Take a system to the countryside

Chapter 2 This system is not normal

"Ding, the spirit hunting system is officially launched..."

"Ding, the spirit-seeking system is at your service..."

"Ah?" Su Can was startled by the sudden sound in his head, and what frightened him even more was that a virtual light screen appeared in front of him, about [-] inches, with a "spiritual search system" on it. The four large characters gleamed.

What's this?Su Can's forehead was so frightened that sweat flowed out. The scene in front of him was so weird that it couldn't be explained by science at all.

"What system?" After calming down for a while, Su Can asked boldly. He usually reads novels, and he likes novels with system streams very much. Could it be that he has installed a system now?Am I the Chosen One?
"This system is the most invincible spirit-seeking system in the universe. Here, you can buy anything you want, only what you can't think of, and there is nothing you can't buy. Moreover, with the help of this system, anyone in the world No treasure can escape your eyes..."

"Are you really a system?"


"Hahaha, now labor and capital are about to develop." Su Can laughed happily after confirming that the system had indeed been installed on his body.

"Yao'er, what's wrong with you?" Can's mother asked loudly in the next room, she was afraid that something might happen to Su Can.

"No, it's nothing." Su Can quickly covered her mouth, but her heart blossomed with joy.After a long while, he recovered from his excitement.

"System system, can you make me live forever?"


"Are there any cultivators?"

"No... But it can renew your life, and by consuming your reputation points, it can keep you alive."

"Really? Can it really make me live? What is the reputation value?"

Hearing that he could continue his life, Su Can was overjoyed. He had only lived for 20 years, and he didn't earn enough money. The only woman he ever slept on was j. Who wants to die?But what is prestige worth?
"It's absolutely true! Ask the host to operate the light screen, which has a detailed introduction to the reputation value." The system replied.

Next, under the guidance of the system, Su Can began to operate the virtual screen in front of him, which was similar to the game interface. The page was divided into four areas: scanning area, shopping area, mission area, and reputation area.

Among them, the shopping mall and the mission area are not open for the time being.

Su Can clicked on the prestige area, and there was an explanation on the prestige value: In simple terms, the prestige value is the image and popularity of the host in the eyes of others, which can be obtained by pretending to be aggressive and doing good deeds.

Now Su Can's reputation is 18000!

Su Can's face was a little red, and her grades were not good since she was a child. The only award she ever won was a three-good student in the fifth grade of elementary school.As for college, let alone playing games all day long and finding a 2000 yuan security job after graduation, you're just like a poor dick!This time when I came home from AIDS, I planned to farm and wait to die.

In addition, Su Can also noticed that there is a small hourglass at the bottom of the screen, silver sand is constantly falling, and there are three values ​​above the hourglass, the red color is 18000, and the other two are yellow night color and green color respectively.

"What does the system mean?"

"The red color is your current reputation points, the green color is the reputation points consumed to maintain your life, and the yellow color, because there are some problems in the system, you need to consume your reputation points to maintain your existence."

Su Can's face darkened when he heard this, "Why do you consume more than me? System."

The value of the yellow color is 27 o'clock per hour, and the green color representing Su Can is 15 o'clock per hour!

"The system has huge functions, and naturally consumes more than you. By the way, remind the host that once the reputation points are exhausted, the host will be wiped out directly."

What?Kill it directly?Let me go, Su Can was shocked!After careful calculation, Su Can nervously found that the current 18000 reputation can last up to 17.8 days.

"System, even if I am in the late stage of AIDS, it is impossible for me to live only 17.8 days."

"It seems that the host hasn't figured it out yet. Without me, you can live for more than 17 days, but with me, your reputation will be doubled to maintain my existence." System Explained lightly.


Su Can almost wanted to scold the street, other people's systems are all kinds of bullshit, why did he come to his place and want to fight for his life?However, according to the introduction on the light screen, once the system is bound, it cannot be revoked until the host dies. Su Can gritted his teeth and had no choice but to admit it.

Then as he learned more, Su Can realized that the reputation value is RMB. It costs reputation points to enable the scanning function, and reputation points are required to open the mall and dialogue items. As for the task area, the system releases tasks, and reputation can be obtained after completion value.

"It seems that we must quickly find a way to increase the reputation value, this is my life."


Thinking of having a chance to live, Su Can didn't fall asleep all night. When she went out with dark circles under her eyes the next day, she found that Yu Jiaqi was not in good spirits.

