Take a system to the countryside

Chapter 28 Wild boar?cut!

"Help me..."

"Come help me..."

This is Sakurako's voice, filled with panic and despair!
Su Can didn't care about resting and relaxing, and rushed to the camp at the fastest speed...

The entire camp was in chaos. Five or six wild boars were huddling around on the ground, their sharp fangs poking through the tents and flipping over the sleeping bags. They looked abnormally messy.

Yingzi sat on the ground and kept moving backwards with her hands. Her foot was sprained and she couldn't run at all. At this time, a wild boar was rushing towards her, its sharp fangs pointing directly at her chest.

Li Sanbo and Li Xiaobao leaned together, and three wild boars surrounded them. Seeing Yingzi's dangerous situation, they wanted to rescue Yingzi, but they couldn't rush there.

Ji Luoran's leg was injured, and she was dragged by the muscular man to go outside, but she kept her eyes on Yingzi, tears streaming down her face, and asked the muscular man to save Yingzi.As for the others, they have long since disappeared...

"Hey." The two thick fangs were getting closer and closer, Yingzi Lihua was tearful, and despair flashed in her eyes. She knew that no one could save herself.

"I'm about to leave this world, I'm so unwilling." Yingzi murmured, closed her eyes, and waited for the arrival of the god of death.

Su Can rushed out of the woods just in time to see this scene, and his eyes were tearing up.He ran behind the wild boar in two big strides, grabbed the wild boar's tail with both hands, burst out with all his strength, and pulled it back desperately.

"Bang!" The wild boar's tail was pulled off, and at the same time, the whole body fell violently on the other wild boar, making an earth-shattering wail.

"Su Can!" Yingzi didn't wait for the pain to come, and hurriedly opened her eyes when she heard the scream of the wild boar, just in time to see the scene of the wild boar flying out, she covered her mouth with her hands, the tears in her eyes couldn't stop, she didn't know she was happy Still sad.

"You are waiting for me here, don't worry, I will be back soon." Su Can hugged Yingzi behind a big tree, turned and left.

Yingzi didn't speak, but kept looking at Su Can's back until he disappeared in front of her eyes.At this moment, Su Can's words "wait for me here" are all in her mind...

Su Can turned back to the camp and took out an iron arrow from the sword pot.


The bowstring trembled, and Su Can pulled it full with all his strength. The next second, a sharp arrow pierced through the air.

"Pfft!" The iron arrow shot through the head of a wild boar in an instant, and the wild boar fell to the ground with a muffled grunt, and was directly shot to death by Su Can.


Another wild boar fell, leaving only three of the five wild boars.

"Howl!!" A wild boar around Li Sanbo noticed Su Can's side, turned his back and yelled to the sky, pointed his fangs at Su Can, as if under the influence of this wild boar, the other two wild boars also turned around in an instant and rushed towards him savagely. .

Oops, Su Can has a bad heart. Bows and arrows are suitable for long-range attacks, but they can't be effective at close range. He doesn't have any knives on him now, and he may be in trouble next time!
"Su Can, go on." Li Sanbo noticed Su Can's embarrassing situation with sharp eyes, and immediately threw the ax over.The strength was just right, and the ax fell two steps away in front of him.

Su Can held an ax in his right hand and fixed his eyes on the wild boar in front.A series of numbers flashed strangely in the head running at high speed.

Target distance: two meters, one meter...

Target Weakness: Neck aorta...

"It's now!" The moment the word attack flashed in Su Can's mind, the wild boar just rushed in front of him. Before he had time to think, he swung the ax in his hand fiercely.

Pfft... There was the sound of the ax contacting the flesh, and the strength brewed just now poured down along the axe. Half of the huge wild boar's head was cut open, and the pig's blood gushed out like a fountain, and sprinkled Su Can's whole body.

However, the danger was not eliminated. When Su Can's old strength was not exhausted, the other two wild boars were already close at hand, and their four sharp fangs pierced Su Can's waist and thighs.

It was too late to say that, Su Can rolled on the ground with the axe, and barely escaped the attack range.

A wild boar bumped into the newly killed wild boar and fell to the ground. The other wild boar missed Su Can, and its huge body rushed forward in inertia.

How could Su Can, who has rich hunting experience, give up such a good opportunity? After getting up, he jumped in front of the wild boar struggling to get up, and then slammed down with an axe, and the wild boar died instantly.

The remaining wild boar turned around and saw Su Can's supernatural power, stopped immediately, hummed twice, and ran into the dense forest.

Su Can killed four wild boars in a row, but his strength was exhausted. Instead of chasing the fleeing wild boars, he threw his ax on the ground, walked behind the big tree and hugged Yingzi out.

"Su Can, are you injured?" Seeing Su Can's body covered in blood, Yingzi's face was full of tension.

"It's okay, it's all pig blood." Wiping the blood off her face, Su Can showed her white teeth.

"My God, Brother Su Can, you killed four wild boars by yourself. It's really amazing." The muscular man ran up to him, shocked.

"How is your leg, Yingzi?" Ji Luoran limped to Yingzi, and she was very happy when she saw her best friend was rescued. Everyone came to hunt to help her relax. If something happened to Yingzi , she will probably feel guilty for the rest of her life.

Li Sanbo and Li Xiaobao walked over with their support, their trouser legs were torn to pieces, and they both suffered serious injuries.

"What's the matter with the wild boar? Where are the others?" From the beginning to the end, Su Can didn't see the other people.

"The others ran away." Hearing Su Can ask about the others, the muscular man jumped up angrily, "When the wild boar came, those cowards ran away."

"I didn't expect to have a few guys who are greedy for life and fear of death. They broke their promises. When they drank and ate meat together, they called themselves brothers and sisters, and said that they should share the blessings with each other. But today they encountered danger, and they even abandoned their women. , what kind of man, from now on, I will break off all ties with them."

"Bah, I was really blind back then." The muscular man spat thick phlegm on the ground, very angry.

"Don't blame them. The situation was dangerous at that time. If you can run away, you count as one." Ji Luoran sat next to Yingzi. Although she spoke relaxedly, there was no relaxed look on her face.Among those who escaped, one was her best friend, a sister who had played with her since she was a child!
Husband and wife are originally birds in the same forest, and even if a disaster is imminent, they fly separately, let alone girlfriends?
Thinking of this, Ji Luoran felt much better.

Su Can is silent, he has experienced the betrayal of a friend and knows what it feels like.

He will always remember that his girlfriend who has been with him for half a year will suddenly break up with him and go with his best brother!

He will always remember that the photos of him getting drunk on his little sister and sister came from the hands of his most valued brother, and then, his reputation was notorious, and even when he left, he was accompanied by endless ridicule and insults!

Fortunately, a lot of roads to understand a lot of things.

Su Can clenched his fists, with determination in his eyes, Zhao Youpeng, Wang Mingwei... just wait, soon, I will take back my lost dignity from your hands...

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