Take a system to the countryside

Chapter 17 Heaven-Defying Pool!

"Yao'er, Yao'er, get up quickly." The next morning, Su Can was woken up by Can's mother while she was still in bed. He kicked off the quilt, walked out of the room and saw Can's mother standing at the door.

"What happened? Mom."

"Yao'er, hurry up and go to the field to see those vegetables..." Can's mother was so excited that she could speak incoherently, she took Su Can's hand and ran into the field.

"What's wrong with the vegetable field?" Hearing that there was a problem with the vegetable field, Su Can didn't even bother to wash and have breakfast, so she ran into the field, "Mom, I'll go and have a look first, take your time."

It may be because of drinking the strengthening potion, even though I didn't sleep much last night, I feel very energetic today, and I don't feel tired at all.

Ten minutes later, Su Can ran into his field. Can's father was squatting on the ridge of the field smoking, and the ash was all over the ground.


When seeing the situation inside the field clearly, Su Can was so frightened that she sat down on the ridge of the field.This field is planted with cabbage, which was planted just yesterday, but now the vegetable seedlings are as high as two thumbs.

The originally dry and cracked land looked vibrant, and the growth of vegetable seedlings was very gratifying.

After running through all five fields in one breath, Su Can found that not only the cabbage fields were like this, but even the watermelon fields with a relatively long germination period all sprouted.

Terrible, if it continues at this speed, the cabbage will be out of the market in a few days.

"Yao'er, the seed your friend gave you is very powerful. It is worthy of being researched by experts from the Academy of Agricultural Sciences." Can's father took a puff on the cigarette, and the hand holding the cigarette rod was shaking a little. This is the first time he has encountered such a situation of sowing seeds on the first day and sprouting on the second day.

"That's for sure. The things made by the experts of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences are not bad. What my friend gave me is the latest researched product. It not only grows fast but also tastes good." Su Can was full of nonsense, but in fact he was very It is clear that these are the effects of Yulingtan water.Those rapeseeds are high-end goods, and the seeds of five fields have not cost 50 yuan.

Originally the system said that Yulingtan water could speed up the growth of plants, he didn't really believe it, he thought it was just to shorten the time a little bit, but looking at it today, it's not 01:30, it's a lot shorter.I planted it yesterday, watered it at night, and it all germinated today.

If you don't keep your tongue tight, I'm afraid there will be big problems.

Su Can made up his mind that if someone asked about it in the future, he would say that it was the latest seed researched by experts from the Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

"Give your classmate more money when you buy seeds next time, so you can't let them suffer." Papa Can said sullenly.

"Okay, okay." Su Chan nodded in agreement.

"You have to remember that you have to leave a little room for being a human being, and you have to be more convenient for others. You can't just think about yourself..." Seeing Su Can's casual look, Can's father was a little dissatisfied.

He is only Su Can, and he hopes that Su Can will not go astray. It doesn't matter if he is poor, but he must be a good person.

"I remember." Su Can silently remembered Can's father's words in his heart.

"Yao'er, this seed is probably a fairy seed, it grows too fast." Panting, Can's mother walked into the field, seeing the lush green of the ground, it felt like a dream.

"Mom, didn't I tell you that this is a high-tech product, which is different from what you used to do..." Su Can repeated what Can's father said, coaxing Can's mother to smile, and praised Su Can has grown up to be capable.

Ding, the reputation value from Yue Hui is +24!

Ding, the reputation value from Su Angxiong is +39!

Today's incident bluffed Can's father a lot, and even Su Can's status in his heart has risen a lot.

"Mom, have you had breakfast all day? I'm so hungry that my chest is on my back." Seeing that it was almost ten o'clock, Su Can's stomach was rumbling with hunger.

"Your father, Jiaqi and I all ate. I left some rice for you. It's in the pot. Hurry up and go back." Can's mother smiled. Su Can hadn't woken up when she was having breakfast, and Yu Jiaqi didn't even yelled a few times. Wake up Su Can, everyone will eat first.

While eating breakfast, Su Can thought that according to this speed, the cabbage would be on the market in a short time. If there is no car, the cabbage can only be transported to the town on the market day.

Today's weather is hot, if it is not picked in time, mature cabbage is easy to bloom and set seeds, causing a lot of economic losses.

"I need to buy a car."

After dinner, Su Can discussed this idea with Can's parents and Can's mother, and they immediately expressed their support.

Although the development of Huaxian Village is not very good, there have been quite a few people buying cars in the village in recent years.If it weren't for the family's financial difficulties, Can's father and mother would have wanted to buy it a long time ago.

After arriving in the town, Su Can didn't go to those large car supermarkets, but went directly to a second-hand car store.

When the boss saw someone coming to the door, he smiled and trotted out, "Brother, come to see the car?"

"Well, I'm going to buy one, it's used to pull goods, it's more wearable, boss, do you have any recommendations?" Su Can asked.

"Haha, the car used to pull goods, little brother, you are looking for the right place. I just took over one or two two days ago, and it is probably new. Let's go, I will take you to have a look, and I will make sure you are satisfied." The boss touched it. Touching his shiny bald head, he laughed and led Su Can to the parking lot.

"It's this one, a good brand, a good Toyota car." Within a few minutes, the two arrived at the corner.

It's a black pickup!

"Boss, this car is only [-]% new. Let's see how much it costs." Su Can climbed into the car to check the mileage and the condition of the clutch engine, and found that it was at most [-]% new.

"I didn't expect my little brother to be a person who knows the goods, but it is not as bad as you said. Even if it is not [-]% new, [-]% can barely achieve it." The boss did not get angry when Su Can exposed the truth, but gave Su Can a thumbs up. A thumbs up, there are not many young people who understand cars now...

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