Seeing the hidden hint, I dug out the masonry treasure chest at the beginning!

Chapter 96 The Treasure Chest from the Abyss, Lin Qingqing's Predicament

[Abyss Treasure Chest (Bronze)]

[Introduction: The bronze treasure chest from the endless abyss is sealed by the power of the abyss demon king, and a complete bronze key is required to open it. 】

The rewards were distributed and landed in front of Su Ming.

Bronze key?

Su Ming frowned slightly,

At the risk of himself, he ran to the wilderness area to kill the strange tide.

I didn't expect this hidden mission to reward such a weak point in the end.

A bronze treasure chest from the abyss was rewarded, but it turned out that it couldn't be opened!

What more bronze keys are needed.
"The Bronze Key. Why does it feel familiar to me?"

Su Ming lowered his head, his heart throbbed suddenly.


Didn't it drop a piece of a bronze key when you killed that big Tier [-] guy before?
At this moment, memories came flooding back like a flood.

At that time, when he got the bronze key fragment, he checked its information.

It only says what kind of token of 'Abyss', and it has no effect for the time being.

However, the hidden hint at the time told him that this key could open the treasure chest of the abyss.

At that time, Su Ming was still guessing what the abyss was, but in the end he gave up because he really didn't have any clues.

He also discarded the useless 'Bronze Key Shard' in the corner of the storage ring, and left it behind him.

If he hadn't suddenly obtained such an abyss bronze treasure chest now, he might have forgotten it long ago.

It's too late, it's too soon.

After thinking about this point, Su Ming quickly took out the 'bronze key fragment' from the storage ring.

This time, when Su Ming set his eyes on the key fragment.

A miraculous scene happened.

【The Broken Bronze Key】

[Introduction: A dilapidated token from the abyss, a complete key can be synthesized to open the abyss bronze treasure chest. 】

[Hidden hint: Three fragments can be combined into a complete key. 】

That's right!

The prompt information has changed directly!
This was the first time Su Ming encountered this.

Prior to this, the basis for the change of the information prompt occurred when the object changed.

Either after leveling up, or after acquiring a new skill.

But this time it was very different.

The dilapidated bronze key itself hasn't changed at all, it's just that the 'Abyss Treasure Chest' has appeared beside it.

What the hell is going on here?

Is this Tiandao system still an intelligent AI, and it also needs to strengthen its knowledge base through continuous cognition?
With the continuous expansion of its knowledge, its knowledge base is constantly refreshed, so that it can further identify the deeper information of the item?

Thousands of doubts arose in Su Ming's heart, but he couldn't get an answer.

However, he didn't dwell on it.

Because he knows that there is no real meaning in entanglement too much.

Now, the most important thing is to ride out the treacherous tide and improve your own strength!
Su Ming glanced at the endless thick fog in front of him, he didn't continue to move forward, and directly commanded the Hell Two-Headed Wolf to run quickly towards the base.

Now, on the other side.

Lin Qingqing felt like a ruthless archery machine, keeping her hands free, she kept drawing the bow and shooting arrows, trying to clean up as much as possible the weirdness that was constantly rushing towards her.

Although these treacherous powers are not high, they are extremely numerous.

If she hadn't been an elite professional ice archer, and every arrow had a deceleration effect, she might have been invaded by this first wave of treacherous tides long ago.

咻咻 咻 ~
Lin Qingqing shot with all her strength, and ghost wolves, bone skeletons and other first-order creeps gradually increased in front of her.

Here, there is a strange aura that is attracting them.

They did not hesitate to break away from the main force and wade through the deep lake to come here.


The ghost wolf raised its head to the sky and howled, its eyes shining brightly.

The arrow carrying the icy breath flew past and hit his body.

Immediately, the icy arrow trembled slightly, and the icy blue icy power rippled away, his body stiffened involuntarily, and his movements suddenly slowed down.

Light blue ice arrows shot out of her hands continuously, and each treacherous arrow began to be covered with a layer of ice power, and its movements became extremely slow.

This is just a delay.

Unceasingly, treacherous escaped from the tide and began to come towards Lin Qingqing's base.

The longer the time dragged on, the worse it would be for Lin Qingqing.

Unfortunately, she has nothing to do.

With her current strength, she has exhausted all her strength to be able to hold him back for a while.

The most important reason why Lin Qingqing was able to delay for so long was because she had absorbed a lot of the power of the treachery on the way to kill the treachery, and her own strength continued to break through.

A breakthrough would not only increase her strength, but also restore her consumed soul power at the moment of the breakthrough.

This is also the fundamental reason why she has not exhausted the soul power in her body after sustaining it for such a long time.

咻咻 咻 ~
咻咻 咻 ~
Lin Qingqing was stuck behind the city gate, her hands did not dare to rest at all.

Isn't she tired?

Of course she is tired!
Even her hands became numb from the constant shooting.

The sweat on her forehead kept slipping, and she didn't have extra time to wipe it off when it dripped into her eyes.

Even though the sweat in her eyes blurred her vision, she still persisted.

No way, she dare not stop!
If she stopped, this treacherous wave would be one step closer.

There is no doubt that Lin Qingqing does not want to die.

Therefore, she must burst out with strength that she never had before.

This is clearly overloaded.

In fact, human strength is not weak, but the body is in a protective mechanism, and under normal circumstances it can only exert a part of its potential.

However, when your life is in danger, the brain center will send instructions to the body to mobilize its full potential.

Then, there will be a burst of strength and potential far beyond the usual.

In a life-and-death situation, not only strength, but also mental power and endurance will be greatly enhanced.

This is a function of human beings, the function of protecting themselves.

Of course, if you really burst out your full potential, it will correspondingly cause a burden on your body, or even damage it.

This kind of burden and injury will not happen when life and death are at stake, because the brain center will secrete a substance that directly cuts off the feeling of pain.

Obviously, Lin Qingqing is in such a state now.

The limit is more extreme!
Even if she keeps shooting arrows, she can keep going.

This is one of the reasons why human potential is limitless.



Deafening roars sounded from a distance, and ghosts in white clothes crossed from the lake.

Green face and fangs, ferocious face.

The white clothes are fluttering with the wind, between the virtual and the real, it makes people feel like a dream.

With the arrival of the white-clothed evil spirit, the treacherous people who had been desperately attacking stopped one after another.

They fell to their knees and quickly made way for a road in the middle.

Obviously, at the end of this road, it is the group of white-clothed evil spirits!
From this point alone, one can see how terrifying this evil spirit in white is!
As the treacherous gang made their way out, the group of evil spirits in white floated up again, heading towards Lin Qingqing's base.

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