Yu Jiaqi didn't sleep much last night. It was the first time she came to such a poor and remote place. Not to mention the bed boards, there were too many mosquitoes, and she was bitten many times in one night.

After breakfast, Can's parents and Can's mother went to work in the field. Su Can wanted to find an opportunity to increase his reputation, so he slapped Can's mother and asked him to lead Yu Jiaqi around.Seeing Yu Jiaqi's expectant eyes, Su Can had no choice but to lead her off bitterly.

At the moment, under the leadership of Su Can, the two headed towards the Shuangfeng Mountain behind the village.

Shuangfeng Mountain, as the name suggests, is two connected peaks.On the side of Shuangfeng Mountain facing away from the village is an endless forest, where various wild animals often appear, including wild boars, bears and other large beasts, which are very dangerous, so the villagers usually only dare to move around the periphery and dare not go deep.

But the strange thing is that the beasts in the endless forest will not run out, so Shuangfeng Mountain is relatively safe.

Su Can took Yu Jiaqi up the mountain road, but after walking for a long time, Yu Jiaqi lost her energy.

"Let me help you." Su Can smiled, put Yu Jiaqi's hand on her shoulder, and continued walking.

Ding, +8 reputation points from Yu Jiaqi.

Haha, Su Can was overjoyed, the first amount of prestige was credited.

Maybe Su Can saved her yesterday, but Yu Jiaqi didn't refuse.After walking for a while, Yu Jiaqi felt a fever on her face. She only wore a T-shirt when she came out today.At this moment, most of the body is hanging on Su Can's body, and the two bodies rub against each other constantly while walking.

Feeling the temperature from Su Can's body, her heart beat like thunder for a while.

Su Can held Yu Jiaqi's slippery right hand, and the left side of her chest was close to Yu Jiaqi's body. There were constant soft touches, and her heart was bubbling with beauty.

When they reached the flat and open place halfway up the mountain, the two stopped.This place is about ten square meters. From here, you can see the endless green. The scattered houses at the foot of the mountain are dotted in the green waves, which is more beautiful than the city gardens.

Where would Yu Jiaqi have the chance to see this kind of scene, she ran up a rock and cheered, holding her hands in the shape of a trumpet, "Ah!"

Ding, +6 reputation points from Yu Jiaqi!
The mountain wind lifted Yu Jiaqi's long hair, and Su Can's heart skipped a beat when she saw that side face bathed in the sun.It's so damn good-looking, it would be great if she could marry her back home.

But Su Can had other things to do, so he asked Yu Jiaqi to wait here for a while, and he continued to walk up, passing the lush vegetation, and he would put the traps he brought into it.

The hares and pheasants in Shuangfeng Mountain are famous, especially in this season, when the temperature is around [-] degrees, it is most suitable for mating and breeding, and the number of these animals will only increase.It won't be long before today's lunch will be settled.

After more than ten minutes, Su Can put away the animal trap he brought.

Before going to university, he was a frequent visitor to Shuangfeng Mountain. He would come to hunt prey and go home to improve his life every few days. After a long time, his hunting skills became famous in Huaxian Village. Orion compared.

"Is there a treasure detected nearby? Do you want to turn on the scanning function?" Just as he was about to go down to find Yu Jiaqi, the voice of the system suddenly came from Su Can's mind.


Su Can suddenly remembered that some villagers in the village had found 50-year-old wild ginseng in Shuangfeng Mountain. Could there be wild ginseng nearby?
"Turn on."

In the next second, a virtual light screen appeared in front of his eyes, and the system automatically switched to the scanning area.

There is only a silver compass inside, and a golden pointer is placed on the compass. At this moment, the pointer is turning slowly. It was a little slow at first, then gradually accelerated, and at a certain moment it tended to slow down...

"Reputation Point - 5; Reputation Point - 5, Reputation Point - 7, Reputation Point - 3..."

Su Can looked at the constantly depleting reputation points above the compass, and felt heartbroken. The next door to the mother, the reputation points he got in the morning were only 14 points, and now they have been posted upside down.

The pointer stops and points southeast!
The screen shows that the treasure is 397 meters away!
You can't lie to me, can you?This is the outskirts of Shuangfeng Mountain, and any treasures must have been discovered by others.Anyway, it's not very far away, so Su Can walked in the direction pointed by the pointer...

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