per catty to 31 catties, and jade green onions have increased to 85 catties. Among them, jade cucumbers have the highest price, reaching [-] yuan per catty!
"Happy cooperation." After signing the contract, Sister Li and Su Can shook hands and were quite satisfied.

The increase in vegetable prices has not had a great impact on Tianju Cuisine. Through word-of-mouth fermentation during this period, several emerald dishes they have launched have been a great success and made a lot of money. This price increase is not a big deal .

"Go over and take care of loading the truck, don't let the tomatoes be crushed." Sister Li turned her head and ordered.

"Okay, chef." The purchasing manager and the extreme expert seemed to be very afraid of Sister Li, nodded repeatedly, and disappeared in a blink of an eye, leaving only two people in the vegetable field.

"You don't want to take me for a stroll? I've been to your place several times, but I haven't done much shopping before." Sister Li stretched while talking, showing her exquisite curves in front of Su Can.

"Okay, okay, come with me." Su Can glanced quietly, a little surprised, and led the way with a smile.

I saw Sister Li wearing glasses before, and her dress was quite simple. Today, she took off her glasses and put on some light makeup. She looks exquisite and beautiful, full of intellectual beauty.

"Girls put on makeup, it's like a different person." Su Can secretly thought.

The two walked slowly along the country road, and met some big men and young men in the village from time to time. Everyone looked at the beautiful sister Li, and they stuttered unreasonably. After saying hello to Su Can, they blushed and ran away with thick necks.

"The people in your village are so simple." Sister Li covered her mouth and chuckled.

"You are so beautiful, anyone will feel flustered when they see it." Looking at those young men who fled, Su Can was also a little embarrassed.

"Really?" Hearing Su Can's words, a smile appeared on the corner of Sister Li's mouth, and her sense of Su Can improved a little. After a while, she looked up at the scattered houses around her and couldn't help sighing: "Your village The environment is quite good, I have been to several villages around the town, but there is no such beautiful scenery.”

"If you can renovate the housing planning and add some entertainment facilities and gourmet stores, people in the city will definitely come to your place to spend."


Entertainment and food?
Sister Li's words were like a flash of lightning, awakening Su Can instantly.

In the past few years, the temperature has been rising. There are more people in the city and the temperature is higher. In summer, many rich people will go to the countryside to escape the heat.

The scenery of Shuangfeng Mountain behind Huaxian Village is very good. If we plan and plan the houses in the village well, build some antique buildings, build a few farmhouse barbecue restaurants, and then find someone to go to the city to promote the publicity, those rich people will surely If you are willing to come, the economic level of the whole village will naturally improve accordingly.

With the help of the system, Su Can's pursuit is no longer limited to personal wealth growth, earning more prestige points and helping the villagers get rich have also become his goals.

Great idea!

When Su Can was thinking about it, Sister Li's phone rang, and the staff said that the vegetables had been loaded and they could return.

The two had no choice but to turn around and go back.

"Come back when you are free some other day. I'll go back today." Sister Li sighed helplessly, turned around and got into a blue Maserati, and led the motorcade back to the city.

"The rich are really different. They are willing to drive a Maserati on such a bad road, and the maintenance fee for a round trip will cost thousands of dollars." Su Can watched the Maserati disappear before her eyes with envy, hoping that she could buy one one day.

Seeing the convoy disappearing from sight, Su Can turned and walked towards the fruit field, wondering what happened to the planted fruit seedlings...

However, what Su Can didn't know was that not long after he left, a person came out of a bungalow next to him.

Holding a tobacco rod in his hand, and a few hairs on the big mole on the corner of his mouth fluttering in the wind, it was Guo Tieniu.

Guo Tieniu looked at the direction where Su Can was leaving, and then at the direction where Sister Li was leaving. Thinking of what would happen later, the joy of revenge flashed in his eyes.

"Xiaoshuai, don't worry, Dad has found a relationship, and you will come out soon." Guo Tieniu read a few words silently, turned his head to confirm that there was no one around, and made another call.

"Flowers are few, the truck is leaving..."

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