【Su Ming (Second Level Lower, 0%)】

[Occupation: Starlight Psychic (Epic can grow)]

[Spirituality: Open the psychic channel, and randomly summon an epic treachery that is not lower than your own level (cannot be summoned across a large level)!The existence time of treachery is related to the strength of the psychic. (Currently: 30 minutes) [Number that can be summoned: 2]]

[Possessed Spirit: Possess him with treachery, greatly improving his strength. 】

[Spiritualism: A method of cultivating Taoism, you can enslave Weird according to your own strength. (2/3)]

The attribute panel was unfolded, and Su Ming couldn't help but feel ecstatic.

Three 10 minutes!

Compared with the first level, it directly increased the time by 10 minutes, which largely made up for the lack of maximum combat power.

In addition, he can now summon two psychics at once, and his strength is much stronger than that of the first-order peak.

One must know that Su Ming possessed the cultivating technique of 'Spiritualism', which could directly establish a connection with the strangeness that came out of the psychic.

In this way, the disadvantage of the random psychic of the starlight psychic is also directly made up for.

Combined with Youxue, Su Ming's overall strength is frighteningly powerful.

Even the epic treachery of the third-tier lower class, he still has the power to fight.

Of course, this is only when he is in the state of possessing spirits and showing the most perfect state, he has the power to fight.

It's just the strength of the first battle. If you want to hunt and kill the third-order epic, at least you have to wait until his level reaches the second-order superior to have a glimmer of hope.

After all, with the same quality, leapfrog fighting is really too difficult.

"Phew, it's a good thing I chose to come back to advance. If this was left outside, I would have lost all my bones."

After reading the attributes, Su Ming couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, secretly rejoicing in his heart.

Fortunately, I am cautious enough, I must be more cautious in the days to come, and I must not do things that are too risky unless I have to.

This world is full of unknown dangers, let alone be dazzled by temporary success.

Just like this time, if I can't wait to choose to advance, what will happen?
I'm afraid, I have already been torn to pieces by the hordes of carrion corpses.

Even with Youxue protecting him, this is two days!

Under the constant attack of endless skeleton warriors, Youxue was also exhausted and negligent at times.

When the time comes, what awaits him will still be broken bones.

"Delay gratification, see the situation clearly!"

Su Ming squinted his eyes and added two articles of faith again.

After doing this, Su Ming stood up slowly, and then murmured to himself: "Then. Let's start the second psychic summoning!"

"Protoss channel, open it for me!"

As Su Ming's words fell, a black vortex formed in front of him. There were dots of stars in it, making it look even more mysterious.

Um?This is!

The moment the passage opened, Su Ming's pupils shrank and his face was full of shock.

He felt a trace of familiar and strange breath from that passage.

This breath comes from that 'Mad Demon Blood Fiend', but the strangeness lies in its strength.

The strength of the madman Xuesha is obviously only a lower level?

Why. The aura I feel now has come directly to the peak of the second order.

This is a real leap over a whole large rank!
Immediately afterwards, that familiar aura formed a connection with Su Ming, who else could it be if it wasn't the crazy demon Xuesha?
Even though he was extremely curious, Su Ming didn't summon it directly.

Because, he is very clear that the most important thing now is to summon his second psychic treachery first.

Immediately, he set his sights on the starlight channel with ease.

[Hidden hint: This time, we will summon the second-level superior epic treachery, luck is not bad! 】

Seeing this, Su Ming frowned slightly, and immediately shook his head.

Then withdrew the soul power in his hand, and the starlight channel in front of him was closed immediately, but the soul power consumed to open the door was almost negligible.

Su Ming did not hesitate, and started channeling again.

[Hidden hint: This time, the second-level lower-level epic will be summoned. Are you the reincarnation of the broom star? 】

[Hidden hint: This time, a second-level intermediate epic treachery will be summoned this time, a regular psychic summoning. 】

[Hidden hint: This time the second-order peak epic will be summoned, luck is overwhelming! 】

Finally, after trying no less than ten times, I finally got a satisfactory result.

The second-order peak epic quality is treacherous!

This time, Su Ming didn't hesitate any longer, and the soul power in his hand surged again.

Immediately, the starlight channel continued to vibrate, and the channel mouth twisted continuously, as if something was struggling.


The next moment, a low growl came from the starlight channel.

Immediately, the starlight channel surged, and two wolf heads, one green and one black, poked out from it.

There are two skull marks engraved on its forehead, which looks extremely strange.

The two wolf heads shouted in unison, looking up to the sky.

After the roar of 'they' ended, and his whole body came out from the starry sky passage, Su Ming suddenly realized.

This... Where are two wolves, this is only one at all.

"Hell's two-headed wolf! So strong!"

Su Ming looked at the monster with two heads and one body, and couldn't help but feel ecstatic.

This is my own psychic treachery!
The stronger it is, the happier Su Ming will be.

[[Epic] Hell Two-Headed Wolf (Tier [-] Peak)]

[Attributes: Fire, Wind]

[Hellfire Line: The fire-attributed wolf head continues to spew out flames, causing a single point of devastating damage to the front. (Attack distance: 10 meters)]

[Hell Hurricane: The wind attribute wolf head sprays out a hurricane, causing group tearing damage to the front. (Attack distance: 50 meters)]

[Fire assists the wind: the two wolf heads emit flames and hurricanes at the same time, forming a flame hurricane, which doubles its power. (Attack distance: 50 meters)]

Looking at the attributes of the hellish two-headed wolf in front of him, Su Ming couldn't help but nodded in satisfaction.

Both perfect and powerful!
One wind, one fire, the two wolf heads directly pulled the attack power to the extreme!
Undoubtedly, this is exactly what Su Ming lacks at present.

Although Su Ming possessed Youxue and Crazy Demon Xuesha, his own attack power was really too weak.

However, the Mad Demon Blood Fiend does not have such a strong attack power, it is more inclined to affect the spirit, causing mental attacks on the enemy.

This. Although it can temporarily affect the enemy.

However, if you encounter an enemy with stronger defense, this trick will lose its effect.

So what if it temporarily affects the enemy?

It can't break through the defense at all, and it can only be beaten.

Fortunately, the two-headed wolf from hell was summoned this time, which directly solved the problem of insufficient attack power.

Su Ming was naturally extremely happy.

You know, there are only four days left before the strange tide, and if you can quickly improve your strength, then you will be more likely to hold the base and survive in this world.

However, Su Ming was not blinded by this momentary victory.

Soon, he settled down, and then took out a scroll and a pile of materials from the storage ring.

"Second-tier fort, start building!"

[Hidden hint: Please double the materials to get an epic fort! 】

PS: Chapter 2 is delivered, thank you for your support.

Tomorrow weekend, the author will work hard to add updates to everyone, thank you again for your support.

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